Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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frank i make it a practice not to hate :D
i feel only compassion for frightened sweathogs who have nothing so they need potroast protection...
ps...heres a clue, the more you post here at this point after you've acheived this censorship and deletion of my posts (= the sweathogs 'potroast' protection act of 2013 :D) the more your weakness by all means keep on postin :D
No no no to Monsanto. We already have issues with people spraying too many pesticides on cannabis without Monsanto. The last thing we need is to make a plant that's resistant to showers of pesticides. You really want to smoke weed like that? You may as well go smoke a cigarette, its just as dirty as that monsanto weed will be. If anything we need to go back to old school breeding techniques that have a respect for the plant we all love to grow and smoke so much. If you support monsanto you may as well prepare to pay them royalties on all your favorite strains soon, cuz monsanto is gonna buy the genetics for them and charge you royalties for every plant you grow. I support science but there is more independent studies that gmo is bad than good.
No no no to Monsanto. We already have issues with people spraying too many pesticides on cannabis without Monsanto. The last thing we need is to make a plant that's resistant to showers of pesticides. You really want to smoke weed like that? You may add well go smoke a cigarette, its just as dirty as that monsanto weed will be. If anything we need to go back to old school breeding techniques that have a respect for the plant we all love to grow and smoke so much. If you support monsanto you may as well prepare to pay them royalties on all your favorite strains soon, cuz monsanto is gonna buy the genetics for them and charge you royalties for every plant you grow. I support science but there is more independent studies that gmo is bad than good.
You can't patent genetics that occur naturally in nature.
No no no to Monsanto. We already have issues with people spraying too many pesticides on cannabis without Monsanto. The last thing we need is to make a plant that's resistant to showers of pesticides. You really want to smoke weed like that? You may as well go smoke a cigarette, its just as dirty as that monsanto weed will be. If anything we need to go back to old school breeding techniques that have a respect for the plant we all love to grow and smoke so much. If you support monsanto you may as well prepare to pay them royalties on all your favorite strains soon, cuz monsanto is gonna buy the genetics for them and charge you royalties for every plant you grow. I support science but there is more independent studies that gmo is bad than good.

ohh so many things wrong with that statement.

1 ) there IS no monsanto GMO dope program.
2 ) there is no evidence of any GMO dope program ANYWHERE
3 ) pesticide spraying has only a tangential relation to GMO's
4 ) those GMO plants which are related to pesticides are intended to REDUCE the use of pesticides, not increase it.
5 ) "pesticide resistance" is not any part of any GMO crop. that would be Herbicide resistance.
6 ) gene patents can only be filed for NEW gene combinations, not existing cultivars.
7 ) you ALREADY pay for the seeds for your favorite cultivars, or do you think seed banks and seed breeders are charitable organizations?
8 ) any gardener who chooses to grow ANY GMO (or non-gmo) crop can save those seeds and replant them at his leisure for non-commercial use.
9 ) there are NO reliable (read as COMPETENT and not full of nonsense) studies showing GMO's are "bad"
10 ) there are MANY relaible studies, and real world examples of GMO crops which are GOOD, not just for us, but for the planet.
No no no to Monsanto. We already have issues with people spraying too many pesticides on cannabis without Monsanto. The last thing we need is to make a plant that's resistant to showers of pesticides. You really want to smoke weed like that? You may as well go smoke a cigarette, its just as dirty as that monsanto weed will be. If anything we need to go back to old school breeding techniques that have a respect for the plant we all love to grow and smoke so much. If you support monsanto you may as well prepare to pay them royalties on all your favorite strains soon, cuz monsanto is gonna buy the genetics for them and charge you royalties for every plant you grow. I support science but there is more independent studies that gmo is bad than good.

You can't patent genetics that occur naturally in nature.

they dont need to frank because they just take naturally existing genetic sequences and re-sequence them and adding a little of this or that like maybe built in pesticide production etc which then becomes patent-able and you know that...or should by now ;)

ohh so many things wrong with that statement.

1 ) there IS no monsanto GMO dope program.
2 ) there is no evidence of any GMO dope program ANYWHERE
3 ) pesticide spraying has only a tangential relation to GMO's
4 ) those GMO plants which are related to pesticides are intended to REDUCE the use of pesticides, not increase it.
5 ) "pesticide resistance" is not any part of any GMO crop. that would be Herbicide resistance.
6 ) gene patents can only be filed for NEW gene combinations, not existing cultivars.
7 ) you ALREADY pay for the seeds for your favorite cultivars, or do you think seed banks and seed breeders are charitable organizations?
8 ) any gardener who chooses to grow ANY GMO (or non-gmo) crop can save those seeds and replant them at his leisure for non-commercial use.
9 ) there are NO reliable (read as COMPETENT and not full of nonsense) studies showing GMO's are "bad"
10 ) there are MANY relaible studies, and real world examples of GMO crops which are GOOD, not just for us, but for the planet.

whats this then doc :D ;) (its a joke)
I don't want a company(Monsanto) that helped come up with Agent Orange...... anywhere near my marijuana or be the source of seeds for food production:finger:

You could still grow your own or buy non GMO cannabis...

