Monotub Pics

I always had good results with just gypsum. I read that lime doesn't go into a bulk sub only the casing to inhibit contamination. It also slows down mycelium growth so I leave it out. Ph shouldn't be an issue with the bulk sub if your using the coir/verm bulk sub recipe correctly. Coir and verm moistened to a little dryer than field capacity so when to grab a handful and squeeze till you fart you should only have barely a drop coming out. It colonized much quicker this way making it less suseptible to contamination in the incubation period. I threw away 110 mini monotubs because of contamination before I finally figured it out.
I always had good results with just gypsum. I read that lime doesn't go into a bulk sub only the casing to inhibit contamination. It also slows down mycelium growth so I leave it out. Ph shouldn't be an issue with the bulk sub if your using the coir/verm bulk sub recipe correctly. Coir and verm moistened to a little dryer than field capacity so when to grab a handful and squeeze till you fart you should only have barely a drop coming out. It colonized much quicker this way making it less suseptible to contamination in the incubation period. I threw away 110 mini monotubs because of contamination before I finally figured it out.

Wish me luck, spawning 4 large tubs tonight. will post pictures.
Wish me luck, spawning 4 large tubs tonight. will post pictures.
Good luck and the KISS that applies to marijuana applies to shrooms I found too. Just keep it simple and clean. I managed to get 21grams dry off that first flush, I'm dunking now for a few hours and then let's see what I can get off the second and third flush.
What substrate in the jars?
Hey Buddy new here just learning to navigate and see my restrictions In I read your posts on Tissue culture micro prop. of cannabis, YOU HAVE BALLS! and BRAINS! Would love to know what became of your TC work.
Hey Buddy new here just learning to navigate and see my restrictions In I read your posts on Tissue culture micro prop. of cannabis, YOU HAVE BALLS! and BRAINS! Would love to know what became of your TC work.

Someone stole my work here and published a little e book using pictures I posted. I kept a library for a bit bit I no longer have the samples I had so the project died. I recently found someone had matched my efforts using calous based methods with some success but they don't seem to have managed decent rooting.
coir verm gypsym, hand full of gypsum 60%coir 40% verm about 5 qt oats spawn to 8 qt sub

Yeah. I thought so. You are working too hard there. You aren't growing from the substrate but from the spawn. Why evem bother with 5 to 8 ratios. The amount of spawn you are using should be able to start like a quarter an acre of substrate surface.

I'm curious about an oat spawn. You do t find oats to get mushy?