Million Dollar Question

Japanese are some of the most racist people on earth. They even have a word they call anyone not like them and it dates back to the 13th century.
Even today some Japanese families will disown members for marrying anyone not Japanese.
Shunning is practiced in many places in the US. Some churches will disown people who no longer follow doctrine. White supremacists claim white women's wombs in the name of the white race. Mixed race marriage, well, that's just not allowed in many families.

Yep, Japanese.
Shunning is practiced in many places in the US. Some churches will disown people who no longer follow doctrine. White supremacists claim white women's wombs in the name of the white race. Mixed race marriage, well, that's just not allowed in many families.

Yep, Japanese.
@420God Gaijin is not a word that is always derogatory. it simple means outsider//foreigner.
My days in the Air force would beg to differ with Asians being racist. They are nowhere near the most racist.
Now the men might be a little upset :cuss:that we were/are fucking quite a few of their ladies :hump::hug::-D but that is another story
@420God Gaijin is not a word that is always derogatory. it simple means outsider//foreigner.
My days in the Air force would beg to differ with Asians being racist. They are nowhere near the most racist.
Now the men might be a little upset :cuss:that we were/are fucking quite a few of their ladies :hump::hug::-D but that is another story
Nah man, Japanese people are pretty fucking YouTube for "racist Japanese commercials".
The question was asked " who invented racism and why ".
If you hate Jews then you would be called a Antisemitic. Judaism is not a race, no matter how we try to make it so. You have black Jews, white Jews, Chinese Jews.
I am interest in who your father hated in which skin color was not a factor, but yet he was still racist.
I stand corrected as I always equated Judaism with race ...... never gave the it much thought other than what a dick he was in that respect. My father was the son of a grand dragon I think, I didn't ask about it much as I didn't want to hear the bullshit. I believe I have a picture buried away of gramps on a white horse with his finely embroidered robe. Who did they hate, well there was all of the people they normally felt the need to hate, then there were the religions, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, pretty much anything not Protestant.
It is a good question and I could see racism as an ugly downside of capitalism. Poor majority whites using it to feel superior to somebody in a world where they dont have real excuses for not making it while they see other whites making it. Probably stems from opportunists trying to cater to this crowd. That's my perception anyway, I really don't know for sure.
Still leaning tower Christopher Columbus and his time period was the first real signs of racism. Fucking pedophile
Who invented racism and why. Seems like we have been fighting this thing called racism since the establishment of this nation, WHY ??
Looking now at how we have groups of people claiming to be superior over another in the year of 2017, racism seems to be alive and well, be it institutional or ideological ..again WHY ??
Lets discuss
Who invented racism and why ?
Racism has been around since the BC times. China built a fucking wall to keep out the Mongolians!

The USA is the first nation to actually be anti racist sure we have racist people black, white, brown and all but for the most part people think racism is stupid in America.

You are more than welcome to travel the world and see how they treat black people in Southeast Asia or even the Middle East you will be surprised possibly even enslaved because slavery is still going on in our planet just not the Western nation's.
Still leaning tower Christopher Columbus and his time period was the first real signs of racism. Fucking pedophile
You ever wonder why their is so little diversity in Africa and Asia?

Columbus was a cunt alright but he mostly just killed and enslaved Native Americans.
Racism has been around since the BC times. China built a fucking wall to keep out the Mongolians!

The USA is the first nation to actually be anti racist sure we have racist people black, white, brown and all but for the most part people think racism is stupid in America.

You are more than welcome to travel the world and see how they treat black people in Southeast Asia or even the Middle East you will be surprised possibly even enslaved because slavery is still going on in our planet just not the Western nation's.

You are a slave to your ignorance.

“Take up the White Man’s burden, Send forth the best ye breed

Go bind your sons to exile, to serve your captives’ need;”
Racism has been around since the BC times. China built a fucking wall to keep out the Mongolians!

The USA is the first nation to actually be anti racist sure we have racist people black, white, brown and all but for the most part people think racism is stupid in America.

You are more than welcome to travel the world and see how they treat black people in Southeast Asia or even the Middle East you will be surprised possibly even enslaved because slavery is still going on in our planet just not the Western nation's.
Please STFU
China built a wall to keep out invaders like Mongol, Turic and Xiongnu. All of them are Asians, meaning same race, but from different tribes you fucking idiot.
Far as travel I spent 22 years traveling in the USAF. I can guaranfuckingtee I have seen more of the WORLD than your unknowing ass. I would need more than my two hands to count the number of times I have been to Southest Asia and the Middle East. Do tell how many times you have visited the Philippines or Turkey ? What about Taiwan or Saudi ? Do you even know where Kuwait is on the map ? Again please STFU. This conversation is for grown folks. Now go play
Please STFU
China built a wall to keep out invaders like Mongol, Turic and Xiongnu. All of them are Asians, meaning same race, but from different tribes you fucking idiot.
Far as travel I spent 22 years traveling in the USAF. I can guaranfuckingtee I have seen more of the WORLD than your unknowing ass. I would need more than my two hands to count the number of times I have been to Southest Asia and the Middle East. Do tell how many times you have visited the Philippines or Turkey ? What about Taiwan or Saudi ? Do you even know where Kuwait is on the map ? Again please STFU. This conversation is for grown folks. Now go play
Kuwait is Southeast of Iraq. Traveling with the USAF is not the same as visiting remote villages as a civilian.
Kuwait is Southeast of Iraq. Traveling with the USAF is not the same as visiting remote villages as a civilian.
Spoken like a person who has never left his state let along the country. Glad to see you know where Kuwait is. How many times have you been ? Can you name me one remote village you have been ?
yes you little retard fool, you won .
Spoken like a person who has never left his state let along the country. Glad to see you know where Kuwait is. How many time have you been ? Can you name me one remote village you have been ?
I've been all over the East coast lived in Florida for 5 years they certainly have some serious racism in the schools. The Northeast it's almost none existent and I live in a remote village. Lol