Mohican's 2015 Season

@a senile fungus - Yes keep it running 24/7.
@BobBitchen is the expert with this system. Check out his thread. He posts all of his secrets there :)
Using ProTekt in the water is a big key.

@Dr.D81 - Great news!!! Are you in Eugene?

The ducks were just visiting. Now we have a stray cat I call Tom Cruise.

The screen room has the new screen attached! I had to get a new staple gun. The thing is so fast and light!

Where did you buy it and what kind is it? I will need one of those to make some plant benches. Good work on the screen area. That ought to keep out the vermin. GT
Senco. I got it at the hardwood shop near the Santa Ana train station. You should see the wood slabs they have there. Made me salivate!

Work is great so far. Started Wednesday, Thursday is a partial day and then we have (Good) Friday off!

Next week is going to suck!

Thanks all! It is good to working again. So many things need to get done! It is worse than the garden!

I noticed something cool today. I was trying different nutes from HomeDepot that are labeled as organic. I still think Espoma is the best.

I found a new one made by the Alaska Fish people that is a solid.


The thing is that it looks like rabbit food when you pour it out. Little green pellets. I poured some on different plants that seemed a bit deficient. When you water it the pellets get bigger and look more like sawdust pellets and they expand to four times their original size!

Today when I was touring the garden I noticed a difference in one of the plants. Can you see it?

Glad you are liking the job so far Mo. That is a huge difference in the color on that plant. Do you mix those pellets into the soil as a moisture retention? Or they just sit on top and you water them in?
I will be making soil for my 20 gal pots next weekend. I am spraying today and next weekend for bugs. Get an early start. I will try to select seeds for this years grow tonight or tomorrow nite. Then its pop time for the start of the outdoor grow. Need to get my house painted too so I dont have to deal with people in my backyard. I will start a thread and hope you all pop in once in awhile. GT
I got the second row of screen up today! It is starting to feel like a room!

My pyro daughter made me burn some of the branches from the Christmas tree in the fire tonight. She was giddy!

Had a great day. The Jesus OG oil in my coffee was a big help :weed:

Night peeps!