MMJ Friendly banks?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
homie-pimper must be a by-the-book kinda guy. only there is no rule book yet anywhere to be found. maybe he got sick of having accts closed twice already.:cool:

personally I've been conditioned to tell no one, but hey that's just me, lol.


Well-Known Member
Man you guys sure didn't like that.
Are we legitimate or not? The laws of our state say what I do is legal. I don't want to hide in a goddamn corner pretending I'm a criminal. I want to put my money into a bank that accepts me as the state sanctioned, small (especially after the SCOTSOM ruling :-() businessman that I am.
I highly doubt Obama and the feds are going to come after me, a small time, tax paying grower who works in accordance with state law when there are massive, tax evading, state law breaking little factories all over the state.
Things are happening, states are legalizing and decriminalizing for recreational use ffs. Maybe if we all stood up and acted like legitimate businessmen, especially when it comes to interacting with our state representatives, we would be treated like it.


Well-Known Member
sorry bro but you r just one but the state says it's legal and even then if the fed decides tag you're it the state will not back you up. paying taxes on medical marijuana at this point is ridiculous. you may as well hand it over to me. and the the "sar" is common knowledge. you never hand the bank $10k (legal or not) and some banks have issues when depositing $5k or more

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Again, I don't understand why you are depositing 10k in a week. That is just shady.

If you are really legit, you shouldn't need to deposit more than a couple hundred a week.


Well-Known Member
Man you guys sure didn't like that.
Are we legitimate or not? The laws of our state say what I do is legal. I don't want to hide in a goddamn corner pretending I'm a criminal. I want to put my money into a bank that accepts me as the state sanctioned, small (especially after the SCOTSOM ruling :-() businessman that I am.
I highly doubt Obama and the feds are going to come after me, a small time, tax paying grower who works in accordance with state law when there are massive, tax evading, state law breaking little factories all over the state.
Things are happening, states are legalizing and decriminalizing for recreational use ffs. Maybe if we all stood up and acted like legitimate businessmen, especially when it comes to interacting with our state representatives, we would be treated like it.
It isn't that we didn't like it. We were blown away. and slightly scared for you LoL
Good intentions though...

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
The high degree of controversy has been demonstrated already by being shut-down by two banks already. I believe I understand Pimper's concept about steppin up like real business folks, but there is a problem w this. Piper you def are a minority in your approach, can't figure out if you are a bold idealist pioneer, or just plain naive.

Bungle - paying taxes on mmj, overtly or not, is needed for credit ratings and to advance in ways like approval for financing. banks want to see a decent net income before they loans you anymore.


Well-Known Member
The high degree of controversy has been demonstrated already by being shut-down by two banks already. I believe I understand Pimper's concept about steppin up like real business folks, but there is a problem w this. Piper you def are a minority in your approach, can't figure out if you are a bold idealist pioneer, or just plain naive.

Bungle - paying taxes on mmj, overtly or not, is needed for credit ratings and to advance in ways like approval for financing. banks want to see a decent net income before they loans you anymore.
correct...which is why i still have a full time job. and for when i no longer need a full time job my wife sells antiques on ebay and at an antique booth. she has a tax i.d. and pays taxes on all income which for us would be selling antiques on ebay, selling eggs from our chickens and meds for my patients and yard sales twice a summer but it all just gets listed as ebay sales when tax time approaches. banks never have an issue taking my deposits or handing out loans. but i'm also not not making huge weekly drops either


Well-Known Member
Again, I don't understand why you are depositing 10k in a week. That is just shady.

If you are really legit, you shouldn't need to deposit more than a couple hundred a week.
I never said I was depositing 10k/week. I said I might have, as in it's possible it happened during a particularly great week. That would have been before the SCOTSOM decision when I worked with dispensaries and patients on CL. That's gone now, I wish it wasn't, it sucks. Chemical bank still wanted to know why I had only irregular cash deposits even though they weren't semi-monthly much larger cash deposits.


Well-Known Member
I have heard credit unions are where it's at for mmj caregivers
I got some mail from my bank today. It was a check for my money and a letter telling me to go fuck myself.
Two weeks ago my prepaid card from walmart said that they won't let me load anymore money on my account and
they won't let me open any more accounts.
Looks like I need to hit a credit union.


Well-Known Member
It looks like that pen and phone of law at work brother ;) The DOJ's "Operation Choke Point" has stepped this game and their assault on what they consider "high-risk" businesses. They are all the usual targets: pornography, drug paraphernalia, escort services, racist materials, Ponzi schemes and online gambling. Although as you've experienced MMJ still remains in play. We may get lucky with them also including their political agenda aimed at gun and ammo manufacturers as they are the only target now on this list with the cash and political/public support to fight back.


Well-Known Member
First credit union I went to hooked me up. They said they have nothing at all preventing them from dealing with any caregivers or medical marijuana related businesses. They were happy to accept my money.
Prepaid cards I switched to a Western Union MasterCard. You can load $950/day, I'll place a bean order to make sure it works with international purchases.


Well-Known Member
I hate banks. With the credit union at least it's owned by the members and in your case they treated you right. I've encouraged all my friends and family to move to credit unions.

First credit union I went to hooked me up. They said they have nothing at all preventing them from dealing with any caregivers or medical marijuana related businesses. They were happy to accept my money.
Prepaid cards I switched to a Western Union MasterCard. You can load $950/day, I'll place a bean order to make sure it works with international purchases.


