Mixing Jack's with silica and cal-mag

Phat J

Well-Known Member
When using a silica product and a cal-mag additive with Jack's does this staement from general hydro remain true?
20200610_174608.jpg When mixing Jack's you are to mix the cal-nit in last because of a chemical reaction forming gypsum. Therefore shouldn't you and the cal-mag product last? Wouldn't the calcium in the additive react the same way as cal-nit?
Yes it does. But it also is high in N and low in P according to most of the scientific studies I have read. Here is 1 that I thought was good. https://www.cannabisbusinesstimes.com/article/balancing-the-nutrient-equation-cannabis-cultivation/
I have been running all kinds of different numbers through @Renfro calculator trying to get to the 1-1-2-1-.5 By using a cal-mag supplement it allows you to make different ratios. The consensus on PPM values of GH trio N-P-K-Ca-Mg values is 100-100-200-100-50. Correct?
Jack's @ full strength, 3.6-2.4-1.1 g/gal with no other additives comes in @ 146-50-205-120-89. By using just the 3 parts of Jack's alone it seems impossible to reach the 100-100-200-100-50 mark.
By mixing the 3 parts at different amounts and adding additives(mkp,K2O, K2SO4) at different amounts to reach that benchmark. The only way to get close to those numbers with Jack's you have to remove a bunch of part "A". When you do that you are also removing alot of micro nutrients along with it, so my 1st thought was add 10-15 gallons tap water, to get some extra micros in the mix, then finish filling 50 gal res with ro water. I believe @TintEastwood has been working on the same numbers. I would like to get some of his input also. But @rkymtnman your input is always welcome. Input from all sides is good.
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The consensus on PPM values of GH trio N-P-K-Ca-Mg values is 100-100-200-100-50. Correct?
i know Lucas is 100/100/200/Ca?/60Mg. most recommend at least double Ca vs Mg, some places ive read up to 5:1 Ca/Mg.

i think when i try the Jack's Tap dry nutes, i'm going to buy a bottle of CES Plant Amp (Ca only). and if I need Mg, just Epsom. i'd like to eliminate adding cal/mg to fix a Ca problem.
i think when i try the Jack's Tap dry nutes, i'm going to buy a bottle of CES Plant Amp (Ca only). and if I need Mg, just Epsom. i'd like to eliminate adding cal/mg to fix a Ca problem.
I agree with this for sure. I will look into that, I have not heard of that product before. Thanks
CES is cutting edge solutions if you never heard of them
Their web says 1.0% calcium, derived from calcium chloride. I also found this on google,
"Plant Amp is a chelated calcium product that also contains a proprietary organic plant stimulating ingredient. Calcium is the basis of cell wall development in a plant and the chelated calcium in Plant Amp is extremely soluble, providing an easily utilized source of calcium".
Their web site doesn't mention anything about a "plant stimulating ingredient". I am guessing it is a PGR like triacontonal? It says organic, so from alfalfa?
Their web says 1.0% calcium, derived from calcium chloride. I also found this on google,
"Plant Amp is a chelated calcium product that also contains a proprietary organic plant stimulating ingredient. Calcium is the basis of cell wall development in a plant and the chelated calcium in Plant Amp is extremely soluble, providing an easily utilized source of calcium".
Their web site doesn't mention anything about a "plant stimulating ingredient". I am guessing it is a PGR like triacontonal? It says organic, so from alfalfa?
don't know for sure. could be kelp or humic too maybe? do they have a contact us form? maybe see if they will tell you what it is.
I sent an email. Requesting ppm values at the recommended dosages and what is the mystery "organic plant stimulating ingredient" We will see, if they divulge the info.
Here is the 1st reply.
"Plant Amp is a great source of organically derived calcium that can be used both as a foliar and watered into the medium. Unfortunately proprietary means just that... I can’t divulge proprietary information about the formula."
PPM values are pretty vague as well.
"Below are rough ranges for ppm levels for the different medium types

Ranges for the soil/coco/recirculating
Seedlings/clones: 300-600
Vegetative 600-1000
Bloom 1000-1500

ForDWC, recommendation at 30-50% strength of recirculating chart
Seedlings/clones : 200-400
Vegetative: 400-600
Bloom: 600-1000 "
So I clarified my ppm question and told him my guess of triacontonal. His 2nd reply,
"That’s a great guess
Also, great question. I’ll be honest, I don’t have that exact figure right in front of me. I will try to get you a more exact answer, but in the meantime I would guess around 100-150ppm at 10mL/gal.".
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Just a little info since we got off topic. I contacted Jr Peter's about my question about the order of products, specifically with a cal-mag supplement. This is the reply.
Thanks for reaching out and for your choosing Jack's!
Mason passed along your question about the order of addition for CalMag - I would recommend adding this first OR last.
As long as everything is mixed and dissolved in solution prior to adding the product, the order of addition shouldn't have an impact on solubility.

I hope this is helpful, but let us know if you have any additional questions or if we can help with anything else. Thanks again for reaching out and enjoy the weekend!

Kind regards,


Dan Gillespie

Technical Specialist


So apparently the order is not as big of a problem as people make it out to be. Just make sure all the parts are desolved in a solution before adding. Then make sure reservoir is thoroughly mixed before adding the next part.