Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Wow , still no coherent factual information from the peanut gallery, dont you get tired of dna and i smacking you back and forth like a wet tennis ball.

And you said I was being trolled, i post one lil thing and you infants go nuts.
Who is being played?

Please guys grow up, do your own research , form your own opinion , read for goodness sakes.


ohh my... you think you have provided evidence to support YOUR claims???

DNAprotection at least provides links, even if they dont get the job done, at least he TRIES.
you havent even been able to post ONE regulation, law, court ruling, or even a suggestion that supports your absurd claim the comfrey is illegal, and thats the BEST you have done so far...

NOTHING is your High Score!

and you think you're winning the argument by shouting "do your own research"...

"Do Your Own Research" is the mating call of an IDIOT who cannot back up his claims and instead prefers his opponents do it for him.

while this strategy may seem clever from your perspective, since those who disagree with your claims are almost always much better equipped to do any sort of research, because they are generally much smarter, better educated, more articulate, and read beyond a 3rd grade level, you forget the most important thing...

They are Smarter than You, and thus not dumb enough to do your job for you.
ok i will :D

You should quote me.
Remember when you said that GMO corn causes cancer?
That was funny.

but better you should quote me trout if your going to make such false accusations...everything i've ever seen you post is always that which you are accusing others of...its impossible to take you serious trout really (maybe thats why your going all spastic?)...and now your apparently stalking me around here at RIU, thats kinda nutty trout, but as the occasion calls for, does that make you a stalk(er) trout?
gov spawned, it figuresbongsmilie
ok i will :D

but better you should quote me trout if your going to make such false accusations...everything i've ever seen you post is always that which you are accusing others of...its impossible to take you serious trout really (maybe thats why your going all spastic?)...and now your apparently stalking me around here at RIU, thats kinda nutty trout, but as the occasion calls for, does that make you a stalk(er) trout?
gov spawned, it figuresbongsmilie
Except you did claim GMO corn causes cancer... Senility kicking in?
Analysis Identifies Shocking Problems with Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered Corn
[h=5]April 30, 2013 | 357,642 views

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By Dr. Mercola
I’ve warned you of the potential dangers of genetically engineered (GE) foods for many years now, pointing out that such crops might have wholly unforeseen consequences. In recent years, such suspicions have increasingly proven correct.
One of the latest pieces of evidence supporting the suspicion that GE crops are in no way, shape or form comparable to their natural counterparts is a nutritional analysis that shows just how different they really are.
Inherent differences are essentially implied by the fact that GE crop seeds can be patented in the first place. And in many ways, I believe Monsanto is slowly but surely inching its way toward patenting nature itself, in the same way others are fighting to maintain patent rights for human DNA.[SUP]1[/SUP]
These companies are trying to patent “life,” and they likely will unless they’re stopped by the courts. But it’s quite clear that humans cannot outsmart nature.
The latest nutritional analysis of GE corn couldn’t be more relevant as the recently passed Agricultural Appropriations Bill (HR933[SUP]2[/SUP]) included a hotly detested provision (Section 735) that places Monsanto above the law. As noted by the featured article:[SUP]3[/SUP]
“With the recent passing of the Monsanto Protection Act, there is no question that mega corporations like Monsanto are able to wield enough power to even surpass that of the United States government.
The new legislation provides Monsanto with a legal safeguard against federal courts striking down any pending review of dangerous genetically modified crops. It is ironic to see the passing of such a bill in the face of continuous releases of GMO dangers.”
At present, the only way to avoid GMOs is to ditch processed foods from your grocery list, and revert back to whole foods grown according to organic standards.
[h=2]Analysis Finds Monsanto’s GE Corn Nutritionally Inferior and High in Toxins[/h]
A report given to MomsAcrossAmerica[SUP]4[/SUP] by an employee of De Dell Seed Company (Canada's only non-GMO corn seed company) offers a stunning picture of the nutritional differences between genetically engineered (GE) and non-GE corn. Clearly, the former is NOT equivalent to the latter, which is the very premise by which genetically engineered crops were approved in the first place.
Here’s a small sampling of the nutritional differences found in this 2012 nutritional analysis:

