MMJ Networking

I thought AZCS was something until I visited out on El Mirage. An O.K. waiting room & an office with a desk & someone doing business on it !(NOT impressive) I asked if Bryan was there & told the guy runing it I was there to support eliminating the 25 mile rule. Nothing else going on there that I could see so I left. An interesting visit but absolutely nothing impressive to see or do in front of the locked area & kinda not an uplifting feeling. Im sure a major operation is probably going on in the warehouse area for those that signed there rights over. I am not bashing just stating the facts of my personal visit. Go by yourself & see how it makes you feel . . . hopefully there will be someone there friendly and personable, maybe tell or show you something about AZCS.

I like AZCS now that the law is a bit more on track & they can show themselves fully & hope they set the bar high for Dispensaries in our State, Thank You Bryan !
OMG...hey i'm a ' watching, analyzing and learning who's who in this biz type person', but i've been successful in numerous businesses and now retired and am watching and curious about everyone in this new biz. I have to agree with you about the El Mirage store. Bryan does thing right at the location, but some of his staff is OMG, creapy and defensive. My gut feeling is that these guys have some dollars to try to get into this business in the beginning stages. They don't have their staff at 100% yet....but who the fukkk does? My first and 2nd impressions of Bryan is helpful, concerned, wanting to make this work. I believe they will with some fine tuning, and also believe that Bryan is the 'meet the people' person that aczs needs to improve, grow, expand and make the group successful. He may not be the big boss of the operation, but he has potential to make the aczs a long lasting successful group in the AZ mmj businesses.
I'm telling you guys, the dispensaries will be set up just like Cali's, if you have ever been to one they all are alike and all sound like what Wolfhound experienced at AZCS's location. You will have for the most part shitty ass dispensaries ( all of them are money hungry) trying to sell outdoor as with indoor prices, clones infected with pests, prices will be 350-400 a ounce, but you will have a few really good kick ass dispensaries spread around and have really good reputation just be prepared for some horrible dispensaries to be popping up soon.
OMG...hey i'm a ' watching, analyzing and learning who's who in this biz type person', but i've been successful in numerous businesses and now retired and am watching and curious about everyone in this new biz. I have to agree with you about the El Mirage store. Bryan does thing right at the location, but some of his staff is OMG, creapy and defensive. My gut feeling is that these guys have some dollars to try to get into this business in the beginning stages. They don't have their staff at 100% yet....but who the fukkk does? My first and 2nd impressions of Bryan is helpful, concerned, wanting to make this work. I believe they will with some fine tuning, and also believe that Bryan is the 'meet the people' person that aczs needs to improve, grow, expand and make the group successful. He may not be the big boss of the operation, but he has potential to make the aczs a long lasting successful group in the AZ mmj businesses.

Bryan is a wise man!!

Very respectful!

To be HONEST... I alot of FOLK would be bashing AZCS if Bryan was not around!
I didn't think it was anything like a Cali dispensary, from no sign, very little help, & no type of a showroom etc.A guy showing stuff on a desk in a side office that wasnt set up for sales, from my view, but just a warehouse office doing business. Are you saying it was all behind the locked door ? I was not offered any info on AZCS after I asked if Bryan was there.
My perception from walking in the door after trying to find it was all the business was done by the one guy showing pot on the crappy desk where he was helping a patient when I came in. I had high hopes that there would be more to it after Bryan had been on here saying he would show some growers around. I guess the whole thing hinges on Bryans personality at this point, wish I had met him
I can't wait for them to realize there full potential with Bryan leading the way.
I didn't think it was anything like a Cali dispensary, from no sign, very little help, & no type of a showroom etc.A guy showing stuff on a desk in a side office that wasnt set up for sales, from my view, but just a warehouse office doing business. Are you saying it was all behind the locked door ? I was not offered any info on AZCS after I asked if Bryan was there.
My perception from walking in the door after trying to find it was all the business was done by the one guy showing pot on the crappy desk where he was helping a patient when I came in. I had high hopes that there would be more to it after Bryan had been on here saying he would show some growers around. I guess the whole thing hinges on Bryans personality at this point, wish I had met him
I can't wait for them to realize there full potential with Bryan leading the way.