Well-Known Member
First credit union I went to hooked me up. They said they have nothing at all preventing them from dealing with any caregivers or medical marijuana related businesses. They were happy to accept my money.
Prepaid cards I switched to a Western Union MasterCard. You can load $950/day, I'll place a bean order to make sure it works with international purchases.
There is a parallel international banking operation underway as well. I believe it is more of an IRS/tax evasion sting, but the scope and dangers there are anyone's guess. Armed IRS agents showing up to audit an MMJ business is uncharted territory ;)


Well-Known Member
Medical Marijuana Shops Struggle With Banks, Mounting Federal Pressure To Turn The Businesses Away

First Posted: 06/17/11 04:47 PM ETUpdated: 08/17/11 06:12 AM ET
Denver News , Medical Marijuana , Video , Albine Herbal Awareness , Legal Pot ,Marijuana Business , Marijuana Businesses , Medical Marijuana Dispensaries , Mmj ,Mmj Caregivers , Mmj Dispensary , Pot Advocacy , Pot Business , Denver News
ST. LOUIS, June 17 (Thomson Reuters Accelus) - Marijuana dispensaries in states that have legalized medical pot are struggling to obtain service from banks and credit-card companies, pressured by federal authorities who consider illegal the business estimated at $1.7 billion annually.

Operators and supporters of marijuana dispensaries say banks are turning away their business because they risk falling afoul of anti-money-laundering and drug-trafficking laws.

The largest U.S. bank, Bank of America Corp, said it started withdrawing services from dispensaries after receiving a warning from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in late 2007 or early 2008. The DEA said it has also told other big banks that they face potential legal liabilities if they do business with the dispensaries.

"It was a nightmare," Sue Harank, co-owner of Denver-based dispensary Alpine Herbal Wellness, said of her efforts to find a bank. The shop opened in March 2010, and during the following six months two banks and a credit union closed her accounts, she said.

"Both banks and the credit union pursued our business initially and said they had talked to the corporate office and run it through legal, but a month or two later they all reversed themselves," she said.

A study by financial-analysis firm See Change Strategy said the medical marijuana business would be worth $1.7 billion in 2011 and is growing. While some states have legalized dispensaries, the federal government does not recognize states' authority to do so and it considers the businesses illegal.

"They're operating according to state law, but because of conflict with federal law, they can't get credit card processing services and they can't keep bank accounts open," said Keith Stroup, founder of NORML, a lobbying organization working to legalize marijuana.


NORML says 16 states and the District of Columbia have enacted various medical-marijuana use statutes. Some states allow sales through dispensaries, while others require the marijuana users to grow the drug themselves.

Supporters of medical marijuana say the drug helps patients with chronic illnesses including cancer, AIDS and multiple sclerosis. Critics say the dispensaries cater more to recreational pot users than patients.

The biggest two states for the medical marijuana business are California, with a market size of $1.3 billion, and Colorado, which is considered the most business friendly.

In October 2009, Deputy U.S. Attorney General David Ogden issued a memorandum that said the Justice Department was unlikely to pursue individual cancer patients and others who use marijuana as intended by state medical-use laws.

But Ogden also said "prosecution of commercial enterprises that unlawfully market and sell marijuana for profit continues to be an enforcement priority of the department."

The memo says that evidence of money laundering or excessive profits might be a reason for targeting a dispensary.

California brothers Winslow and Abraham Norton are scheduled to go in trial in September on a 2007 indictment for violating federal drug trafficking and money-laundering charges with their marijuana dispensary. Court documents stated that the brothers held accounts at Bank of America.

Bank of America spokeswoman Shirley Norton said the bank started exiting its relationships with dispensaries after getting the DEA alert. "We do not provide banking services to medical marijuana businesses," Norton said.

DEA spokesman Rusty Payne confirmed that the administration advised Bank of America that marijuana, medical or otherwise, is illegal under federal law and that offering financial services to dispensaries "can open you up to liability."

Financial institutions have not yet been specifically targeted by the Justice Department for prosecution for serving dispensaries, and U.S. President Barack Obama has stuck by a campaign vow to halt widespread raids of medical-marijuana facilities.

However, department spokeswoman Jessica Smith pointed to guidance letters drafted by federal prosecutors in California, Illinois and Arizona which characterized dispensaries, in general, as drug traffickers.

One of the letters, written by U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag of the Northern District of California and released in February stated that property owners, landlords and financiers who aid marijuana distribution businesses "should also know that their conduct violates federal law."


The See Change study, which surveyed 300 wholesale and retail dispensary operators, said 24 percent reported that obtaining financing was their biggest worry.

Charles Mannon, president of the Savings Bank of Mendocino County, said he believes federal regulators hit his northern California bank with an enforcement action because the region is flush with medical-marijuana proceeds. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation said the bank had a weak anti-money laundering program, and the bank this year signed a legal agreement to tighten procedures.

"They just wanted to make sure that we do everything we're required to do to trace money laundering. They never specifically said anything about medical marijuana, but I think we were targeted because we are in a medical marijuana growing area," Mannon told Thomson Reuters.

Mannon said his bank is not seeking to cull medical marijuana dispensaries, but instead is closely monitoring "all accounts with lots of cash."

FDIC spokesman Greg Hernandez said the regulator has not put out "specific guidance" on medical marijuana businesses.

In Denver, Harank said the banks that rejected her said they had taken on too many medical pot businesses and that had "put them on the radar" of federal authorities.

Now, Harank's company has an account at CSSB Private Bank, a Colorado-based division of Texas-based Herring Bank, which she said is the only bank "openly" doing business with medical marijuana outfits.

Dustin Fisher, the vice-president for business development at CSSB, said it was created to cater to the medical marijuana industry and is planning to expand to other states. He did not elaborate.

Regulatory consultant and investigator Jim Dowling, a former federal agent, said his advice to banks is that they avoid medical marijuana dispensaries. He said they sometimes masquerade as other types of businesses to obtain accounts.

(Editing by Randall Mikkelsen and Eric Beech)

(This article was produced by the Compliance Complete service of Thomson Reuters Accelus. Compliance Complete)