MN Outdoor Guerrilla Grow


Well-Known Member
nice looking plant's my man your doing great with them. hope you have a great harvest. Do they fly where you live looking for MJ.

Active Member
Thanks everyone for your comments. They are doing better than I would have thought considering the cold spring and foul weather. I do what I can with what I got. Yeah, fly overs are pretty rare in this poor rural area. Not too worried about that. Good luck everyone, updates soon enough.

Active Member
We're FINALLY getting the rain we need around here, been too long in between rainfall and hauling water has been a pain in the ass as I'm sure many of you are aware. New pics before much longer.

Active Member
F me running. Out applying some BT to keep the pests at bay and a small "cesna-like" airplane was flying around and passed DIRECTLY over me as I was curled into a ball in the bushes. I had a camo shirt on at least. One pass over me and disappeared. Not sure if it was civilian or LEO. Then again, I sexed most of the plants out there and every single one I did was a female....... let's just hope I can keep them !

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
plants look good man. i see alot of planes flying around where im from...usually its just rich bungholes going for a morning fly. unless he was doing a 1/4 barrel roll and lookin out his window i wouldnt worry too much.

Active Member
Boy oh boy. I felt like I could have had a heat stroke had I stayed out in the field watering any longer, 115 with heat index ! I'm sure you're all feeling it........ and if you're not, you will soon it appears. The entire lower 1/3 of the US is in extreme drought and the heatwave has moved west across the Midwest and will be moving east. At least this area got drenched before the heat started. Be easy people.

Active Member
First of all, let me apologize for some of the blurry images. My camera broke on me and after slapping it around a lil bit I got it clickin' again........ but it had moisture on the lens and since I was soaked head to toe (in guerrilla blood sweat and tears), I lacked the ability to dry it off. Show me some love...... I worked hard for these images !

Also, if you wanna play this in the background it helps alot, lol

Kodiak Gold x Pre 98 Aloha White Widow's
