Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)


Active Member
Thanks for the follow-up, ER. I'm currently at mothers day to began germination.

I currently ran into a snag with cooling. The fans that I'm currently using do not lower the temp below 100. Damn you, insulation! If only there were an appliance meant for lowering temperatures I could use... Hrm... ;)

I'm thinking about investing in an Active Air 60CFM to lower it but I'm not too certain it'll do the trick. Anyone with cooling experience that could point me in the right direction?


Active Member
I'm here for the duration.. and I have no clue about cooling like that. Insulation removable?
I can't think of a feasible way to do it. The insulation is liquid nailed to the interior and exterior coating. I thought about dremeling as far in as I could but I don't think it'll drop it to a temperature conducive to growing.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Awesome set up! Although for vegging I would say roll with 6500K rather than 5000K, just what I might do in your place, but all up to you. Good luck with the grow!


Well-Known Member
I got it!

You doing CFL, if I remember, but maybe you could switch to a 150 HPS and get a vented hood in there. Single inline fan venting it out. Or maybe you could fit a hood for a 200W flowering CFL (best choice, imho). Either way, if you had an enclosed, vented hood that would fit in there, you could pump the air direct out of the hood and use the intake fans to feed it. That would also let you carbon filter out the back or such. I have seen CFL sockets that would fit in a hood.

Just a thought. Check the dimensions, bro! :)


Active Member
I got it!

You doing CFL, if I remember, but maybe you could switch to a 150 HPS and get a vented hood in there. Single inline fan venting it out. Or maybe you could fit a hood for a 200W flowering CFL (best choice, imho). Either way, if you had an enclosed, vented hood that would fit in there, you could pump the air direct out of the hood and use the intake fans to feed it. That would also let you carbon filter out the back or such. I have seen CFL sockets that would fit in a hood.

Just a thought. Check the dimensions, bro! :)
Just a quick update on a few things, ladies and gents.

The good news: I have the seeds from my friend. WOOOOOO! A quick question on germination: what is the best way to induce it? I heard putting them in a shot glass of water, having them sink and then sticking them in rockwool gives a near 99.9% success rate. Any points in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!

(pic of the chil'ren)

The bad news: I'm still having heat problems. I'll most likely be investing in an Active Air 60CFM to lower the temps. If anyone has experience or knows anyone that has experience with these, please lemme know! I'm hoping it'll drop the temperature from 108F down to 85F-90F. If that fails, I'll be taking out the fans and spending a day trying to take insulation out the ole' fashioned way and then running tests from there (despite my prior postings). BTW, thanks for the heads up on HPS, elephant rider. That doesn't seem like a cost or space efficient model as of now but when I make a larger grow closet (or fridge!), that looks like the system I'll be getting. :)

Thanks again for all your support and the extra eyes. Let's hope for an official Wednesday grow date start!


P.S. Thanks for the commendations Shackleford, Iron Lion Zion, & WoldofWeedcraft.


Well-Known Member

P.S. Thanks for the commendations Shackleford, Iron Lion Zion, & WoldofWeedcraft.
Anytime homie!! It's a beautiful box.

I had some thoughts about your heat issue. Have you considered keeping on with the standard fans, BUT maybe kicking it up to the larger style PC fans?? I saw some at the at the electronics store that were nearly 6 inches in diameter (hope you're growing in the states, haha.. don't know metric) Anyway, stepping up to a pair of those for intake and a pair in the roof for exhaust should suck most of the hot air up and away. As we all know from kindergarten, hot air rises!!!

That's all I got man, hope it works out for you. By the way, your scale inspired me for my stealth grow.. Looking into a metal locker or possibly filing cabinet.


Active Member
Anytime homie!! It's a beautiful box.

I had some thoughts about your heat issue. Have you considered keeping on with the standard fans, BUT maybe kicking it up to the larger style PC fans?? I saw some at the at the electronics store that were nearly 6 inches in diameter (hope you're growing in the states, haha.. don't know metric) Anyway, stepping up to a pair of those for intake and a pair in the roof for exhaust should suck most of the hot air up and away. As we all know from kindergarten, hot air rises!!!

