MG soil can create ALOt of probs with most strains, altho it will work fine with some.
You will read all over the web about how Mg sucks, and it is true to a point.
Mg soil is not great, as a rule for young plants as it tends to be too 'hot'.
Try flushing the hell out of the soil, and then see if the problem persists.
Every time i've used MG,even for my garden plants, its been too rich in nutes and has stunted or burned the crap outta whatever was in it.
And yes the PH of the Mg soil has always been all over the place...Generally too low.
Try to get a PH tester, even if its a basic aquarium type tester available at most garden stores it will help you for now.
Soil will tend to act as a buffer for PH,which helps alleviate problems but some composts,like MG have sooo many nutes that are sometimes not mixed properly(resulting in pockets of V HOT soil) that the soil doesnt buffer properly.
Your CFLs need to be a lil closer bro, 1-2" max, put the fan on the canopy of the plants to carry heat away from the hotspot from the lights.
Could just be that your plants were heat stressed and not actually nute burnt.
Like i said, flush, move the fans over the canopy an see how they get on..