Monkeys or Aliens?

I'm not going to EXPLAIN HOW this was still a discovery. Let's look at a different example. How do you explain sub-atomic discovery. How many scientists THOUGHT they "KNEW" about atomic behavior! What about nomadic villagers who KNEW that washing your hands in running water and birds BLOOD would cleanse you from infection! Yet you claim your understanding of the universe is TIMELESS!!!

I laugh at your perception of the universe.

There is a difference between actually knowing something by making observations and basing it on evidence and having a fundamental understanding of how and why, and simply believing something like washing your hands in bird blood. The fundamental difference is that the people that KNEW washing your hands in bird blood would cleanse you did not base it on facts, and had no understanding of the underlying mechanism. Are you trolling or are you really too stupid to understand how those are different?
There is a difference between actually knowing something by making observations and basing it on evidence and having a fundamental understanding of how and why, and simply believing something like washing your hands in bird blood. The fundamental difference is that the people that KNEW washing your hands in bird blood would cleanse you did not base it on facts, and had no understanding of the underlying mechanism. Are you trolling or are you really too stupid to understand how those are different?

I'm not trolling, I'm trying to get you to admit that humans are fallible, and there is a CHANCE that you MIGHT not know how EVERYTHING in the universe works!
Drakes equation.png

Even this equation is based on OUR requirements for life as WE know it. What if we find a circumstance that violates the laws of physics?
By looking at the DNA we see that our large chromosome has evidence of a telomere in the center. And we also see evidence of two centromeres. So this means that two chromosomes fused their ends together. This is what happened when we branched away from our common ancestry. This is why we sweat. Why we lost hair. Why our brains are larger.

The problem people have is they don't conceive how powerful and random the universe is. We're not fucking aliens. We're an evolutionary product, which won't survive. The sooner we die off, the sooner the next species can have a go. It's a cycle. It's been going on before we arrived, and will continue long after we're gone.

Mother nature takes care of itself, once living things start to overpopulate, nature deals with it, whether that be forest fires, diseases, ice ages, etc. . Human beings were already supposed to have been wiped off the earth, just with our superior intelligence and modern medicines, were able to fight off new and deadly viruses. The simplest of our virus's could have wiped out the entire human race in the blink of an eye. It truly is fascinating we have came this far, we are the most intelligent species the earth has ever seen. It would taken millions of years for any other animal species to reach the point of evolution we have achieved If it could even be possible again. Imagine if one of our ancestors caught a deadly contagious cold and died, The earth would be a completely different place then what it is today.
Mother nature takes care of itself, once living things start to overpopulate, nature deals with it, whether that be forest fires, diseases, ice ages, etc. . Human beings were already supposed to have been wiped off the earth, just with our superior intelligence and modern medicines, were able to fight off new and deadly viruses. The simplest of our virus's could have wiped out the entire human race in the blink of an eye. It truly is fascinating we have came this far, we are the most intelligent species the earth has ever seen. It would taken millions of years for any other animal species to reach the point of evolution we have achieved If it could even be possible again. Imagine if one of our ancestors caught a deadly contagious cold and died, The earth would be a completely different place then what it is today.

Indeed! We are the longest living parasitic species on record! But our nature will be our undoing. Intelligence is the measure of problem solving ability. Seeing as how humans developed on land, I question how intelligent Dolphins and Whales really are. A joke in the Science community: Two dolphins are swimming along and strike a conversation. "Did you see what evolved there on land?!" "Hell yes. Why do you think I stay in the water!?"

Our increased intelligence has also spawned a ridiculous ego. We feel "Better" than any other species on earth. Even though we rape, pillage, war, and murder every second. We are not built to survive. I have a theory (A popular one) that Anti-social behavior is actually a removal of an urge we had a few thousand years ago which compels us to gather into groups. Without this value, Man kind would live in small families, or pods, but would not interact with strange groups of the same species. This might save our race. Then the new Homo Species will say, "HEY HEY HEY! I'm not a human! We just share a common ancestor!"
Whats everybody's thoughts on area 51? Top secret military base apparently supposed to be housing aliens and or alien space crafts. Ive watched multiple documentaries on a ufo crash in Rosewell New Mexico back in the forties, The government tried to cover it up saying it was a weather balloon. There was A LOT of skepticism with what eye witness reported of the crash, stating things like a machine they have never seem, metal like no metal on earth, very odd symbols and were very convinced that it was some form of alien space craft. Area 51 has some extremely high security, they do not want you to know what goes on in there or even who works there. Everybody familiar with the movie Independence day? Will smith dragged the aliens to area 51. I thought the movie gave a good idea to what a lot of people think there is in area 51. What are your guys thoughts?
We are not parasites. cn

No? Only because we do not classify the Earth as an Organism. But do we contribute to the perpetuation of the Earth. No. Do we use it's energy to survive? Yes. So we ACT like a parasite, but do not qualify because we view the Earth as in-animate.
Whats everybody's thoughts on area 51? Top secret military base apparently supposed to be housing aliens and or alien space crafts. Ive watched multiple documentaries on a ufo crash in Rosewell New Mexico back in the forties, The government tried to cover it up saying it was a weather balloon. There was A LOT of skepticism with what eye witness reported of the crash, stating things like a machine they have never seem, metal like no metal on earth, very odd symbols and were very convinced that it was some form of alien space craft. Area 51 has some extremely high security, they do not want you to know what goes on in there or even who works there. Everybody familiar with the movie Independence day? Will smith dragged the aliens to area 51. I thought the movie gave a good idea to what a lot of people think there is in area 51. What are your guys thoughts?

That's impossible. The technology required to navigate the universe would have to be so accurate, crashing after such a voyage would never happen.
No. Your definition of parasite literally encompasses every living thing.

How? Remember, we have permanently changed the Earth for the worse. The universes reaction to us is NEGATIVE! A lion eating a zebra doesn't ruin anything, but rather increases life. How does destroying land that will never grow plants compare to the Nitrogen cycle?
If the Earth were a 100 year old woman, we would be a 30 day RASH!

LISTEN, I'm not arguing current science. Stop trying to "School" me in Physics or Biology. I am VERY familiar with both. I'm just stating that we do not "Know" the universe, but rather we are JUST NOW starting to realize we don't know shit. Why is that so hard to accept or admit!?
How? Remember, we have permanently changed the Earth for the worse. The universes reaction to us is NEGATIVE! A lion eating a zebra doesn't ruin anything, but rather increases life. How does destroying land that will never grow plants compare to the Nitrogen cycle?

It's your opinion that the earth has been changed for the worse. The earth doesn't have any feelings, nor does it have an opinion. It can't speak and say "this is bad" or "this is good". You are projecting your own opinion of what's good or bad for the earth.

To me it sounds like you are saying humans are not natural and anything we do is automatically not natural. Killing another living organism for survival? Perfectly fine for a lion, but not for humans!