Mini BB DWC (1st Live Journal)


Well-Known Member
Title: March 24, 2008 Untitled
Date: March 24, 2008 10:47 AM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 26 - Stubborn slime... =[

Well despite my best efforts and hopes it came rearing its ugly head AGAIN...

The PH was REALLY high... About 7-8... =[

I decided to cut off all the old roots as it seems to be gathering there more then anywhere else...

Put more hygrozyme in the res...

Sigh... =\


Well-Known Member
Thanks cman...

I think i might have to remove it from the net pot and maybe the cube as well and totally disinfect the whole system and let the roots sit in heavy h202 under the bubbler for a few hours before i can totally get rid of this junk... =[

I will take pics and make any major decisions needed this thursday... =\


Well-Known Member
Sorry your problem continues. What I wanted to observe is that according to Earl, a sure sign of root rot is pH dropping to 4-4.5. But Mine, like yours, went shooting up. I'm confused.

Title: March 24, 2008 Untitled
Date: March 24, 2008 10:47 AM
Category: BB Wet Log

Day 26 - Stubborn slime... =[

Well despite my best efforts and hopes it came rearing its ugly head AGAIN...

The PH was REALLY high... About 7-8... =[

I decided to cut off all the old roots as it seems to be gathering there more then anywhere else...

Put more hygrozyme in the res...

Sigh... =\


Well-Known Member
Normally it is steady but yes when the slime rears its ugly head ph rises...

Strange he would say that ph would be low because from what i understand phthium thrives in higher ph ranges which is why you keep a hydro grow lower then a soil grow...

Maybe i am wrong but my ph definitely goes up the worse the phthium gets...


Well-Known Member
This page confirms that...


It states one of the symptoms as:

"pH becomes more acidic (pH should rise slowly in a healthy system) "

I find the second part true but the first contradicts with my systems behavior during rise and fall of the rot...


Well-Known Member
Title: March 27, 2008 Pull and clean... =0
Date: March 27, 2008 10:10 AM
Category: BB Wet Log
Tags: Root cleaning

Day 29 - Pull and clean... =0

Well I decided to pull this lil fellow out and give everything a good cleaning after all... And I a m glad I did...

The little rockwool cube was SOAKED in black ugliness... Bleachkh... =P

So I pulled out all the rocks and rockwool from the roots as best as I could and pulled or cut off any dead or dying roots...

Here is what I was left with... These were the thickest and most healthy roots closest to the plant...

Gave them a bath in h202 while I cleaned the rest of the system up and got it ready for the replant...

No rock wool cube this time just let the little root system get nice and comfortable in the rocks for support...

I filled the pot most of the way up the put in the coco liner and put another layer of rocks on top of the liner...

Seemed to work better to keep light from poking through...

Cut of most of the larger leafs and any that were looking to yellow...

I have read that if it is not growing it is dying... Lets just hope that it keeps growing... =]



Well-Known Member
you may want to get opaque covers to keep light off the roots. Light really causes problems (like root rot, algae and also heats up the res).


Well-Known Member
Ya i bought the coco cover cuz i thought it looked nicer but the white plastic covers, while unattractive as they are, are a better solution... =]


Well-Known Member
i only mentioned it because you were having such bad root rot issues.
i use the coco-tech lids and that seems to work great.


Well-Known Member
Title: March 29, 2008 Recovery for real... ??
Date: March 29, 2008 12:06 PM
Category: BB Wet Log
Tags: Res Change

Day 31 - Recovery for real... ??

I hope... =\

Flushed with Clearex and changed out the res...
1/4 strength grow, cal-mag, liquid karma and full strength hydrogard and hygrozyme...

No new root growth showing but I think it will recover...

No evidence of returning slime... =]


Well-Known Member
I dont even know what sex it is but it is the principal involved...

I want to know that i WON the war on pythium... =]

LOL... =]


Well-Known Member
Title: March 30, 2008 Pythium 1 Me 0...=[
Date: March 30, 2008 11:57 AM
Category: BB Wet Log
Tags: Move 2 Soil

Day 32 - Pythium 1 Me 0...=[

Well the battle is over as far as this log goes... =[

And the dirty slime won... The only way I could keep the pythium from coming back was to keep h202 in the res... This was un-beneficial to my organic nutrients...

So if its going to fight dirty so am I... =]

I cleaned off the remaining roots and gave them a bath in heavy concentrated h202 and bleach (non chlorine)...

Then in to the dirt the little one goes...

We shall see how this goes...

I will not give up on my little bubbler project but I will wait until I can do it right...

I will totally disinfect the system, buy new air stones, get black 1/4in tubing to replace the clear I am using now, get opaque pot lids and buy a real meter...

Until then I will continue getting my hands dirty... =]

I will not post any more updates in this log but I will post a link to a new log if the little one survives the transplant and gets healthy...

I am hoping that if there are ANY remaining spores they will be unable to survive in the soil and the little loved one will recover...

Thats all folks... I LOST... =[

He who fights and runs away... =]

Lives to grow another day... =P


Well-Known Member
Well this GROW is not quite over but this journal is... =P

It's not over till the fat lady sings or till all the leafs die... =]

But the Mini BB DWC is over and had changed into the Wet2Dirty BB Recovery... =P

Or something like that... =0


Well-Known Member
I just finished packing up all my dwc stuff. My new dirt seedlings are looking good. Good luck to you on your next endeavor . My sympathies. You fought the good fight.:peace:

Well this GROW is not quite over but this journal is... =P

It's not over till the fat lady sings or till all the leafs die... =]

But the Mini BB DWC is over and had changed into the Wet2Dirty BB Recovery... =P

Or something like that... =0


Well-Known Member
I wont pack it up... I will just do it better next time...

I am sure i could have beat it eventually but it became not worth the effort... Better off to start fresh and use the experience to prevent anything like that happening in the future... =]

Thanks all for stopping by...

I will post a link in a week or so if the little one survives the soil move... =P