Million Dollar Question

Are you saying that racism plays no part in slavery? That slavery is as completely separate issue? Surely racism must be present to so completely dehumanize an individual that they are treated as goods and chattel. I guess another way to try to say what I mean is this: Would slavery exist without racism?
Rome had slavery...was not about race. Your Greeks had slavery..was not about race. Ancient Greek and Roman societies had no concept of race or racial oppression, but yet still had slaves.
The thing with race AND slavery came about with the Americas and chattel slavery, which brings about racism
What about the ancient Chinese? They built the wall and said that any race outside were ghosts and not human. Seems to me that they are not white and were certainly exhibiting racism before European settlers ever heard about the New World. And again, not trying to be argumentative, and I appreciate the cordial responses.
What about the ancient Chinese? They built the wall and said that any race outside were ghosts and not human. Seems to me that they are not white and were certainly exhibiting racism before European settlers ever heard about the New World. And again, not trying to be argumentative, and I appreciate the cordial responses.
Did they say invaders or race. To keep everything honest can you supply link to your info. Please show an example were Chinese/Asians as racist. Will help establish dates of racism. Thanks
America and whites didn't invent slavery or racism. There has been ethnic,religious and racial slavery and mass killings since the beginning of recorded history. As a species, humans are some really fucked up SOB's, they will do unspeakable things to each other for little to no reason.
America and whites didn't invent slavery or racism. There has been ethnic,religious and racial slavery and mass killings since the beginning of recorded history. As a species, humans are some really fucked up SOB's, they will do unspeakable things to each other for little to no reason.
STOP. This is not about least not yet.
We talking racism. Give an example of racism earliest history. Thanks
I think you might need to think some more on that answer.
Not saying you right or wrong.
Fear of "difference" and a lack of knowledge.

Educated people know that the genetic deviation between people is so tiny that we're all one race.

Now please don't let that seem like I'm diminished the problem faced by people of color at all, it's idealistic but not the way it happens in real life...yet.

Someday we'll unite as "humanity" when we cast off our shackles of ignorance as a species.

And no, I don't think it's a purely American problem but it is more prominent here because it was so heavily institutionalized.
Fear of "difference" and a lack of knowledge.

Educated people know that the genetic deviation between people is so tiny that we're all one race.

Now please don't let that seem like I'm diminished the problem faced by people of color at all, it's idealistic but not the way it happens in real life...yet.

Someday we'll unite as "humanity" when we cast off our shackles of ignorance as a species.

And no, I don't think it's a purely American problem but it is more prominent here because it was so heavily institutionalized.
Thank you for your thought out reply.
I see racism as something that was created in the Americas and flourish now world wide. I found it very hard to find a documented account of pure racism before the 17th century ( which we all know is the year of 1600's ). Again we talking racism not slavery.
DO you have an example of an earlier time of skin color deciding the treatment of another ?
Million dollars don't go as far as it used to.

VOC at the Cape of Good Hope. mid 1600s.
Million dollars don't go as far as it used to.

VOC at the Cape of Good Hope. mid 1600s.
This one I would have to think on.
are we speaking against the Khoikhoi ? Was that based on race or expansion for trading ? Are the two one and the same ? Hmmm let me spark up a blunt....
Thank you for your thought out reply.
I see racism as something that was created in the Americas and flourish now world wide. I found it very hard to find a documented account of pure racism before the 17th century ( which we all know is the year of 1600's ). Again we talking racism not slavery.
DO you have an example of an earlier time of skin color deciding the treatment of another ?
Egypt and large parts of East Africa.

But I think who invented it is largely irrelevant, it could be argued it was perfected here.
Yes but religion assumed the other as lesser because of their "god" not being the "God".
yeah but you can hide your religion. not so with race color.
That's why I posed the question.
Racism is about color. When did this come into play and why ?
Egypt and large parts of East Africa.

But I think who invented it is largely irrelevant, it could be argued it was perfected here.
Nope Knowing the inventor can be helpful to some, even if it is not you.
Egypt how and when.
East Africa how and when.
Remember we not talking slavery. We talking RACISM.
Nope inventing it can be helpful to some, even if it is not you.
Egypt how and when.
East Africa how and when.
Remember we not talking slavery. We talking RACISM.
A large part of the slave trade was based on race though. East Africans are more Arab and tended to be the ones selling black Africans to others.

You don't think an essential component to slavery is the (ridiculous) notion of superiority over the people you enslave?
Egypt and large parts of East Africa.

But I think who invented it is largely irrelevant, it could be argued it was perfected here.
Egypt was a strange case. Napoleon basically went there and killed the whole governing class.
The Mamluks

The Mamluks were a class of warrior-slaves, mostly of Turkic or Caucasian ethnicity, who served between the 9th and 19th century in the Islamic world. Despite their origins as slaves, the Mamluks often had higher social standing than free-born people. In fact, individual rulers of Mamluk background reigned in various countries, including the famous Mahmud of Ghazni in Afghanistan and India, and every ruler of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria (1250-1517).
Leaving behind the people you see as the Egyptians today.... (He claimed to be doing them a favour).


Mamluk girl