MMJ Networking

You remind me of that guy at the bus station waiting for the runaways..."yeah, I'm a nice guy, I'll take care of you...I can get you what you need, Baby..." and before the kid knows it, the nice guy is pimping them for money....though in your case you falsely (imo) profess to support the removal of the 25 mile rule, but in reality can't wait to sell me my medicine when you are a full fledged dispensary for big bux.

is what it repeat such an overused and truly undescriptive phrase... I stand by my's all BS and that truly is what it is
I'm sorry you don't like my answers, it is what it is. I realize whatever impression you got from us was pretty bad, but if you give me the chance I am positive I can change your opinion.
You remind me of that guy at the bus station waiting for the runaways..."yeah, I'm a nice guy, I'll take care of you...I can get you what you need, Baby..." and before the kid knows it, the nice guy is pimping them for money....though in your case you falsely (imo) profess to support the removal of the 25 mile rule, but in reality can't wait to sell me my medicine when you are a full fledged dispensary for big bux.

is what it repeat such an overused and truly undescriptive phrase... I stand by my's all BS and that truly is what it is

Just because you don't like my answers, doesn't make them wrong. To think that everybody in the world has access to, and the knowledge of how to get around on a forum is just flat out wrong. I guess I'm not sorry you don't like my answers, I just wish you were able to see them from my viewpoint. Obviously you can't, and I understand that. Is that more descriptive for you?

I guess only time will tell our REAL intentions right? Go ahead, continue to compare me to a pimp :roll:
Just because you don't like my answers, doesn't make them wrong. To think that everybody in the world has access to, and the knowledge of how to get around on a forum is just flat out wrong. I guess I'm not sorry you don't like my answers, I just wish you were able to see them from my viewpoint. Obviously you can't, and I understand that. Is that more descriptive for you?

I guess only time will tell our REAL intentions right? Go ahead, continue to compare me to a pimp :roll:
If I am understanding you correctly; you are upset because people don't feel comfortable airing their grievances on azcs forum. I think the reason for that is because they don't feel comfortable enough to do so on your forum. When I just said "good to know AZCS finally took a side" I was attacked by Damon. Not all people feel confidant enough to defend themselves against others who aim to shout them down. So, they will go where they do feel comfortable; it's human nature. Everyone has a right and a innate desire to be heard and understood. I think it's great you are able to say that you think it isn't fair; but as we all know life is only as fair as we choose to make it. Maybe calling you a pimp was a bit harsh; but dude I kinda feel like a cow being led to slaughter with classical music playing in the background to keep me complacent. I also felt alienated by the comments I got from your forum just for trying to engage in the discourse.
I guess only time will tell our REAL intentions right? Go ahead, continue to compare me to a pimp :roll:

You grow with synthetic nutrients, that right there tells me your REAL intentions. Organic for quality, synthetic for quantity. Compassion club you are not
I will gladly take you back.. Not just anybody that requests it, but if you say hey i'm so & so from RIU, give me a tour...

I'm sorry you don't like my answers, it is what it is. I realize whatever impression you got from us was pretty bad, but if you give me the chance I am positive I can change your opinion.

I'd give me a tour I was just setting it straight that bill said that not you. Didn't want y to get bashed on anymore then you already have. I'm glad you are trying to set things straight but it's not like MMJ patients are hard to please. Just give some attention, talk about some interest and BAM, you're good to go! Simple customer service is not hard...Like you mentioned in an earlier post, "we are all PEOPLE" so treat patients and others how you would want to be treated if you were in their shoes. I think that's the major thing your company needs to work on. Other then that I have no more beef. You guys answered my questions...I just hope you guys keep fighting for our rights.
You grow with synthetic nutrients, that right there tells me your REAL intentions. Organic for quality, synthetic for quantity. Compassion club you are not

Agreed but they do have a variety of different grows. They just need to start growing more organic and/or veganic. It's all about the medicine being safe, natural and potent IMO. Yields come with experience and perfected nutrient regiments. I mean some of my organic runs have out yielded my synthetic .....with a little more veg time ;)