Million hit by 'plague worse than swine flu'

Big P

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Fears that a deadly virus could spread west from Ukraine

Sunday November 15,2009

By Greg Miskiw

Have your say(35)

A DEADLY plague could sweep across Europe, doctors fear, after an outbreak of a virus in Ukraine plunged the country and its neighbours into a state of panic.

A cocktail of three flu viruses are reported to have mutated into a single pneumonic plague, which it is believed may be far more dangerous than swine flu. The death toll has reached 189 and more than 1 million people have been infected, most of them in the nine regions of Western Ukraine.
President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko has called in the World Health Organisation and a team of nine specialists are carrying out tests in Kiev and Lviv to identify the virus. Samples have been sent to London for analysis.

* The man who can taste words...
* My 10-year-old is 5ft7in tall...
* Are we being polluted by electricity?

resident Yushchenko said: “People are dying. The epidemic is killing doctors. This is absolutely inconceivable in the 21st Century.” In a TV interview, the President added: “Unlike similar epidemics in other countries, three causes of serious viral infections came together simultaneously in Ukraine – two seasonal flus and the Californian flu
“Virologists conclude that this combination of infections may produce an even more aggressive new virus as a result of mutation.”
Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko has been touring hospitals where victims are being treated and presidential elections in January could be cancelled .
Four men and one woman have died from the flu in Lviv, said emergency hospital chief doctor Myron Borysevych. Two of the dead patients were in the 22-35 age group, with two others over 60. He diagnosed the disease as viral pneumonia.

“We have sent the analyses to Kiev. We don’t believe it’s H1N1 swine flu. Neither do we know what kind of pneumonia it is.”
Universities, schools and kindergartens have been closed, public meetings have been banned and theatres shut. Last week several border crossings in the country were also closed.
Last night reports emerged of profiteering over face masks, which have sold out since the outbreak. There are also incidents of anti-virus medication being sold for exorbitant prices. A spokesman for the World Health Organisation said: “We do not have a time scale for the results of the tests in London, although some preliminary results have been obtained. I cannot tell you what they are.
“We did not have enough of the virus samples so we will have to grow some more before we can come to a conclusive decision about its nature.”
Neighbouring Poland has called on the EU to take action, fearing the mystery virus may spread westwards.
Prime Minister Donald Tusk has written to European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and the Swedish Prime Minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt, who holds the EU presidency, saying: “The character of this threat demands that rapid action be undertaken at the European Union level.”
Russia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Romania, countries that border Ukraine, have already launched health checks on Ukrainians entering their territory.
Slovakia has closed two of five border crossings.
A doctor in Western Ukraine who did not want to be named, said:” We have carried out post mortems on two victims and found their lungs are as black as charcoal.
“They look like they have been burned. It’s terrifying.”


18.11.09, 3:51am
Scientists have found that acidic ozone water can effectively kill H1N1 viruses, with the advantages that it leaves no environmentally harmful residue and is inexpensive to prepare & it most probably kills this strain also...
• Posted by: tsunamix • Report Comment


17.11.09, 7:55pm
Read it here>

Today, the MSM are not talking about this case any more. Yesterday, they wanted us to believe that Joseph Moshe was a nutcase and a terrorist, arrested for threatening to bomb the White House. Interesting detail about his arrest (the “Westwood standoff”) was that he seemed to be immune to the 5 cans of tear gas and 5 gallons of law-enforcement grade pepper spray they pumped into his face. He very calmly remained in his car, as the video footage of his arrest shows.

Professor Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott, (explanation of Joseph Moshe’s call at 06:00) broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death.
• Posted by: adnetjm • Report Comment


17.11.09, 7:48pm

Joseph moshe was about to blow the whistle on the mass genocide program concerning vaccine that is now under way with live virus's in it, all different also coming from china I head. He spoke of how they would test a live virus in the ukraine and then ship it to the usa...
Look up his name. Or go see video. We will see if this is hype or real.

• Posted by: adnetjm • Report Comment


17.11.09, 7:33pm
news just in:
24 dead in 72hrs

• Posted by: dognamedblue • Report Comment


17.11.09, 5:24pm
If you are a mommy and have kids at home like me, do not wait for your husbands, boyfriends, or governments to tell you when to start preparing. It is always better to get a headstart on everyone else. If you wait too long you might not have enough time to gather all the necessary supplies you'll need in a time of emergency like a Pneumonic Plague outbreak. An article on clearly shows a picture of what someone looks like when they are dying from this deadly virus. For your kids sake, don't wait until it is too late. Remember that flu masks for adults dont fit well on children!
• Posted by: SwineFluMommy • Report Comment


17.11.09, 4:28pm
Wow! 189 deaths from 1 million+ cases! That's a death rate of almost 0.02% - almost as bad as toe fungus. Of 46 million Ukranians, only 4 in a million (0.41 per 100,000) have died. That ranks it about 55th on the annual mortality rate charts, just above tetanus.
• Posted by: tadchem • Report Comment

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so its real or its fake? what are you implying? im confused in a way, are you trying to say its a hoax or a coverup?