Most Cali places are like that, the real good ones have nice waiting rooms and somewhat educated looking/sounding people. Bryan seems like AZCS's one representative who can give a logical answer but you all would be pretty silly to really think that any company who is in the business of opening a dispensary would really be on the patients side of the "getting rid of the 25 mile rule thrown out" at the end of the day it's a business and as all of you know Cannabis is a hot commodity for our generation.
I didn't think it was anything like a Cali dispensary, from no sign, very little help, & no type of a showroom etc.A guy showing stuff on a desk in a side office that wasnt set up for sales, from my view, but just a warehouse office doing business. Are you saying it was all behind the locked door ? I was not offered any info on AZCS after I asked if Bryan was there.
My perception from walking in the door after trying to find it was all the business was done by the one guy showing pot on the crappy desk where he was helping a patient when I came in. I had high hopes that there would be more to it after Bryan had been on here saying he would show some growers around. I guess the whole thing hinges on Bryans personality at this point, wish I had met him
I can't wait for them to realize there full potential with Bryan leading the way.

Just to set things straight, it wasn't Bryan that said he'd show us around, it was Bill. The el jefe. Ha ha
OMG...hey i'm a ' watching, analyzing and learning who's who in this biz type person', but i've been successful in numerous businesses and now retired and am watching and curious about everyone in this new biz. I have to agree with you about the El Mirage store. Bryan does thing right at the location, but some of his staff is OMG, creapy and defensive. My gut feeling is that these guys have some dollars to try to get into this business in the beginning stages. They don't have their staff at 100% yet....but who the fukkk does? My first and 2nd impressions of Bryan is helpful, concerned, wanting to make this work. I believe they will with some fine tuning, and also believe that Bryan is the 'meet the people' person that aczs needs to improve, grow, expand and make the group successful. He may not be the big boss of the operation, but he has potential to make the aczs a long lasting successful group in the AZ mmj businesses.

Agree with the staff first impression when out there to get some clones, was needless to say beyond (IMO) poor! I felt allienated. Staff was creapy and felt like they could give a sh$%! I wanted information about the strains (ie flower period, stability, nutrient req's ect) no one could seem to help even with that. I would NOT consider another visit, even if the clones were free! Don't know Brian, so can't comment...Just tellin it like it is!
Agree with the staff first impression when out there to get some clones, was needless to say beyond (IMO) poor! I felt allienated. Staff was creapy and felt like they could give a sh$%! I wanted information about the strains (ie flower period, stability, nutrient req's ect) no one could seem to help even with that. I would NOT consider another visit, even if the clones were free! Don't know Brian, so can't comment...Just tellin it like it is!

Good for you, speak the truth. We are the consumers they are the business accept honest criticism when it comes your way... +rep dude.
I was speaking the truth also ! LOL . . . No way to run any business from my point of view . . . I only have 1 visit to base my view on but will give them another try once they get it together a bit more . Eliminating the 25 mile rule is in the dispensaries best interest, more growers and more variety & they will all benefit down the road. There will not be enough dispensaries here to handle the customers as it is & growing by a few won't stop them from making the same amount of money. It also gives them another source of excellent strains to offer by buying from indepenents. The laws will change & we will all have a good laugh over this in a few years !
It was brought to my attention!!!

Why would people allow this to happen? They will just go underground!

If there is 16k patients I would not be surprised if only 7k patients actually used a dispensary on a regular basis!!

The rest are going underground because of the HIGH prices!!! How does this help AZ? It does NOT!! The law needs to be fair for all!!! Patients, caregivers, businesses, and dispensaries!!

Not ALL patients are cultivators! They will need the service of a dispensary!!! But to Force everyone to go to a dispensary is ridiculous..
It was brought to my attention!!!

Why would people allow this to happen? They will just go underground!

If there is 16k patients I would not be surprised if only 7k patients actually used a dispensary on a regular basis!!

The rest are going underground because of the HIGH prices!!! How does this help AZ? It does NOT!! The law needs to be fair for all!!! Patients, caregivers, businesses, and dispensaries!!

