Miracle-Gro Soil?


Active Member
SOOOOOOO my plant will be ok in MG untill flowering?? awesome newsss, got HELLLLLLAAAAA MG from moms gardening haha


Well-Known Member
Correction sir,

You want a pic of some fresh seedlings less than a week old? I've got 6 w/ not a spec of nute burn? Not Happy Frog...OCEAN FOREST.
Organic gardening requires planning ahead and cycling your soil. I've got FFOF with ADDED amendments. About 3 cups in total?
And I don't feed nutes...I water only. And I feed my soil. My soil then feeds my plants whenever they're in need. :joint:

I'm speaking from experience....Not just what I've read around the internet bro. And can prove it right now if I needed to.
I think you're over reading my comment! I was in fact defending F.F., I personally use Happy Frog, but I have not just read it, but a close friend of mine used O.F. and had nute burn... but i'm just going off what he told me. And again, I prefer Happy Frog!


Well-Known Member
Not to stir the waters more but MG Organic (Cough) Choice worked pretty damn fine in place of my usual FFOF/HF mix. I'm having no problem with nute burn or excessively leafy plants in flower. From the root growth I've seen from transplanting I like it. I believe it is the only Scotts/MG product that has "just" a 2 month supply of nutes, chicken shit mostly so I don't see Matty R being a fan :). Still I'll take Happy Frog and perlite any day of the week but it's OK in a pinch IMO.


Well-Known Member
I'm far from being any kind of an expert grower, but I used MG soil for the first 2 years after starting my own mj garden and had great success. It worked great for me and growing seemed easy. I then switched to scott's soil because I can't get FF where I live and everybody was bashing MG. Every grow with scott's soil seemed like a battle against the odds. Two years later I switched back to MG soil and now growing finally seems easy again.

The only issues I used to have with MG soil were that is too hot and after watering so many times it got hard like clay. The only nute issues I saw (besides the heat) were cal/mag deficiencies when growing certain strains. Now that I have some experience I find that adding plenty of perlite is effective at both cooling it off and keeping it from getting too compact after many waterings. Adding a little bone meal at the start has eliminated all cacium problems and an occasional feeding with epsom salt takes care any mag problem. It's been over a year since I switched back to MG and I couldn't be happier. My growing experience may be limited to just over 5 years, but I have been smoking her for over 30 years and what I'm able to produce will compare with anyone's as far as taste and potency. To each is own, I guess. It works great for me.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
You probably work for the Scott's Corp, I call bullshit.
This is more BULLSHIT!!! You know what's funny, every time I defend using MG Soil, someone has to accuse me of being in bed with Scott's Corp...couldn't be further from the truth! The only reason I used MG in the first place is because I was a new grower and it looked like good soil. So I bought a bag, threw some germinated seeds in the dirt, and WALLLLA!!!! 3 months later, fucking dank ass WEED! To be honest, I don't care who makes the soil unless it’s Al Qaida or some other nutcase organization, I just want to grow some quality MJ. I will try other soils in my future grows, but I'm still experimenting with this interesting and controversial dirt.

Have a nice day! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well lets put it all to rest, it really does not matter about the brand, just the N-P-K levels, if you dont know what that is, you got a long way to go. Still would not suggest miracle grow soil to a first timer, try sunshine mix alone, its a great substitute and you can drip feed if you want.


New Member
Hey man check my thread "so I pulled out my plants today and....wow"....all mg line up from nutes to soil......if they had mg molasses I'd use it too...ha


Well-Known Member
i say the same thing everytime i hear m.g. roots organc.
pre mixed
not nearly as hot as m.g or ffof


Well-Known Member
if you havent found a fox farm dealer go to the fox farm website and they have a store locator. type in zip code and it will pop up any stores that sell it.

MG soil will grow marijuanna fine but its pretty touchy and ALOT of people burn plants using it so overall its a good choice to not use it.

as far as fox farm ocean forest being too hot i have been using it for my seedlings and yet to have a problem. 100% fox farm ocean forest amended with some perilite, lime and Espoma garden tone

The Red

Active Member
Forget everyone hating on MG, if it's all you can get then go for it. I'm not too big a fan of their soils but I don't see a problem with their instant release plant food.


Well-Known Member
wow never seen a thread with so much bad information on it....

if your going to use the MG soil a piece of advice is go super easy on the watering untill the plants are about a month old as the more you water them more ferts that are released. people hate on MG because they arent good growers so its difficult for them to use since they want to water thier plants evey 5 minutes and end up burning them. the good growers can use it because they know when to properly water thier plants. thats it...thats the big secret. other than MG being synthetic (chemical) nutrients its a good well draining soil. I personally dont use it because i have had bad experience with it when i was a noob and now im growing 100% organic.

Fox farm ocean forest dosent burn seedlings, at least not in my experience. I also ammend my soil with about 5 cups of organic amendments.

bottom line is the soil you have is fine. if you want a more organic grow then you may want to switch soils if not dont bother spending the money and just stick with the MG. like i said above just go easy on the watering and you should be fine.


New Member
1357604140963.jpgproduct of mg....smoking as u read this....grown properly the bud is perfect... taste..smell....its all good....I very rarely feed tho....n only quarter doses at most.