Modern Slavery

This isn't about money. People in trap houses don't get money. People on Welfare don't get money. People with no jobs don't get money. Please try again.
People in trap houses don't deserve any money. People on Welfare get EBT cards. People with no jobs get unemployment or welfare. Demanding others to provide you with freebies doesn't get you much sympathy.
1. No, trap houses are trap houses because you get TRAPPED there because your money goes to the boss 2. They get food stamps. Where in the country to they send cash for welfare? 3. Getting a job is not as easy as you think, especially with no prior experience, or when no one in town knows you, or when you haven't had a regular job in more than a year. Again... Please try again.
1. So the doors don't open or what? 2. Where does anyone but hookers and topless dancers get paid in cash? 3. Sometimes you have to take a job no one else wants. My first job was stacking sod on pallets at a sod farm during the Carter administration in a town with a 35% unemployment rate.
If you could get a job by submitting applications to EVERY employer in town and answering your phone, I wouldn't be on the internet and I would have a job in Texas, a job in Florida, a job in New Mexico, a job in Colorado and a job in California.
Commuting would be murder.
:lol: I don't get it? You don't even understand who we are talking about right now :lol: :dunce: And yeah, you are on ignore, I have been clicking "read post" on my trolls for about a month now.
You don't seem to understand the point of the "ignore" button.
:lol: 1. I have had PLENTY of jobs, I was working at 15 and even worked in a factory, and I have done odd jobs like dig ditches and mow lawns since I was 18 (mowed lawns before that, but just for friends parents). So I have had more, and harder jobs than most people. 2. I don't live with my mom. 3. So you are judging me based on lies you made up? Cool.
Speaking of lies, didn't you state no one would hire you because you had no experience?
jesus christ this guy is a fucking loser. waste of skin is an understatement. finshaggy is the pimple on societys ass. I cant imagine how disappointed in themselves his parents are for creating/raising such a piece of shit human being that has not once ever contributed to society in any way shape or form. its sad that you idiots even still respond to him and his dumbfuck threads.
I imagine they would be happy to get him out of their basement.