What's the issue if WE want 4ft, 2lbs, 50% THC plants?

....that can soak up 1/2 the carbon on earth and has fiber finer than silk and stronger than spider strand. Who would not want high tech progress in Botany?

Oh, right. The ones that Devil Worship Monsanto. The ones that lie to the Developing Nations. The ones that get fat off fllm-flam lawsuits to screw farmers.

It is the ones that feel their Oragnix, hippy shit, counter culture is being ridden down ruthlessly for the lies they spread.

You could still grow your own or buy non GMO cannabis...

What's the issue if WE want 4ft, 2lbs, 50% THC plants?

frank as usual you are blind/deaf/dumb to the issue that there will be no legal non gmo varieties when monsanto et al is through...
your SHDT has shown nothing to the contrary...
in fact the only thing you've definitively proven to date is that frankntrouts are an endangered species and need protection from the site owner here :bigjoint:

frank as usual you are blind/deaf/dumb to the issue that there will be no legal non gmo varieties when monsanto et al is through...
your SHDT has shown nothing to the contrary...
in fact the only thing you've definitively proven to date is that frankntrouts are an endangered species and need protection from the site owner here :bigjoint:

Small minds attack the person and cannot grasp the idea of no event.
Why are you attacking the person? We have been very patient I think. But, you bring nothing but intentional irritation to spew back on a deep personal level, you simply make up based on an old TV show, you show your dark side.

So, I see lost and fact-less on the dark side, reduced to spew. Meaningless.
not attacking deer Doer, showing love by still being here at this point ;)

Why are you attacking the person? .

lol anyone who spends two minutes reading any posts by you or frankntrout etc must be really getting a chuckle at the never ending backwords Custer logic way the world comes in through your filters deer Doer :D
yall have already pissed your panties all the way to principle potroasts office in fear of my posts and gained the much needed protection and yet your still frightened and paranoid...come down deer Doer and get a grip:hug: your protected now...
not attacking deer Doer, showing love by still being here at this point ;)

lol anyone who spends two minutes reading any posts by you or frankntrout etc must be really getting a chuckle at the never ending backwords Custer logic way the world comes in through your filters deer Doer :D
yall have already pissed your panties all the way to principle potroasts office in fear of my posts and gained the much needed protection and yet your still frightened and paranoid...come down deer Doer and get a grip:hug: your protected now...
Ok then, post one piece of evidence that GMO's are dangerous from a journal of renown.

not attacking deer Doer, showing love by still being here at this point ;)

lol anyone who spends two minutes reading any posts by you or frankntrout etc must be really getting a chuckle at the never ending backwords Custer logic way the world comes in through your filters deer Doer :D
yall have already pissed your panties all the way to principle potroasts office in fear of my posts and gained the much needed protection and yet your still frightened and paranoid...come down deer Doer and get a grip:hug: your protected now...

You have me confused with someone else. I have never complained. I don't know what gave you that idea. Your posts are so harmless and content free you must be pretending I even care. I actually don't.

I haven't really been following it so I just asked why you feel the need to go so far off your non-science message, is all. You had a message at least, at the beginning and now you have been dragged so far down the road you point? Just personal spew.

IAC, I am far, far from any fear. I have seen the very gaze of death, more than once. It all happens NOW, and I am just cruising along the big flat highway of success.

SF Yacht Club, just smoked them, in the America's Cup. What fear? I'm invested.
You have me confused with someone else. I have never complained. I don't know what gave you that idea. Your posts are so harmless and content free you must be pretending I even care. I actually don't.

I haven't really been following it so I just asked why you feel the need to go so far off your non-science message, is all. You had a message at least, at the beginning and now you have been dragged so far down the road you point? Just personal spew.

IAC, I am far, far from any fear. I have seen the very gaze of death, more than once. It all happens NOW, and I am just cruising along the big flat highway of success.

SF Yacht Club, just smoked them, in the America's Cup. What fear? I'm invested.

Ok then, post one piece of evidence that GMO's are dangerous from a journal of renown.


frank in all seriousness your own common sense should give you ample caution in that respect...and part of that common sense thinking process should necessarily include the track record of industry in general from pharmaceuticals to fertilizers and so on the profits have always outweighed the risks of injury to others according to the bean counters...but with genetic engineering the risks are far greater to the general population than in your average business ventures...much more to be said though (and it already has been many times over the course of this thread)...
but with cannabis the dangers are even more present in that imo naturally occurring seed stock will still be illegal when the smoke clears on the up and coming new fed laws because monsanto et al has a shot at finally achieving total control over a crop species with cannabis in that unlike corn the naturally occurring varieties are already illegal...
cannabis would be like hitting the mother load of gmo crop potential in terms of profit and control etc...