That's all I got man, hope it works out for you. By the way, your scale inspired me for my stealth grow.. Looking into a metal locker or possibly filing cabinet.
Just a quick update. I took your advice, Shackleford, and added a 65CFM 4' radio shack fan to the top. It definitely dropped my temps down by about 15 degrees but they are still hovering right about 90F. And it's hovering around there with only two CFL's 5500K. I have around 8500 lumens per sq ft with only two bulbs. Will that be sufficient since I'm using mylar as well? I've also thought about going in and taking out all non-essential plastic and insulation as a final step in hopes it'll drop it down. If anyone else is open to ideas, I'd love to hear 'em! :)



Well-Known Member
You will have to move alot of air. I have been cabinet growing and use big inline fans. You can get away with moving about 120cfm or so to keep your cab about 10 degrees above ambient room temp. If you have fresh air piped in from outside it will help. MORE AIR MOVEMENT :-) I know its a PIA!


Well-Known Member
Oh.. the 5500's are a LOT hotter than the 2700's. My 2 cases, the veg box is nearly 80 at all times and the flower gets under 70 frequently with 50% more wattage. I bet you'll do fine on temps with 2700s in there. I know you want to veg. Just sayin'. Maybe veg a little hot and switch.


Active Member
Oh.. the 5500's are a LOT hotter than the 2700's. My 2 cases, the veg box is nearly 80 at all times and the flower gets under 70 frequently with 50% more wattage. I bet you'll do fine on temps with 2700s in there. I know you want to veg. Just sayin'. Maybe veg a little hot and switch.
Will I be ok to veg with only two 5500k? I'll be testing the 2700k for temps today and reporting back based on your assesement!



Well-Known Member
I run my veg. box on 2 5500's and they grow fine in there. See my pics from today. That mammoth (2 clone attempts snipped off the front) Citral shrub in the back corner of my veg case was grown w/ 2 5500's @ 27W each. It was as big as my head before I snipped those clippings! Not too shabby, if you ask me. Makes me pissed about all the shit people give CFL growers. Oh yeah.. it has been topped, both new tops taken and then 2 more from the front. It's been my cloning practice. :)


Active Member
i read a post on here once, don't remember where exactly, but this guy ran a sort of styrofoam cooler air conditioning system. basically put a fan in the top of a cheap styrofoam cooler w/ice in it and ran a duct to the air intake... just a thought... sweet set up btw


Well-Known Member
For that matter, run a duct to a working fridge next to your 'non-working' one and then back into the intake. ;) That would solve all your problems!

hokey hombre

Active Member
All the pics I have of the project are already posted. Most of the construction was dremel and drill work. If you plan on making a fridge case, get a dremel otherwise you will end up hating life.

PM me with pics of your fridge and I'd be glad to give you some insight on a best course of action!


My 1" drill bit did the trick for punching thru the bottom insulation. Spliced out the power wire, going to throw a female grounded plug on the end and a male on the fridge's actual electronics - I left the cooling coils inside, in hopes that if I ever need to switch it back to a fridge again, I can just swap out the plugs. Also, the coils are in the walls, so getting them out = not quite so easy. Even better, if need be, I can actually turn the fridge on very very low to keep the whole thing cool.

Pics will be up later. Going to the hardware store to get my lighting and electrical supplies.

Have a 5" 115vAC fan from thirty years ago i found in my basement. Might install that and see what happens, or if there's a nice little fan at the hardware store I'll probably just shell out the dough.

hokey hombre

Active Member
Phase I complete: we have grounded 115v power inside the fridge.

After two hours with three 23w CFLs lighting it up, we are at... 120 degrees F!


Going to hardwire the sockets to the plank of wood, hoping less splitters will keep the heat down. Then going to drill and install the fan. Have to make a carbon filter at some point.

If only there was some way to get the insulation out...


Active Member
Phase I complete: we have grounded 115v power inside the fridge.

After two hours with three 23w CFLs lighting it up, we are at... 120 degrees F!


Going to hardwire the sockets to the plank of wood, hoping less splitters will keep the heat down. Then going to drill and install the fan. Have to make a carbon filter at some point.

If only there was some way to get the insulation out...

It all comes down to CFM and ambient temp. If your CFM is below 60 for either in/out, you are toast. I'd recommend two 90 CFM fans. Ambient temp must be 76F or lower or it'll be inhospitable for plants.


Well-Known Member
love the fridge man, i am going to modify a mini fridge during summer so I can have it ready by fall when cooler temps come.