Mid Amber's Indoor Grow # 2 (From seed, to harvest, to dry and cure.)


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah mid. Looking good. My lemon skunk seedling starting to comeout of her funk! Which was my blunder. Keep up the updates


Active Member
I saw your vid on Doggies nuts but Ill post to here. Man it is looking very healthy and with my fortune telling skills I can see some connoisseur buds comin your way!



New Member
I saw your vid on Doggies nuts but Ill post to here. Man it is looking very healthy and with my fortune telling skills I can see some connoisseur buds comin your way!

Man, that would be amazing....considering these seeds have been randomly selected over the last 3-4 years.....LOL.

I will be happy with anything though......(As long as at least one of my seedlings is female) ;)


Well-Known Member
How is it going midAmber. When is the update coming? Bet you mrs. Kennedy going be a female. Fingers crossed for ya buddy.


New Member
OK everyone, I got bored and made a video update again....(with music)

It is my favorite one so far. (Night 6 of 12/12)


New Member
So after you see which ones are females are you planning on cloning them?
Yes, essentially I will re-pot the females, veg for a bit, lst them, lollitop them, then use the cuttings as clones. (There will be no mother plant, the 2 females will then go into flowering)
-The clones will be vegging in another room, until they are ready to go into the flowering room. :)
-Then I will repeat the process.....


Well-Known Member
So in a perfect system... 3 room or cabinets then. 1 cab for vegging with a lot of CFLs or a metal halide, a flower room, and a clone room with like a shop florescent? I trying to in-vision how to make something similar work for me.


Well-Known Member
So in a perfect system... 3 room or cabinets then. 1 cab for vegging with a lot of CFLs or a metal halide, a flower room, and a clone room with like a shop florescent? I trying to in-vision how to make something similar work for me.
veg/clones/mom... is one room ;) they are all 18/6


New Member
So in a perfect system... 3 room or cabinets then. 1 cab for vegging with a lot of CFLs or a metal halide, a flower room, and a clone room with like a shop florescent? I trying to in-vision how to make something similar work for me.
Since I am NOT going to have a mother, I will just have 2 rooms.
1st room will be the clone, then eventually the veg room/space.
2nd room will be the flower room.

I am just going to cut clones off when I lollitop before flowering. (Then put the clones in the 1st room, and the ones I lollitop into the second room.)


Well-Known Member
I mostly meant 3 rooms not because of the 18/6 but because of light intensity. I thought clones need less light then a veggin plant


New Member
I mostly meant 3 rooms not because of the 18/6 but because of light intensity. I thought clones need less light then a veggin plant
They will start as clones, and I will increase the light in the room as they go into veg. = 1 room. (By adding more cfl to the room.)


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see how the sexing that early works. Got some regular ww. And purple bud seeds would like to try weed the males out before moving them outdoors.