So Now It's Swine Flu

whatever u do people... don't take the vaccine if they "come out" with one. get your immune system built up and fight it yourself. don't let the government stick you with needles

What, is the government dosing us with mind control drug, or are they just going to give us cancer 10 years from now?

If someone listened to your advice because they are as paranoid as you, and died from swine flu, and somehow the people who got the vaccination didnt, Id bet youd feel pretty stupid.
What, is the government dosing us with mind control drug, or are they just going to give us cancer 10 years from now?

If someone listened to your advice because they are as paranoid as you, and died from swine flu, and somehow the people who got the vaccination didnt, Id bet youd feel pretty stupid.

That i would. but i don't feel that i'm wrong.. so go ahead and get that vaccine :)

i'm not paranoid... im just not a sheep :hump:

edit: i'm not sure what they would give us in those "vaccines"... but this shit is man made.. they made it for a reason
I remember when the last swine flu hit. President Gerald Ford encouraged everyone to get the vaccine ... 500 people died from the shots.

That i would. but i don't feel that i'm wrong.. so go ahead and get that vaccine :)

i'm not paranoid... im just not a sheep :hump:

edit: i'm not sure what they would give us in those "vaccines"... but this shit is man made.. they made it for a reason

Man, people sure throw that word around a lot. Ok, what solid proof do you have that this is a man made virus. Proof, not useless conjecutre, or connecting of nonexistent dots please.

Here is a good read for you conspiracy people:'s_razor
I would like to understand how this concoction of viruses came about. What does it take for multiple viruses to merge into one? How does a host survive all these viruses at once? Can this be considered a super virus? Why isn't there a large amount of pigs with their own flu at this point? If it came from pigs, shouldn't they be sick too? How did avian flu get mixed into this virus?
Man, people sure throw that word around a lot. Ok, what solid proof do you have that this is a man made virus. Proof, not useless conjecutre, or connecting of nonexistent dots please.

Here is a good read for you conspiracy people:'s_razor

i do get ahead of myself sometimes.. im not gona lie about that. some little things such like the flu season is actually over and then this starts up. flues come from the east and move west and this one started in mexico (which is west) in 1999 the air force actually came out and said there will be a "killer" flu virus come out, how would they no the future?

i no people think alex jones is crazy.. but i really think he knows what he's talking about. he's had doctors on his show everyday this week. i recommend giving it a watch this is the 1st of 4 vids. if u double click on the vid it will take u to the youtube site.

i just love this country and don't want to see greedy people take control :-| :peace:

I would like to understand how this concoction of viruses came about. What does it take for multiple viruses to merge into one? How does a host survive all these viruses at once? Can this be considered a super virus? Why isn't there a large amount of pigs with their own flu at this point? If it came from pigs, shouldn't they be sick too? How did avian flu get mixed into this virus?

I am no expert, but, viruses can jump between species, and viruses can exchange rna, so I would guess combinations of these two occurences produced the virus. Perhaps it started as a mutant avian flu virus whcih infected a pig already infected with influenza and exchanged rna with the pig virus, then it repeated this process with humans. Again I'm no expert, but, it makes sense to me. It certainly makes more sense than it being the product of some nefarious plot.
i do get ahead of myself sometimes.. im not gona lie about that. some little things such like the flu season is actually over and then this starts up. flues come from the east and move west and this one started in mexico (which is west) in 1999 the air force actually came out and said there will be a "killer" flu virus come out, how would they no the future?

i no people think alex jones is crazy.. but i really think he knows what he's talking about. he's had doctors on his show everyday this week. i recommend giving it a watch this is the 1st of 4 vids. if u double click on the vid it will take u to the youtube site.

i just love this country and don't want to see greedy people take control :-| :peace:

Viruses are constantly changing, constantly evolving, and mutant viruses can show up anywhere, and be succesful at any time of the year.

As for the quote, I dont really see what it has to do with anything. They said there would be a killer flu virus, so...what? Different strains of flu have been showing up for years, many of which could be considered "killer". What exactly are you suggesting anyway, that they were foreshadowing that they were going to create a killer virus, hmm seems pretty unlikely.
Viruses are constantly changing, constantly evolving, and mutant viruses can show up anywhere, and be succesful at any time of the year.

As for the quote, I dont really see what it has to do with anything. They said there would be a killer flu virus, so...what? Different strains of flu have been showing up for years, many of which could be considered "killer". What exactly are you suggesting anyway, that they were foreshadowing that they were going to create a killer virus, hmm seems pretty unlikely.

exactly what im talking about. the elites of this world dont want the citizens to be strong. they want to b able to push us around to get want they want. which is more power. they want us (usa) to become wat europe has become. get the same currency (euros) etc. look up north american union (wiki sucks on this subject) and bilderburg group.

im not crazy lol :hump:.. well.. atleast on this. they want a world government and they'll do anything to get it :evil: .

..sorry if im jumpin around.. kinda ranting.. im n the middle of writing a religion paper :cry:
just listening to the vice pres. and he confirmed it for me that its our government. he says they are not going to close to mexican boarder cuz not sure that's where it is cuz no one is showing signs of the illness. grow your own veggies and live of the fat of the land stay away from all government involved produce their are manyfood products out there that are goverment has a hand in. wash youir hands and watch your back and the best of health too you all..
this is all hella funny.

This was the stupidest random scare tactic I've ever seen. I don't even see the purpose. Usually when the gov. causes panic like this, they are hiding something/distracting the people or trying to push laws that people don't agree with.

So what is it? Did any legislation get signed while this was going on?
I'm watching some White House stooge dance around the remarks Biden made earlier. This is a bunch of bullshit... I wish people had access to the straight facts, but they don't. They have our loose canon VP and some dunce in a suit causing panic. *sigh*
just listening to the vice pres. and he confirmed it for me that its our government. he says they are not going to close to mexican boarder cuz not sure that's where it is cuz no one is showing signs of the illness. grow your own veggies and live of the fat of the land stay away from all government involved produce their are manyfood products out there that are goverment has a hand in. wash youir hands and watch your back and the best of health too you all..

This confirms it for you???:confused: Wtf, come on man, don't be ridiculous.

We are not closing the border because there is no hope for containment anymore, only mittigation. Closing the border would put unneeded stress on our already suffering economy, and it would be pointless due to the fact there are already cases in the US.
seriously. The sky is falling the sky is falling!!!

here guys, this ones for you :joint:

nope.. the sky isn't falling. they are just slowing trying to merge america/canada/mexico together to have one currency.

you guys see the mexican peso fall yesterday ? all because the swine flu