More Global Warming

Where have I said that we should simply shut down all fossil fuel burning mechanisms? The POINT is that there will be no breakthroughs. The point here is wisdom. Careful about that burden of proof, it might not get you where you want to go.

wisdom. because you are always right, you are always wise, and every one of your decisions is for "The Greater Good".

how did you get such power and wisdom?

by signing your voter registration form and checking the box marked Democrat.
wisdom. because you are always right, you are always wise, and every one of your decisions is for "The Greater Good".

how did you get such power and wisdom?

by signing your voter registration form and checking the box marked Democrat.

Been an independent for a long long time. Sorry. And I am usually right, the reason I am usually right is that I am open to being wrong, in fact I KNOW I will be wrong a part of the time - and that is a far cry from most of the righties here.
Been an independent for a long long time. Sorry. And I am usually right, the reason I am usually right is that I am open to being wrong, in fact I KNOW I will be wrong a part of the time - and that is a far cry from most of the righties here.

Everytime you ask government to violate the non aggression principle on your behalf you are wrong. That means you're wrong alot. Morality, it's what's for breakfast.
Getting 3-4 more inches of global warming later on this afternoon. I might take my Ford Excursion out later today, burn some fossil fuel just for the heck of it. My 11mpg monster hit a Prius the other day, it's still picking that toy out of its teeth.
Did anybody else hear something? It kinda sounded like a mouse fart. Must be my imagination.

everyone here should trust your opinion on global warming because really, when have you ever been the least bit wrong about something so simple ever before?
everyone here should trust your opinion on global warming because really, when have you ever been the least bit wrong about something so simple ever before?

There's that noise again. You don't hear it? It's an insignificant, little whine I think I keep hearing. Maybe it's the dishwasher running in the kitchen.
Everytime you ask government to violate the non aggression principle on your behalf you are wrong. That means you're wrong alot. Morality, it's what's for breakfast.

There is where you may have a point. I "ask" the government to afford me the same rights as everyone else - EVEN if some of the "every one else" don't like it that way. I demand that my government take from others as much as it takes from me, thuse I do violate your - YOUR non-agression principle. Which, Rob, is simply... a principle. It cannot stand up to the nature of man and I live in the world of men.
Getting 3-4 more inches of global warming later on this afternoon. I might take my Ford Excursion out later today, burn some fossil fuel just for the heck of it. My 11mpg monster hit a Prius the other day, it's still picking that toy out of its teeth.

81 degrees here today. I quit taking my rig out because your doing so raises the price of fuel so high that I cannot afford it. The commons. The concept stoped being foreign to about 300,000 who are still without reliable drinking water.
You in California? Problem is Cali never supplied its own water, ever....even before your support of MMGW.

Your state failed to provide you with precipitation.

YOUR water resides in YOUR well. If you don't have one, you don't have any water.

But you can't prove anything was stolen, only that your state suffers from water shortage....which it always has.

What do you mean? I think almost all of Californias water comes from within California,mainly from the Sierra Nevada snowpack. It melts throughout spring and summer and feeds the river systems which are dammed and pumped to the cities and agricultural areas.
What do you mean? I think almost all of Californias water comes from within California,mainly from the Sierra Nevada snowpack. It melts throughout spring and summer and feeds the river systems which are dammed and pumped to the cities and agricultural areas.

the so8uther areas of the central valley, the LA basin and the sandiego metroplex get a substantial amount of water from the colorado river diversion projects, but north of sal luis obispo, all water in california comes from california.

south of SLO, most water comes from california but they do import some.
There is where you may have a point. I "ask" the government to afford me the same rights as everyone else - EVEN if some of the "every one else" don't like it that way. I demand that my government take from others as much as it takes from me, thuse I do violate your - YOUR non-agression principle. Which, Rob, is simply... a principle. It cannot stand up to the nature of man and I live in the world of men.

You are supplying revenge as a moral argument.
Since when has fairness been associated with revenge? Where is the revenge in expecting that others be subject to the same requirements that I do?

You seem to wish "fairness" to be forced on others in the water situation.
We can unequivocally prove that you live where you do by your own choice.
You can not however, prove that others chose to be unfair to you by "stealing" "your" water.
Its a completely asinine stance of victimization of living in the world of nature and claiming its man-made links it to the world of men.

"I demand my government take as much from others as it takes from me" is a position of a victim....assuming anything was taken from you at all and not voluntarily contributed, by you at will.

I even hinted earlier that "water wars" is not a new phenomenon of MMGW.
Mayor of Detroit is blaming the recent snow for his city's demise, cries discrimination. Why? Because snow is white.

Makes sense to me.