Molasses question. Please help


Hi Everyone,

I'm at my first grow and getting a little confused by the way to use Molasses. I'm in the third week of flowering and I was wondering how should I use Molasses on my plants. I mean should I spray it directly on the buds/leaves or add the mix of water/molasses to the soil (like nutes). I know this may seem like a silly question but obviously I'm a begginer. I'm also kind of worried that my ladies will get infested with bugs if I uses molasses outside. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
use it like a fert when you water. you can mix some in the water (table spoon per gallon is what I've read, or if you've got the "dry" molasses like I use just sprinkle some around the base of the plant/perimeter of the plant, to allow it to soak to the roots when its watered or rains.DO NOT SPRAY IT ON YOUR PLANTS!!!!!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm at my first grow and getting a little confused by the way to use Molasses. I'm in the third week of flowering and I was wondering how should I use Molasses on my plants. I mean should I spray it directly on the buds/leaves or add the mix of water/molasses to the soil (like nutes). I know this may seem like a silly question but obviously I'm a begginer. I'm also kind of worried that my ladies will get infested with bugs if I uses molasses outside. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Seconding the DO NOT SPRAY IT ON YOUR PLANTS warning. Just mix 1 - 2 tablespoons in with your water when you quench your girls' thirst.


Wow.. thanks for the FAST replies! So I just make the "tea" and then water once a week at the base of my ladies. I hope it won't attract any unwanted pests/monsters :mrgreen: One last question.. Have you ever used it? I read a lot of articles and they say its awesome but I'm not sure what to do.. to use it or not. Thanks again for your help! I'd be dead wihtout RIU.



RIU Bulldog
The main reason to use molasses is to feed the beneficial micropbes in the soil, or to feed the microbes in your compost/manure teas. That's really it.
So if you aren't using compost teas or beneficial bacteria in your grow, then molasses is kinda pointless.


Active Member
2 whole posts and you're passing judgement? really?

So I take it you've never made a tea from bat guano or fish meal or anything else for that matter? Dirty?
The posts I get for using urine for nitrogen? I know bat shit has E coli! So pouring sugar around the base of a plant is supposed to incourage nitrogen releasing bacteria? I get my best results with blue Miracle Grow. Mixed according to directions. Always label you containers NO Blue Koolaide!
It was not sweet so I stopped after first 4 ounces. I down a pint at a time. But did not cause my root to grow?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The posts I get for using urine for nitrogen? I know bat shit has E coli! So pouring sugar around the base of a plant is supposed to incourage nitrogen releasing bacteria? I get my best results with blue Miracle Grow. Mixed according to directions. Always label you containers NO Blue Koolaide!
It was not sweet so I stopped after first 4 ounces. I down a pint at a time. But did not cause my root to grow?
you can get e. coli from your garden. Jesus some people are thick. molasses feeds the enzymes and beneficial bacteria in your soil and it's an excellent chelating agent which helps pass the nutrients into your plants. Plus it provides some much needed micronutrients AND it's a anti-fungal. Dude.. do some research.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Since I don't have anything to lose I'll use it. Hopefully it will change the size/appearance of the buds.
To get the best results it's best to start using it in the veg. stage. :) It's good for you soil so it can't hurt anything. Just don't use too much.


New Member
I dump a glob in a 1 gallon pitcher and add about 1/2 gallon of luke warm water and stir it up good. I then ad 1/2 gallon of cool water. I taste the mix and add until the water is just barely sweet enough taste. I add that much to 3 plants in 5 gallon buckets. It works for me.

I add from week 4-7 of flowering


Active Member
I personally don't use it I let genetics do its work.
I just posted in noob section under 2nd grow check it out no molasses added.


WOW. Everything you say makes me feel better! At least now I know exactly what I need: black unsulphured molasses. I'll post some pictures next week..before/after type.. kind of teleshopping lol. I read some threads here and there was no pictures.. and I guess everyone wants to see Molasses in action :D Thanks everyone!