Midwest Grow Kits spawn bags and kit review

Yeah, people frown upon prefabricated kits, but my place is prone to contamination, even when i pressure cook and use a glove box, so buying grains sterilized elsewhere might work well for me. I hope! =D
well your either pc'ing wrong or not taking clean procedures,
I purchased the deluxe kit from Midwest grow kits, right off the bat things went bad.
1) I paid for expedited shipping and apparently their was a lack of communication amongst the employees, when I called to get a tracking number they gave me the wrong number which wasn't corrected until 6 hours before it arrived at my house. Which wasn't expedited.This was kinda important because (wifey poo). 2) I filled the blue tub with water and inoculated my bags and went to sit them in the inner tub and let them work their magic , when I noticed the blue tub was cracked and my closet floor was soaked.After multiple emails and a couple of phone conversations with them ( the girl) is a rude little ----, who every time you call , if she answers at all ,she blurts out hold please and then you wait and then you get a dial tone . It seems to be a process you have to go through to get a heartbeat there. How ever after going through said process they agreed to send me one 5 pound bag of their casing mix shipping at my expense of course. I could go on but I think you get the gist of my experience with them. I highly recommend you DO NOT use them.
Thanks Midwest! Pft!
I purchased the deluxe kit from Midwest grow kits, right off the bat things went bad.
1) I paid for expedited shipping and apparently their was a lack of communication amongst the employees, when I called to get a tracking number they gave me the wrong number which wasn't corrected until 6 hours before it arrived at my house. Which wasn't expedited.This was kinda important because (wifey poo). 2) I filled the blue tub with water and inoculated my bags and went to sit them in the inner tub and let them work their magic , when I noticed the blue tub was cracked and my closet floor was soaked.After multiple emails and a couple of phone conversations with them ( the girl) is a rude little ----, who every time you call , if she answers at all ,she blurts out hold please and then you wait and then you get a dial tone . It seems to be a process you have to go through to get a heartbeat there. How ever after going through said process they agreed to send me one 5 pound bag of their casing mix shipping at my expense of course. I could go on but I think you get the gist of my experience with them. I highly recommend you DO NOT use them.
Thanks Midwest! Pft!

When I first started. I made the mistake of buying one of their kits. I still have all the unneaded extras. I got the cheap ones with half pint jars. Since I got it in late february. And I lived in s slum (at the time). My jars didn't fully colonize till mid may. My home had very insufficient heating. And I could only afford to keep myself warm.
When the half pints finally did their thing. I ended up spawning them to popcorn jars infused with poultry poo. And then. Half of those went into mini-bulk tubs (4 quarts?).
But boy. I did grow. Had a great June to mid September.
Get it going man. Don't sweat it. Just keep going. Use worm casings instead of poultry. Make cake with ground grains. Or grind your own grains or wild bird seed. Use popcorn or whatever. Case or no case or both. Just grow. And good luck.
Midwest rocks! Never had a contam. Not one! I order my bulk sub from out grow and my spores from best spores. You can't go wrong with these sites. I know only do bulk and I love it. Do yourself a favor and start with jars from Midwest and the oven method works great. These Cambodians grew huge! One was 8. 5 dry!
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I bought the mega growing kit. It has been 7 weeks and half of my jars stalled. I am getting ready to fruit the other half. They do not respond to emails so don't waste your time with that
I bought some of their grain jars and didn’t have any problems, fully colonized in 3 weeks
I ordered six jars for 20 plus 9 shipping just to see if this oven tek is the real deal I found some golden teachers and blue meanies from apex spores and the spore cellar for 11pluus 4 shipping
Three weeks? Grain? Shouldn't be more than five days.
I just received my 6 jars last night I will be noc them as soon as my spores arrive blue meanies arrive this afternoon and gt sometime in the next 2 days will be using the oven tec to inoculate my jars we'll see how it goes hopefully I get at least one jar, if I get one of each I will be ecstatic