MMJ Friendly banks?


Well-Known Member
OK. The banks don't want to deal with the medical marijuana industry because the DOJ has threatened to raid branches that take on their business. This is the tactic that the Obama administration is using to counteract the industry.

First and foremost pay your taxes. This is all being set up to trap people in the industry. Tax evasion is what they have used to bring down people in "underground" industries for a long time. You can however do what someone else suggested and attain prepaid debit cards from check cashing stores, the only problem with that is some entities do not accept these cards. Another option is to take your cash assets to Canada and open a checking account you then can make the trip whenever you are close to hitting the 10k customs max. You then create a recurring electronic deposit from your Canadian bank account to your american personal checking account. This way your bank will not think anything of it. Once again though pay your taxes! Another benefit of opening a Canadian bank account is that if for any reason LEO froze your assets you will still have access to your funds in Canada. I know this sounds like a pain in the ass but if you ever found yourself in a sticky law enforcement situation you will be happy that you have an account that can be used to hire an attorney.
hmmm reocurring electronic deposit from another country and the bank think nothing of it? really? lol also, it's not only MONIES you have to be worried will be assumed to have purchased your HOUSE, CAR and any other assets with money stemming from illegal activity which will be confiscated..KISS..KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID..plenty of time for the government to get that piece of your pie..and your attorney money should be 10k sitting in your safe at home.


Active Member
hmmm reocurring electronic deposit from another country and the bank think nothing of it? really? lol also, it's not only MONIES you have to be worried will be assumed to have purchased your HOUSE, CAR and any other assets with money stemming from illegal activity which will be confiscated..KISS..KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID..plenty of time for the government to get that piece of your pie..and your attorney money should be 10k sitting in your safe at home.
You mean that safe the feds walk out with after your unexpectedly raided. I mean I see your point, but at this point in time thats the risk your taking when you decide to make a income from medical marijuana....


Well-Known Member
You mean that safe the feds walk out with after your unexpectedly raided. I mean I see your point, but at this point in time thats the risk your taking when you decide to make a income from medical marijuana....'s kinda silly to keep your grow and safe in the same place isn't it? though mine was installed professionally and not walking off lol

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Wow... so stupid the OP is.

Why wouldn't you just use the cash to pay down credit cards, fix up your house, buy gas/groceries and the such?

Put enough in the bank just to pay your utilities.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Plus at 10k a week there is NO way you are compliant with MMJ laws.

Unless you were dumb enough to pile it up all year and try to deposit all at once.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
at 240 an ounce that would mean you were offloading 2lbs a week.

8lbs a month.

Just looked up michigan law. You are allowed 5 patients.

So if you were getting rid of 8 lbs a month, that would mean that each patient was getting like one and half lbs a month.

1 and a half lbs/30 days = .85 ounce smoked a day!!!


Well-Known Member
There are also things you can't do with cash, thus the need for a checking account.

Have you ever tried sending in cash to pay your electric bill?
You can pay your electric bill in cash in person. You can buy money orders for anyone who won't accept cash. Legally, one can not refuse to accept cash.


Well-Known Member
source? doesn't make much sense, if its proceeds from an illegal transaction, than how can they not be subject to seizure?
Hard to cash legally into LEO coffers. The war on drugs sadly has been given precedence over your right from wrongful search and seizure, among many others :(


Well-Known Member
That's why before you leave the bank ALWAYS, ALWAYS re-count in front of teller and hold up to light to view security thread EACH AND EVERY not be hurried out by impatience of staff or customers because none of those people are going to replace the counterfeit they took in and you walked out the door with..
Made big noise with corporate and they refunded 50$ of it. Would've refunded the 100$ but I freaked out and burned a 50.

What if my ms. had tried to spend that while with our son and gotten arrested? These people need to be held liable for the fake $ they hand out. They said it happens all the time, and they don't refund. that comment was enough to motivate us to raise hell.


Well-Known Member
I went to my local credit union yesterday. I explained that I was a caregiver in advance and showed them my cards. They said they have no problem holding accounts for me, looks like it might work out. :)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I went to my local credit union yesterday. I explained that I was a caregiver in advance and showed them my cards. They said they have no problem holding accounts for me, looks like it might work out. :)

Instead of changing the way you deposit money, you are just going to announce to the world you grow weed. Good job there.


Well-Known Member
I went to my local credit union yesterday. I explained that I was a caregiver in advance and showed them my cards. They said they have no problem holding accounts for me, looks like it might work out. :)
That is a risky one.:shock:

why not start an LLC(dummi corp whatever), have your patients pay you in checks written to said LLC? Start a business account at the credit union.


Well-Known Member
Not only did you tell a bank that you sold weed for a living ,but you actually did it again after an account was closed? lol. That is some stereotypical stoner shit right there. You could have thought of many other things to say. Just say you gamble a lot. Or you have a wealthy family. Or you sell stuff at garage sales. Anything other than tell them you make money from felonious crime.. I mean come on..