MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow

Active Member
Well geez, the camera took a nosedive and I needed a new USB cable for the other camera in order to post pictures. It's on the way though and I will post new pics soon as it arrives.

Been out watering alot lately since we're in the grip of a heat wave. Hit 97 degrees yesterday. My only regret is not using watering crystals this season. Despite the lack of rain lately and the incredible heat, the ladies are loving life. Nearly every single plant is thriving and looking very nice. The only ones the have shown any problems are the ones previously damaged by animals. They showed some transplant shock and never really got vegging real good and then they haven't taken off yet with all this heat and lack of rain....... but they'll get there. I put out 13 Krakatoa and 8 White Widow and Northern Light clones last week and this time I put down chicken wire. Nearly every single plant had holes dug all around the chicken wire in an attempt to dig for food. Thanks to the wire, all were spared and continue to thrive. Let's hope for some rain soon.

Active Member
Blessed be, we have finally received a nice rainfall in the area. A slow steady rain for 12 hrs that my plants must be loving right now. We had no rain for roundabouts 2 weeks and 5 90+ degree days. My grass was dying out even ! My USB cable for the new camera arrived and I will be out tomorrow for photos. Was going out yesterday, however, I seen a state vehicle parked with a fella looking at what appeared to be map. Next day noticed the same state vehicle with a 4-wheeler on a trailer in the 1/4 mile vicinity of Buckthorn Valley recently. I drove by (along well traveled road) and the guy disappeared within ten minutes. This type of activity is very normal for the area and what I'm 90% sure they are doing has nothing to do with me. The given area is VERY large as well, we're talking square miles. I just don't like to see it and I don't like seeing him disappear either. rather see him lollygagging and drinking coffee. So I simply scrapped the days plans.


Well-Known Member
Yea we got some rain past few days it was much needed.

Active Member
Hahahaha, yup, sounds like you were up to the same thing as me tristynhawk. Except I gave them the minimal amounts needed to wet their roots.

Looking to step up my outdoor growing next season and have a fair amount of money to invest. Currently have nearly 70 plants in the ground and will do more next season. My plans are to purchase a water Pump to reduce time spent hauling water.

So everyone is talking about the Honda WX10 quite a bit. I like Honda products, have Honda Hybrid vehicles myself, but always like to save a buck. Looking for a new pump and found this one:

Big Jack Gas 41cc water pump

Engine: 1-cylinder,2-stroke,air-cooling 1E40F-6
Displacement: 40.2cc
Flow: 15 m³/h
Suction length: 8m
suction port diameter: 25mm
Discharge port diameter: 25mm
power: 1.45kw/7000r/min Way of ignition: CDI Lift: 30 m
Water outlet diameter: 25 mm
Packing details:
Meas.: 380x290x380mm
G/NW.: 7.5/7 kgs

For $125 Bucks, it's seeming like a fairly good idea. I would need to pump approximately 600 ft (200 flat and 400 at a slight/moderate incline) to get to Fortress Buckthorn. Most of the cost would be in pvc or watering line. Not really looking forward to running a permanent line though.

Aside from that, I am for sure going to purchase an earth auger to dig all of my holes. Have my eyes on one with a 12" wide bit and 32" long. This will severely reduce time spent digging holes and allow me to go a bit bigger next season.

Active Member
Well, it was a crazy morning. I really need some 4 wheel drive. I have very nice vehicles ...... but none suited well enough to drive through barbwire fences apparently, lol. Tip for aspiring growers: Drive slow when going through five foot grass. Even if you are familiar with the area and know there is nothing on the ground to hang you up, there may still be barbwire fences you only see after you have driven through it and got stuck. Because it's always easier to drive around than through.


Well-Known Member
Well, it was a crazy morning. I really need some 4 wheel drive. I have very nice vehicles ...... but none suited well enough to drive through barbwire fences apparently, lol. Tip for aspiring growers: Drive slow when going through five foot grass. Even if you are familiar with the area and know there is nothing on the ground to hang you up, there may still be barbwire fences you only see after you have driven through it and got stuck. Because it's always easier to drive around than through.
I have a Jeep works nice : )

Active Member
Well, with the five clones I have placed outside this morning, I have all of my plants outside for the grow season. I can sit back for a while and let the girls do their thing. I will water when need be and while onsite will do maintenance and photograph at these times only. My goals are to harvest at least 15-20 lbs. I think that this is entirely doable with nearly seventy plants well into vegging in mostly full sun and with my experience in growing over the years. I will re-up for next season with new high-tech gadgets to make my growing easier and more effective, some goes into my investments (which are doing poor lately), and the rest of it will go to my Costa Rica fund !

Active Member
These are slightly over waist high with no stretch to these bushes at all. I have seen some grows that are taller, but they are usually stretched out. Not bad for June 17th in a cold climate grow.

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