Well-Known Member
@beuffer420 - Here we don't drink out of a tap or drink the water that they serve at restaurants. Unless you like birth control and prozac with your water.
@snowboarder396 - Where have you been? I am good. Plodding along in the dirt still! I do think some of the equatorial sativa strains are C4. Not sure though. I was trying to locate some info about this and was unsuccessful. As for praying, the plant is changing the angle of the leaves to reduce the light incidence angle. You will also notice that strains from low sun areas have darker leaves where the "gold" sativa strains always seem pale. Under intense light the dark leaves would get too hot. So hot weather plants are pale, thin leaved, long node, slow growing girls.
@FLkeys1 - Jurple - the winter cold medicine (VapoRub)! I can't wait to hear the smoke report. I wonder what the cured smell will be? The Bubblegum pheno of Mulanje smelled like cat piss when it was drying!
@BobBitchen - The LACon is starting to get that old school pine smell I remember from the '80s! I was pruning some fans away to expose the flowers and the seeds to more sun. I started with the LA Con and finished with the SOG BX. My fingers smelled like penny gumballs! Thanks for the gumball Mickey!
It definitely looks like a storm is coming today. Stormageddon 2014 is expected to hit starting tonight. I hope it is done by 9 AM tomorrow. I have a long drive ahead of me.
Found some slugs in the trash babies last night. Today the plants are looking so much happier! Time to get out the copper tape.
So you're still going up North ? Have fun & drive safe bro