Not ALL patients are cultivators! They will need the service of a dispensary!!! But to Force everyone to go to a dispensary is ridiculous..

i just realized today that if we are forced to use dispensary's because of the 25 mile rule or what have u, then they can collaberate to control supply and demand to price control like de beers does with diamonds. if not the the market will eventually get flooded with supply and price will go down to the point people wont make profits or costs even.
If it wasn't for criticism we wouldn't know what needed to be worked on!

Please know that I try and get out to talk with anybody who asks for me, but I also hold another fulltime job, so I'm not always there. The people that work at AZCS are just that, PEOPLE, So while I don't make excuses for anybody, I'm sure we've all been irritable at some point. Hell even I've come on here and snapped at stuff that I took personally..

I will do what I can to improve the areas you all have pointed out, unfortunately I can't keep all of our members in the loop about whats going on, on here, other social media, involving the 25 mile rule, etc... I wish every person that worked there was as nerdy as me, and understood forums so they personally could read the complaints and respond to them.. it just doesnt work that way yet... maybe some day ;)
Better watch where i walk that is a pile of BS. Where do you get your workers that they are so incredibly computer illiterate...the lost tribes of the Amazon?
If it wasn't for criticism we wouldn't know what needed to be worked on!

Please know that I try and get out to talk with anybody who asks for me, but I also hold another fulltime job, so I'm not always there. The people that work at AZCS are just that, PEOPLE, So while I don't make excuses for anybody, I'm sure we've all been irritable at some point. Hell even I've come on here and snapped at stuff that I took personally..

I will do what I can to improve the areas you all have pointed out, unfortunately I can't keep all of our members in the loop about whats going on, on here, other social media, involving the 25 mile rule, etc... I wish every person that worked there was as nerdy as me, and understood forums so they personally could read the complaints and respond to them.. it just doesnt work that way yet... maybe some day ;)
Just to set things straight, it wasn't Bryan that said he'd show us around, it was Bill. The el jefe. Ha ha

I will gladly take you back.. Not just anybody that requests it, but if you say hey i'm so & so from RIU, give me a tour...

Better watch where i walk that is a pile of BS. Where do you get your workers that they are so incredibly computer illiterate...the lost tribes of the Amazon?

I'm sorry you don't like my answers, it is what it is. I realize whatever impression you got from us was pretty bad, but if you give me the chance I am positive I can change your opinion.
All of this talk about people being upset with us at our collective locations really has me flustered. Its not something I like to read, and its certainly not the impression I want AZCS to be getting.

Because of this we have opened a new section on our forums dedicated to complaints.

I'm not going to post a link, but its in the open/public area of our forums and you can even view the thread without logging in.

This was my introductory post:

This section of the forums is reserved specifically for those that wish to list a complaint against either AZCS, or a staff member.

If you have visited one of our collective locations and were NOT satisfied with your experience, PLEASE post it here. Without criticism we will never know what areas we are lacking in.

Thank you in advance, and I hope this is a step in the right direction when it comes to taking care of patients.


PixiDustr I really do apologize to you, the way you were treated must've been bad, because I have seen your feelings, and they aren't positive. Again, if you will give me the opportunity I would love to change your opinion of us.
All of this talk about people being upset with us at our collective locations really has me flustered. Its not something I like to read, and its certainly not the impression I want AZCS to be getting.

Because of this we have opened a new section on our forums dedicated to complaints.

I'm not going to post a link, but its in the open/public area of our forums and you can even view the thread without logging in.

This was my introductory post:

This section of the forums is reserved specifically for those that wish to list a complaint against either AZCS, or a staff member.

If you have visited one of our collective locations and were NOT satisfied with your experience, PLEASE post it here. Without criticism we will never know what areas we are lacking in.

Thank you in advance, and I hope this is a step in the right direction when it comes to taking care of patients.


PixiDustr I really do apologize to you, the way you were treated must've been bad, because I have seen your feelings, and they aren't positive. Again, if you will give me the opportunity I would love to change your opinion of us.

I dont think a single person is upset or mad I think they just had higher expectations and they were not fulfilled, thats the way I read it.