So Now It's Swine Flu

I think it's ironic that it started in Mexico. With all the crap going on there and now this? And why is it that it's killing mexicans but the americans are recovering from it? I may be high but i'm thinking it was done by man and not nature. Think i'm just high? haha.

p.s. it's been a long time sine i have posted on this site and all of things it's this swine flu i'm commenting on. It is scary not knowing. i recommend all of you to start taking juice plus. i haven't had a cold or flu for over two years! this stuff is awesome!

Biological Weapon couldn't be targeted that finally, I don't think, just don't have the expertise to do it yet. Knowledge, maybe, but we might not even have that.

There's less than a 1/2 of 1% variance in Genetics across all branches of humanity. To effectively develope a disease that could just effect Mexicans would require human experimentation, and even then it'd effect any individual that has the genetic trait that its keyed on.

And Keying it to more genetic traits just makes it likely that its going to miss large swaths of the population.

No, the difference in recovery can be chalked up to better care up here than down there.

Don't rush into a CT.
In the time it takes to read this thread; 10 people have been T-boned at intersections, crushing their brains on the front of some dumbass' car because somebody wasn't paying attention.
Amount of people infected in the US doubled since yesterday. Still a very low sum of people, but it's spreading none the less. It's still a possibility that this thing could mutate into a fatal virus.

Of course this is not the time to panic, but we should all be cautious. Wash hands regularly, cover your mouth when you cough/sneeze. Just keep basic cleanliness. Don't be stupid and ignorant. Keep your eyes on this until it goes away.
well obvvously thi s "swine flu" is a man made virus. it contains 5 different strains the avion flu, two swine flus from different countries, and human flus a and c. this CAN NOT happen naturally. the questions is why was this virus created in a lab in the first place?
and there actually is no vaccine for it and there wont be for about 13 weeks, till then good luck to all.
81 peple have died in mexico from this virus already. and the numbers are only increasing.
The interesting thing is that in america it seems to only be affecting kids.
and Donald Rumsfield was ceo of the company and still has major share holdings that has rights to Tamiflu(the vaccine that is waiting to get passed out when the virus gets bad)
he is now our secratary of defense!!!!
I don't know who told some of you that there is a vaccine for this, every news report I've seen says this is a "new" strain and there is no vaccine. There is also a fear of it mutating even more as it spreads.

I do find it odd that our government leaders were in Mexico City last week, they left and then Swine flu breaks out. Someone leave an open vial in a hotel room? :twisted:

Raise your hand if you've seen "The Stand".
I don't know who told some of you that there is a vaccine for this, every news report I've seen says this is a "new" strain and there is no vaccine. There is also a fear of it mutating even more as it spreads.

I do find it odd that our government leaders were in Mexico City last week, they left and then Swine flu breaks out. Someone leave an open vial in a hotel room? :twisted:

Raise your hand if you've seen "The Stand".
and the guy that the president obama meet with died a day later from flu like symptoms. his name was sumtin like felipe solis but i dont remember.
sounds kinda fishy if u ask me
I don't know who told some of you that there is a vaccine for this, every news report I've seen says this is a "new" strain and there is no vaccine. There is also a fear of it mutating even more as it spreads.

I do find it odd that our government leaders were in Mexico City last week, they left and then Swine flu breaks out. Someone leave an open vial in a hotel room? :twisted:

Raise your hand if you've seen "The Stand".

I'll one up you Miss, I read it.

Though, we hardly need a CT to explain the mutation of a flu virus. The Flu virus has always been mutating, transforming, drifting and shifting. It's a very promiscous little virus. Always screwing around with other viruses to capture their genetic material.

What's ironic is that I just finished a book about the 1918 Flu Pandemic (well it was primarily focused on what happened here... but it did provide details of Influenza and its behavior.)
I saw yesterday that people in Mexico were told to stay away from a soccer match. Usually those things are packed to the point of bursting... the stands were empty. They still played the game, though. That would've been mad eerie.
I saw yesterday that people in Mexico were told to stay away from a soccer match. Usually those things are packed to the point of bursting... the stands were empty. They still played the game, though. That would've been mad eerie.

Not really, it'd be like watching a practice... which would be kind of weird.

Though, have to wonder how many people went anyway.
They didn't say whether they turned people down at the gates or not. I'm sure they had to. It's good to see people listening to warnings like that, though.
Here's a google map of the confirmed and suspected infected people.

They are updating the map as more info comes out. Right now the pandemic alert level is at 4.

WHO raises its pandemic alert level on swine flu


Associated Press Writer

The World Health Organization raised its global alert level Monday, signaling the swine flu virus was spreading from human to human in community outbreaks, but it stopped short of declaring a full-blown pandemic.

The WHO announcement in Geneva followed a decision by the top EU health official urging Europeans to postpone nonessential travel to parts of the United States and Mexico because of the virus.
Mexico health department spokesman Carlos Olmos confirmed the move by the WHO to raise the alert level from Phase 3 to Phase 4.

Putting an alert at Phases 4 or 5 signals that the swine flu virus is becoming increasingly adept at spreading among humans. That move could lead governments to set trade, travel and other restrictions aimed at limiting the disease's spread.

The WHO's Phase 6 is the pandemic phase, characterized by outbreaks in at least two regions of the world.
U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the United States is preparing as if the swine flu outbreak already is a full pandemic.