Mixed bulbs in DE CMH

CMH bulbs do give the most effect as they are the best mini sun lamps out there.
Their only drawback is the light output which is 30-40% less than hps at the same wattage.
The equation of choosing which one consist of if you have enough light, if you do, use cmh.
If you don't, it's better to use hps.
The margin of better quality under cmh is marginal, so more light is my preference over maybe better quality.
Hps pump out quality for many years, blue wavelengths are overrated.
In the end, spectrum is not the holy grail, qty of light is more important.
The new 315w CMH bulbs do put out a lot of light per watt and are outselling HPS by far because they do.
The new 315w CMH bulbs do put out a lot of light per watt and are outselling HPS by far because they do.

A 315w cmh output is 33K, while a good 400w hps is 55K+
So again, if you can afford putting as many cmh as you want or high wattage ones, using them is good as they are the best light source out there, as they are best like sun bulbs.
But history has showed us that having all that spectrum is not something that's worth the less light output for same wattage (imo anyway).
When I'm growing for strict quality, I'll always choose cmh or 4k mh, for more yield and not very much less quality (if at all) I'll go for hps.