Well-Known Member
man, it was taking me a minute to dig a three footer too! but as i watched a few vids on outdoor growing, i noticed one consistency was all the "pros" were using pickaxes. so, i decided to try it. they got em at lowe's for like $22. but i found one at a flea mkt. for $5! mine isn't very wide at either end, and the ones at lowe's had one wide end and one pointy one. now that i've used mine i've figured out that it may make it easier to have one w/ a wide end, but mine gets the job done! it really makes it easier to dig deeper faster. then just scoop the soil out w/ shovel. so any way, now it takes me approx. 30-45 mins. (depending on smoke breakya drop ur photoperiod down to 18 then to 16 gradually before u move outside and harden off. thats wat im still workin on. loaded dragon helped me out with sum good advice in my trhead too. i like the barrel idea. kinda like a bunker for ur clone haha. mustve been a lot of work diggin that hole tho. or any tips for diggin? takin my gimp ass forever rite now to just dig 3ft down...

that is if u don't have access/location to use a backhoe lol. i know i don't, but some are more fortunate.