NiceGot the ventilation setup done in a junction box. Power supplies and audrino in same box.
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Zip file has a video with the following code in action.
View attachment 3634229
Once the tent co2 level is same as outside tent then ventilation off and sealed. Then will see how fast co2 levels drop with diffrent lighting. Then reset co2 levela again repeat with diffrent light.Nice
What's the concept...going off CO2 levels or rate of rise in a sealed area?
I should have said rate of decline for your test. My bad.Once the tent co2 level is same as outside tent then ventilation off and sealed. Then will see how fast co2 levels drop with diffrent lighting. Then reset co2 levela again repeat with diffrent light.
Not sure if there is there is any other better way. What is rate of rise?
I will be testing with lavender and basil. Matt Damon has built a similar rig in mars and will be giving us data for cannabis![]()
Here is what i am trying to make. I still need to add the co2 sensor and monos. Rest all is functional.
Co2 sensor will monitor how fast co2 is consumed by plants indicating rate of photosynthesis.
Will also add humidity sensor to see how light impacts transpiration.
Once completed this will be used to test stuff like
1) Do flashing light increase photosynthesis
2) Does adding red,deep red, photo red, blue along with white light helps drive up photosynthesis significantly
3) Does blue monos impact transpiration rate
4) any tests you can think of.
View attachment 3634203
I should have said rate of decline for your test. My bad.
The way McCree and such do it is to actually measure O levels as they increased due to the release in carbon fixation. Basically the inverse of yours.
I was just thinking of how I know if it done in most studies. And why I said increase.So much O2 already so increase will be small. Not sure if a sensor with arduino can give me accuracy.
I thought Co2 being less would be easier to measure if it goes down from 600ppm to 300ppm
Will have to read up some more for accurate setup.
are you bit banging the PWM controls or did you use a separate module...I guess software but maybe I am missing something![]()
Been wanting to do this too, certain variation for a while, but I am still playing around with bluetooth monitoring of the Tc points right now, Good luck Rob!
the LDD bucks are great step too!
powered! by the LPC?
Hmmm....thats a good shortcut
Hey man, I'm designing my first arduino grow tent, so thx for your outcome, it's very useful to me
Hey man, I'm designing my first arduino grow tent, so thx for your outcome, it's very useful to me
could you tell me more about the diode around the fan, I believe it's used to redirect the current stored in big motors when they are powered off, but it really useful for a 12V pc fan ?
I'm not saying it's not useful, but trying to understand why it is, cheers![]()
as most of you guys are quiet handy with electronic
I have a question.
For the external power form the arduino. Does that power go off, or are you keeping the arduino on the whole time, and just the lights go off.
I use a storm and that is the problem. If you integrate it into a light and use the lights power source, when the light goes off, so does the arduino, and with the storm, all settings get lost so when it comes back on sunrise and sunset are gone. So I have been using it as a room controller vs into each light because of that.
Does a standard arduino hold its settings if powered off? good tuto...from my pov... ...SDS i like a lot the resistive way too....
Radio Shacklotta links there... where can we buy that stepped potentiometer?