  • Calcium: GMO corn = 14 ppm / Non-GMO corn = 6,130 ppm (437 times more)
  • Magnesium: GMO corn = 2 ppm / Non-GMO corn = 113 ppm (56 times more)
  • Manganese: GMO corn = 2 ppm / Non-GMO corn = 14 ppm (7 times more)
GMO corn was also found to contain 13 ppm of glyphosate, compared to zero in non-GMO corn. This is quite significant and well worth remembering.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “safe” level for glyphosate in American water supplies is 0.7 ppm. In Europe, the maximum allowable level in water is 0.2 ppm. Organ damage in animals has occurred at levels as low as 0.1 ppm... At 13 ppm, GMO corn contains more than 18 times the “safe” level of glyphosate set by the EPA.
This is truly disturbing when you consider the fact that in countries like Argentina, glyphosate is blamed for the dramatic increase in devastating birth defects as well as cancer. Sterility and miscarriages are also increasing. This may be due to its similarity to DDT, which is well-known to cause reproductive problems, among other things.
Another health hazard associated with glyphosate is its effect on gut bacteria. Not only does it promote the growth of more virulent pathogens, it also kills off beneficial bacteria that might keep such pathogens in check—both in the soil, and in the gut of animals or humans that ingest the contaminated crop.
It's important to understand that the glyphosate actually becomes systemic throughout the plant, so it cannot be washed off. It's inside the plant. And once you eat it, it ends up in your gut where it can wreak total havoc with your health, considering the fact that 80 percent of your immune system resides there and is dependent on a healthy ratio of good and bad bacteria.
An additional disturbing piece of information is that GMO corn contained extremely high levels of formaldehyde. According to Dr. Huber, at least one study found that 0.97 ppm of ingested formaldehyde was toxic to animals. GMO corn contains a staggering 200 times that amount! Perhaps it’s no wonder that animals, when given a choice, avoid genetically engineered feed.
[h=2]Next Up: Genetically Engineered Apples, Using New GE Technique[/h]
Besides so-called Roundup Ready crops, genetically engineered to resist otherwise lethal doses of glyphosate, there are other types of GE food crops. Another equally troublesome one is Bt crops, engineered in such a way as to contain a toxic protein within the plant itself. These were created by inserting a foreign gene into the plant in question.
Now we’re looking at yet another type of genetic engineering technology: RNA interference (RNAi), also known as post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS).
According to the Organic Consumers Association (OCA),[SUP]5[/SUP] apples modified using this technique are slated for approval by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) sometime this year. The apple will not require approval by the FDA, which is responsible for human food and animal feed. It only needs approval by the USDA, which is responsible for protecting agriculture from pests and plant diseases.
The new GMO Arctic® Apple does not turn brown when sliced or bitten into. For the cosmetic “advantage” of these genetically engineered apples, you get to be a test subject for yet another untested genetic modification technology. How’s that for a bargain?
According to OCA, non-organic apples are already among the most pesticide-laden foods sold. In the Pesticide Action Network’s analysis of the most recent USDA data, apples tested positive for 42 different pesticides, including two endocrine disrupting pesticides (organophosphate and pyrethroid). The additional risk of untested tinkering with the RNA is not a step in the right direction if we want safer, healthier foods. The OCA writes:[SUP]6[/SUP]
“nlike the case with GMO corn or salmon, scientists aren’t injecting pesticides or genes from foreign plants or animals into the genes of apples to create the Frankenapple. While most existing genetically engineered plants are designed to make new proteins, the Arctic Apple is engineered to produce a form of genetic information called double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). The new dsRNA alters the way genes are expressed. The result, in the Arctic Apple’s case, is a new double strand of RNA that genetically 'silences' the apple’s ability to produce polyphenol oxidase, an enzyme that causes the apple to turn brown when it’s exposed to oxygen.
Harmless? The biotech industry, OSF and some scientists say yes. But others, including Professor Jack Heinemann (University of Canterbury, New Zealand), Sarah Agapito-Tenfen (from Santa Catarina University in Brazil) and Judy Carman (Flinders University in South Australia), say that dsRNA manipulation is untested, and therefore inherently risky.
Recent research has shown that dsRNAs can transfer from plants to humans and other animals through food. The biotech industry has always claimed that genetically engineered DNA or RNA is destroyed by human digestion, eliminating the danger of these mutant organisms damaging human genes or human health. But many biotech scientists say otherwise. They point to evidence that the manipulated RNA finds its way into our digestive systems and bloodstreams, potentially damaging or silencing vital human genes.”
OCA also points out the indirect health consequences. The chemical compound used in the RNA manipulation process is one that also combats plant pests. So what might conceivably happen when you compromise the fruit’s ability to fend off insects? As noted by OCA, most likely, growers will have to start using more pesticides—on a fruit that’s already among the most heavily sprayed. In the end, all those pesticides end up in your body and, certainly, avoiding toxic exposures is important if you want to protect your health.
[h=2]Despite What You Are Told GE Crops Are NOT the 'Most Tested' Product in the World[/h]
It’s important to realize that genetically engineered (GE) foods have never been proven safe for human consumption over a lifetime, let alone over generations. Monsanto and its advocates claim genetically engineered crops are “the most-tested food product that the world has ever seen.” What they don’t tell you is that:

