Million Dollar Question

- Roma people

- Castes [exist not just in India, but other non Hindu countries, eclipsing the religion point....]
There is a lot of similarities between US racism and India's caste system. It's nothing like the skin color - based racism in the US. This article says that darker skin pigmentation in Dalits is due to the caste system and how it affects marriage, rather than the caste determined by skin color. Also true that India doesn't have a uniform skin color either by location or by caste.

You asked for an example. Nothing exact can be found. Yet, here we have an example of a system similar in form and effect to US skin color based racism.

I thought your question was interesting and worth checking in to.
Exactly. It is not like racism based on skin color more of a prejudice based of ones place in society. Not like the racism shit you have in America. Indias problem is based more on class. Hmmmm I wonder if they had separate water fountains....naw because you still would not be able to tell exactly
Exactly. It is not like racism based on skin color more of a prejudice based of ones place in society. Not like the racism shit you have in America. Indias problem is based more on class. Hmmmm I wonder if they had separate water fountains....naw because you still would not be able to tell exactly
Actually they do. I don't know all the details but in just about every aspect of society there are different and unequal facilities for Dalits.
- Roma people

- Castes [exist not just in India, but other non Hindu countries, eclipsing the religion point....]
When you say Roma are we saying gypsy's ?
and the caste system is not necessarily about race. In fact its not. More so class
Dragon Clan of the Cherokee is technically grandfather was Nipissing and Natchez but rose to become Wise old man out of the Dag clan. Still exists today. Not really racist, but appropriation of race? it crosses lines and isn't pretty to describe and doesn't fit in 1 box......and then the stealing of the idea of nations from the Iroquois League itself....could be considered "racist".
Dragon Clan of the Cherokee is technically grandfather was Nipissing and Natchez but rose to become Wise old man out of the Dag clan. Still exists today. Not really racist, but appropriation of race? it crosses lines and isn't pretty to describe and doesn't fit in 1 box......and then the stealing of the idea of nations from the Iroquois League itself....could be considered "racist".
????? Cherokee to my understanding divides up into seven clans. None by the name dragon
Silly rabbit you confused racism with only slavery.
Rome and the Greeks had slaves. Guess was not about race.
We speaking on hating another because of the color of skin.The thinking one is better than the other based on skin color.
SO you were saying ? Let me ask the question again
Who invented racism and why. Notice I did not say who invented slavery that could be another thread.
So skin color dictates whether you are a racist ..... hmmmm. If I hate Jews (I don't lol) I would not be a racist because of the mostly white skin color? I was raised by a racist father and skin color was not a deciding factor although it helped him pick the enemy easier :(. I do give him credit for allowing me to chose my own path to some extent but he will always be less than perfect IMO.
So skin color dictates whether you are a racist ..... hmmmm. If I hate Jews (I don't lol) I would not be a racist because of the mostly white skin color? I was raised by a racist father and skin color was not a deciding factor although it helped him pick the enemy easier :(. I do give him credit for allowing me to chose my own path to some extent but he will always be less than perfect IMO.
The question was asked " who invented racism and why ".
If you hate Jews then you would be called a Antisemitic. Judaism is not a race, no matter how we try to make it so. You have black Jews, white Jews, Chinese Jews.
I am interest in who your father hated in which skin color was not a factor, but yet he was still racist.
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