no its just a news story i saw its a real story but the comments below are just from random poeple who are commenting on the story who may or may not be crazy:eyesmoke:
basically, this plague is real

it started in the Ukraine

and its bad.... the infection doubled from 250k to 500k in 2 days, and this was about a week ago

people are dying too

also, china has seen an outbreak of Pnumonic plague

a cousin to the bubonic (black) plague

shitty world we live in isnt it
basically, this plague is real

it started in the Ukraine

and its bad.... the infection doubled from 250k to 500k in 2 days, and this was about a week ago

people are dying too

also, china has seen an outbreak of Pnumonic plague

a cousin to the bubonic (black) plague

shitty world we live in isnt it

its not the same as the 1918 plague is it? thats what that person commenting said:

Professor Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott, (explanation of Joseph Moshe’s call at 06:00) broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death.
its not the same as the 1918 plague is it? thats what that person commenting said:

Professor Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott, (explanation of Joseph Moshe’s call at 06:00) broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death.

not that i am aware of, and i havent seen any mention of anything related to the spanish flu

but i wouldnt rule it out

Baxter got caught in febuary sending flu vaccines to the Czech Republic, as well as 17 other countries around the world that contained live bird flu

every one of the ferretts they tested the received shipment of vaccines on died

Seriously, google "Baxter caught sending live virus"

so baxter has done shit like this before...
not that i am aware of, and i havent seen any mention of anything related to the spanish flu

but i wouldnt rule it out

Baxter got caught in febuary sending flu vaccines to the Czech Republic, as well as 17 other countries around the world that contained live bird flu

every one of the ferretts they tested the received shipment of vaccines on died

Seriously, google "Baxter caught sending live virus"

so baxter has done shit like this before...

kinda like the computer virus that gets on your computer then asks you for money to rmove the virus? aka sell you the vacine

like a fireman starting fires
your right here it is

Baxter Vaccines Tainted With Avian Flu Virus A Plot To Start A Pandemic?? If The Flu Fits!!

Were Tainted Vaccines a Conspiracy to Provoke a Pandemic?

Czech newspapers are questioning whether the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus -- distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter -- were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.

Because of laboratory protocols that are routine for vaccine makers, mixing a live virus biological weapon with vaccine material by accident is virtually impossible.

Baxter flu vaccines contaminated with H5N1 (the human form of avian flu) were received by labs in the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovenia. Initially, Baxter refused to reveal how the vaccines were contaminated with H5N1, invoking “trade secrets.” After increased pressure, they then claimed that pure H5N1 batches were sent by accident.

But in the Czech Republic, reporters are investigating whether the contamination was part of a deliberate attempt to start a pandemic.

The fact that Baxter mixed the deadly H5N1 virus with a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses may be the smoking gun. The H5N1 virus on its own has killed hundreds of people, but it is less airborne. However, when combined with seasonal flu viruses, which are more easily spread, the effect could be a potent, airborne, deadly biological weapon.

Sources: March 5, 2009

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Last month vaccine maker Baxter International sent a mix of flu vaccine and unlabelled H5N1 virus (the human form of bird flu) to an Austrian research company. Expecting the shipment to contain only flu vaccine, the Austrian company then sent portions of the contaminated product to the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany.

It was only when researchers at a Czech Republic laboratory injected ferrets with the vaccine, and they unexpectedly died, that the contamination mistake was discovered.

But is “mistake” really an accurate term to describe this?

If this batch of live bird flu and seasonal flu viruses had reached the public, it could have resulted in dire consequences. Even though H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, the flu virus does. So if people were exposed to both of these viruses, they would have become hosts for the combined viruses, and would have become highly contagious and able to transmit the deadly bird flu virus to others.

There is actually a name for this mixing of viruses; it’s called “reassortment,” and even The Canadian Press has pointed out that it is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created.

Could the Contamination Have Been a Plot to Start a Deadly Pandemic?

A spokesman for Baxter said the virus material was supposed to contain a seasonal flu virus and was contaminated after “human error.”

Yet, other sources say Baxter International adheres to something called BSL3 (Biosafety Level 3). This strict set of laboratory safety protocols is in place to prevent the cross-contamination of materials, and according to some may have made it virtually impossible for the live bird flu virus to contaminate a flu vaccine by accident.

Czech newspapers are among those questioning whether this was a deliberate act to start a pandemic, and there’s even been talk of plans to use the vaccines to carry out a form of population control.

But then there’s the issue of motive. Would Baxter have had any reason to carry out such a malicious and deadly scheme?

Well, if a bird flu pandemic suddenly broke out, the demand for bird flu vaccines would certainly skyrocket … and the profits from such a mass vaccination program would be astronomical.

Does the Past Give us Any Clues?

You may be thinking that such a conspiracy is too far-fetched to be accurate. But it is worth mentioning that some scientists say the most recent global outbreak -- the 1977 Russian flu -- was started by a virus leaked from a laboratory.

Further, drug companies are certainly not best known for their sterling moral values.

In 2006, for instance, it came out that the drug company Bayer sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable blood-clotting medicine to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, even though they knew it was tainted with the AIDS virus.

So while it is unthinkable that a drug company would knowingly contaminate flu vaccines with a deadly bird flu virus, it is certainly not impossible.