  1. Industry-funded research predictably affects the outcome of the trial. This has been verified by dozens of scientific reviews comparing funding with the findings of the study. When industry funds the research, it’s virtually guaranteed to be positive. Therefore, independent studies must be done to replicate and thus verify results
  2. The longest industry-funded animal feeding study was 90 days, which recent research has confirmed is FAR too short. In the world’s first independently funded lifetime feeding study, massive health problems set in during and after the 13th month, including organ damage and cancer
  3. Companies like Monsanto and Syngenta rarely if ever allow independent researchers access to their patented seeds, citing the legal protection these seeds have under patent laws. Hence, independent research is extremely difficult or nearly impossible to conduct. If these scientists get seeds from a farmer, they sue them into oblivion as one of their favorite tactics is to use the legal system to their advantage. Additionally, virtually all academic agricultural research is controlled by Monsanto as they are the primary supporters of these departments and none will risk losing their funding from them
  4. There is no safety monitoring. Meaning, once the GE item in question has been approved, not a single country on earth is actively monitoring and tracking reports of potential health effects
[h=2]Middle School Student’s Brilliant Experiment[/h]
Speaking of research; while there’s no research to support the long-term safety of GMOs, studies do show that organic foods are safer than their conventional counterparts in terms of toxic exposure, and likely far more nutritious as well.
Three years ago, middle school student Ria Chhabra created a science fair project to help settle a debate between her parents, revolving around whether or not organic foods have merit. Now 16 and a sophomore at Clark High School in Plano, Texas, Ria’s continued research into the effect of organic food on fruit flies has earned her top honors in a national science competition, and her work was recently published in the respected scientific journal, PloS One.[SUP]7[/SUP] As reported by the New York Times:[SUP]8[/SUP]
“The research, titled Organically Grown Food Provides Health Benefits to Drosophila Melanogaster, tracked the effects of organic and conventional diets on the health of fruit flies. By nearly every measure, including fertility, stress resistance and longevity, flies that fed on organic bananas and potatoes fared better than those who dined on conventionally raised produce.
While the results can’t be directly extrapolated to human health, the research nonetheless paves the way for additional studies on the relative health benefits of organic versus conventionally grown food...
The difference in outcomes among the flies fed different diets could be due to the effects of pesticide and fungicide residue from conventionally raised foods. Or it could be that the organic-fed flies thrived because of a higher level of nutrients in the organic produce. One intriguing idea raises the question of whether organically raised plants produce more natural compounds to ward off pests and fungi, and whether those compounds offer additional health benefits to flies, animals and humans who consume organic foods.”
While the scientific merit of organic food continues to be studied and debated among scientists and laypeople alike, the issue has been settled in the Chhabra household. According to Ria, all the fresh produce the family buys is now organic.
[h=2]Join Us in Your Right to Know by Getting GMOs Labeled![/h]
While California Prop. 37 failed to pass last November by a very narrow margin, the fight for GMO labeling is far from over. In the past few weeks, Connecticut and Maine have passed GMO-labeling bills, and 20 other states have pending legislation to label genetically engineered foods. So, now is the time to put the pedal to the metal and get labeling across the country—something 64 other countries already have.
I hope you will join us in this effort.
The field-of-play has now moved to the state of Washington, where the people's initiative 522, "The People's Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act," will require food sold in retail outlets to be labeled if it contains genetically engineered ingredients. Please help us win this key GMO labeling battle and continue to build momentum for GMO labeling in other states by making a donation to the Organic Consumers Association (OCA).
um... tried to edit ....comes up with nothing in the post... nothing there to edit

tried to use... reply with quote... comes up with try it

REPORT THAT :finger::)

Where is the study?
Why does that opinion piece cite a "study" that was proven to be a bunch of lies?
so in other words trout as always you've cum empty handed and your admitting to this fact:

You still haven't figured out the difference between your and you're.
It is weird, in that you can use the contraction "you've" properly, but your and you're still baffle you.

Do you want to post some more lies and poorly worded "insults"?

C'mon, the natural news must have some fresh propaganda posted.
um... tried to edit ....comes up with nothing in the post... nothing there to edit

tried to use... reply with quote... comes up with try it

REPORT THAT :finger::)

unclench homey.

your post looks like the sort of shit done by Spambots.

next time just get the relevant text and then add a link like so:

"The bottom line is that this study is about as bad as studies get. The editors of Food and Chemical Toxicology, the journal in which this pitiful excuse for a study was published, ought to be ashamed. As it was so aptly put:

But it could more simply mean the GM maize and the herbicide had no measured effect, and that is why the dose made no difference. “They show that old rats get tumours and die,” says Mark Tester of the University of Adelaide, Australia. “That is all that can be concluded.”
Indeed. That is about all one can say about the study. Certainly we can’t say whether the GMO maize increased the propensity for tumors. It’s also interesting how the authors included so many photos of the rats and their tumors, photos that quacks like Mike Adams and Joe Mercola eagerly post on their websites, but failed to include photos of the control rats."


and then add expository text below.

even if it's just a few choice phrases like:

"Dr" Mercola is a fraud, you might as well have published the findings of your Aromatherapist.
reprinting his bullshit does a disservice to every poor sod who might otherwise have gone through life and died in peace without ever subjecting their brains to the pointless and toxic nonsense of "Dr" mercola.

I am more of a "Doctor" than that putz.


see how that works?
Apparently the inerwebs did not run out of lies for DNAliar to spam us with.

hey now, that last one was actually Opinion , not Opinion Disguised As Fact, so it doesnt really count as a lie, or even an untruth.

perhaps it represents Personal Growth in selection of material, even though it does not represent a broadening of sources.
nice go'n frank...

uh you're joking right?
have you seen what the other 'members' post on that thread?
your message and actions here seem quite bi-est...
you have allowed spam after spam (real spam) from more idiots than i can count (though they all do count) and now your claiming to see spam in my posts...seriously...get a grip.
Lol keep it up spam bot

Perhaps we'll finally be rid of you
..........yes apparently potroast has taken pity on the sweathogs...i was even starting to feel bad for yall myself what with trout flopping around all spastic, though admittedly he is not sweathog grade it still pulls at the old heart strings...
funny how a potroast has to try to save you from yourselves ;)...
322 and counting :D