Mid Amber's Indoor Grow # 2 (From seed, to harvest, to dry and cure.)


Active Member
Hey whats up man! Hows it going. I tryed to rep you a couple times for your updates but It only let me rep you once. Bummah, But hope all was well and hope you had a good new year! Looks like things are moving right along for you though with the grow show!Happy growin and smokin.



New Member
Hey whats up man! Hows it going. I tryed to rep you a couple times for your updates but It only let me rep you once. Bummah, But hope all was well and hope you had a good new year! Looks like things are moving right along for you though with the grow show!Happy growin and smokin.

-I am doing pretty well my friend....outside of having to BUY some marijuana today....Growing REALLY does spoil you. heh.
-Yeah man, the new year is going great, and the babies are SUPER happy! Update tomorrow! :)


Active Member
-I am doing pretty well my friend....outside of having to BUY some marijuana today....Growing REALLY does spoil you. heh.
-Yeah man, the new year is going great, and the babies are SUPER happy! Update tomorrow! :)
Aww man I know what you mean with having to buy it. I hate it when I run out of my meds and have to stoop to my outside sources. I would almost rather smoke my resin than do that, But you gotta do what you gotta do lols. Thats good about the update bro, Ill be checkin it out for sure.



New Member
Can you explain its good to do that?
And how long do you continue to veg after you set them back to 18\6?
-> I will try to explain this with as little words as possible to save reading time.<-
-The reason I went 12/12 so early was to get them to show sex now, RATHER than waste the time of letting them veg out (when some are males) FURTHERMORE, I wanted to find out sex before transferring them into larger pots because otherwise transferring and THEN finding out sex would prove to be a HUGE waste of soil/resources.
-THIS WAY, I can kill out the males as soon as they show male parts.....THEN GO TO 24/0 lighting....

-----I will then veg....THEN FIM, then lst....and as soon as I have 7-10 tops per plant....(I am going to flower 2-3 females after sorting through them.) AND they are at least a foot tall, I WILL BEGIN TO FLOWER THEM (again)

Sorry, this was the shortest way I could explain it.

Aww man I know what you mean with having to buy it. I hate it when I run out of my meds and have to stoop to my outside sources. I would almost rather smoke my resin than do that, But you gotta do what you gotta do lols. Thats good about the update bro, Ill be checkin it out for sure.

Yeah....Funny you would say that....I actually ran out a weeek ago....smoked resin for a week. AND well, got super sick of it. AHAHHAH.


Active Member
Aww man I know what you mean. I have been smokin resin cause I havent boughten any recently. I got the cash I just dont feel like driving to spok to make a legal donation. Lol Guess Im gonna have to deal with the black market!
If only I didnt live in such a small shitty community!



Well-Known Member
-The reason I went 12/12 so early was to get them to show sex now, RATHER than waste the time of letting them veg out (when some are males) FURTHERMORE, I wanted to find out sex before transferring them into larger pots because otherwise transferring and THEN finding out sex would prove to be a HUGE waste of soil/resources.
Ahhh man, if only i knew this was an option.
I could have saved a couple of bags of pretty expensive soil, time and also disappointment.

No need to apologize for the length of the explanation, that is exactly what i wanted to know.


New Member
Ahhh man, if only i knew this was an option.
I could have saved a couple of bags of pretty expensive soil, time and also disappointment.

No need to apologize for the length of the explanation, that is exactly what i wanted to know.
Yeah, No problem AT ALL. I love helping people with growing......sorry about you not knowing the option....

I always have the need to put in shit-tons of time and effort into anything I do. Also: I am an info bug, and spend a LOT of time researching.....I was also lucky enough to have the help of a certain, AMAZING thread of people with mass amounts of knowledge.

A certain....DoggiesNuts THREAD ----->


What can I say, I have to give credit where credit is due.
-Have yourself a GREAT DAY, I will be updating within hours. :)


Well-Known Member
What's uP mid just stopping in. Been busy not online much just checking for update. Going to update mine maybe tomorrow


New Member
.............................................. ...........................
<<DAY 8>>
(Tonight will be night#3 of 12/12)
(Mrs. Kennedy)...................(#2).............. (#1).......................................................(A)....................(B)..................(C)



Well-Known Member
Right on mid ! They are looking excellent . Sending my good vibes your way for some dank females ! Poof!!!! Lol


New Member
Right on mid ! They are looking excellent . Sending my good vibes your way for some dank females ! Poof!!!! Lol
AHHAH, Thanks man! I really hope that my Mrs. Kennedy turns out to be female, LOL!....she is such a fast grower!


Active Member
Nice update bro. +rep for reppin the doggies nuts. That thread is just plain awesome! Made quite a few new friends in their.

Hope all is well, happy smokin and growin!



Active Member
Hmm that sucks. Gotta spread some more love around for I can pass it to you. Man dang RIU isnt letting me rep the people I want to lols.



New Member
Hmm that sucks. Gotta spread some more love around for I can pass it to you. Man dang RIU isnt letting me rep the people I want to lols.

LOL, it is no problem.

-I will REP you though! :)

Thanks for stopping by man, I would pass this bong to ya if there wasn't a screen between us. ;)


New Member
UPDATE>>>>Day 13 from seed (The first three in the video, starting with Mrs. Kennedy), and Day 9 from seed, (the remaining two)
