Molasses question. Please help


RIU Bulldog
Unsulphured blackstrap. :)
Unsulphered or sulphered doesn't really matter.
There's a debate now about the lack of sulpher in nutrients for cannabis.

Here's how I use molasses

Tea water:
3 gal tap water
House and Garden Algen Extract and Roots Excellurator

Tea bag:
1 1/2 cup Composted steer manure
1/8 cup of Composted chicken manure

Brew for 36-48 hours until foamy.
Apply to plants for healthy vegetative and vigorous root growth

hope full

Active Member
did i fuck up? i use molassiss the entire grow, and the other day first time ever, i added a little to my spray bottle and gave them some mist........ please tell me i didnt fuck up

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Actually, Sulphur Dioxide is the chemical used in making sulphured molasses. Sulphur dioxide is a antioxidant and a preservative, which prevents or slows down the absorption of oxygen to the materials it touches or is combined with. Your plants need oxygen to get to the roots and beneficial microbes that promote the growth and well being of your plant. You wouldn't want to add something that inhibits this process. Anyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry knows that nutritional sulphur is not the same as Sulphur Dioxide.


RIU Bulldog
Actually, Sulphur Dioxide is the chemical used in making sulphured molasses. Sulphur dioxide is a antioxidant and a preservative, which prevents or slows down the absorption of oxygen to the materials it touches or is combined with. Your plants need oxygen to get to the roots and beneficial microbes that promote the growth and well being of your plant. You wouldn't want to add something that inhibits this process. Anyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry knows that nutritional sulphur is not the same as Sulphur Dioxide.
That's fine, I've just never seen any problems either way.


Actually, Sulphur Dioxide is the chemical used in making sulphured molasses. Sulphur dioxide is a antioxidant and a preservative, which prevents or slows down the absorption of oxygen to the materials it touches or is combined with. Your plants need oxygen to get to the roots and beneficial microbes that promote the growth and well being of your plant. You wouldn't want to add something that inhibits this process. Anyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry knows that nutritional sulphur is not the same as Sulphur Dioxide.
owned :clap: