Well-Known Member
i hate trimming after i see what the first couple plants average in yield is all im interested in
I pull off all the fan leafs to see what the average is...then give it all to my son (18+) to trim

Trimming sucks
i hate trimming after i see what the first couple plants average in yield is all im interested in
Five words: Hell yesHas anyone else Found that growing is way more addicting than smoking could ever be? I find my self wishing I could start a new grow like every other week, If i had my way to be honest my house would be filled with tents and just clones everywhere
Has anyone else Found that growing is way more addicting than smoking could ever be?
Growing to me is FAR more addicting. Ive been doing this for YEARS and it never gets old. Ive grown every way you can.think of. Aero, dwc, rdwc, nft, drip, ebb and flo, coco, rockwool, recovery, non recovery, halides, sodiums, floros, indoor, outdoor, greenhouse...you name it. It never gets old. I read all the books. All the trade mags. Used to try every nute and supplement out there. New fans. Trimmers (yuck), warehouses, basements. Wow. Ive grown hundreds of strains. Taken thousands of cuttings. Trimmed ALOT of fukin buds. It never gets old for me. And iam still learning. What does get old is the "mine or way is best" crowd that dont know jack shit about humility or growing.