misting the ladies


Active Member
Misting helps a plant. Keeps bugs off them and dust. I wouldn't do it while the plant was budding though...


Well-Known Member
thanks pepole man i love this site..How close should i put my 1000 watt when my plants are 2 weeks old right now is 30 inches from the tops?


Well-Known Member
very good twistyman that helped me very much. Hey the food between my legs in the picture is it any good cheack the three numbers out?


Well-Known Member
I can't see them... I'm using Canna nutes. 3-1-3 for veg 2-2-4 flower. general hydroponics is popular... its an availability thing I used to use 20-20-20 basic but battled burning... with the canna levels I didn't have ONE spot.. so those ratios should be fine keeping all lower than 10... IMO.. luck.



Well-Known Member
Twistyman then why does the hydro stores say the larger the first number is the better you will be


Well-Known Member
I think it all varies I use an organic and chemical nutes try em very diluted at first then work you way up good luck


Well-Known Member
well the numbers are the N-P-K look it up the are the amount of the main needed nutes a certain stages of veg/flower. So the 202020 was a problem cause you dont need that for flower. They have average N-P-K values you should be usuing at certain stages of growth. Cheers friend, burn on down for me I'm dry for a day or so it seems.


Well-Known Member
think it's Nitrogen-Potasium-Magnese? I forget I am trying different numbers as I see results every other watering or two. You barely need any N while flowering and no P I think in Veg I am at work I dont have my notes in front of me sorry