So Now It's Swine Flu

Yeah, that was posted awhile back. It is worth watching, even if you don't like his politics you've gotta admit he knows how to make a speech.
nope.. the sky isn't falling. they are just slowing trying to merge america/canada/mexico together to have one currency.

you guys see the mexican peso fall yesterday ? all because the swine flu

yes, they created a flu virus, to further their plans of creating a N.A.U. It couldnt just be a natural event like the millions of pandemics of the past. There is just no talking to you guys huh.
yes, they created a flu virus, to further their plans of creating a N.A.U. It couldnt just be a natural event like the millions of pandemics of the past. There is just no talking to you guys huh.

millions dude... millions?

but ill talk to ya man.. im just trying to get my point across . and yes it is a possibility this isn't made , there are no guarantees. happy? lol
I think it won't be as bad as the media plays it out to be.Just somthing new to bark at till nothing severe relly happens & theyres no real outbreak.In a month or so,everyone will be like"why isn't swine flu all over the news anymore?"And I heard somthing about making the mexican border more secure.Wtf?Lol.It would take more then a new flu to actualy take action like that.They never relly did anymore then theyre doing now at securing boarders,shit.