More Global Warming

you're a closet don't have to own it to make the world a better place...just keep practicing it! That will do!

actually i suspect bucky is a closet Australian...

Back to global warming....

Her name might rhyme with PuncleSchmuk.

Back to global warming....

Her name might rhyme with PuncleSchmuk.


Some people deserve to be punched in the face. That bitch is one of them.
Back to global warming....

Her name might rhyme with PuncleSchmuk.


This is funny, but we will see more and more of it as time goes on. I recall that the right is all over Gore for using a private jet and keeping all the lights on in his mansion.

The truth is this. YOU don't have a "right" to own that big gas guzzling car", and SHE does not have a "right" to "breath clean air".

This dualing rights thing has to end and courtesy has to begin.

Some of you know I am a cigar smoker. I frequented a Mexican cantina that had a balcony, expressly for smokers. I went there with my family for a nice $25 dollar Padron. As I watched, I saw a large table being asembled next to us. A group of fine young ladies were seated by their military dates. IN a very few moments one of the upstanding, polite men came to me and said "I am a Marine, my name is ............" Would you be kind enough to put out that cigar, it is bothering our dates.

I said that I was grateful for all their services to our country but I respectfully declined to douse my cigar. I pointed to the sign that said "smoking permitted".

He went away. A few minutes later their commanding officer approached me and with more force in his voice (as he was accustomed to command), he said that I would put that cigar out, or leave, or he would summon the manager. I replied. I am not under your command, I respectfully decline your conditions. I said that my cigar will not servive being put out and my cigar was worth at least as much as his meal. He huffed and told me that he had earned his right to clean air and I said there is no more right to clean air as there is for me to fill it with perhaps the most expensive smoke he would ever get the chance to smell.

Then the manager came out. He bent to me and said "THank you for your patrionage, I insist that you do not put your cigar out and I will send you a round of drinks, I put this place where I did because I am a cigar smoker and wished to find peace in my own restraunt.

The marines refused to move but all, in unison it seemed, gave that sour face and waved their hands across their faces. Had the first man not pulled the "I am a marine" card, and the second not pulled the "I am a leader" card, I might have considered having someone go below and catch my cigar for me.

Had they been there first and requested I not LIGHT the cigar, I would have complied or removed myself to another spot. None of that was done because they thought they had a "right" to clean air. And it was only by grant of the Owner himself that I aquired the "right" to smoke my cigar where I did.

my daughter was livid that I stood my ground and would not speak to me for the duration of the day.

AS I finished, I got applause from the group - but what they didn't see - and I did, was a pair of elderly gentlemen waiting for our table, each with small baseball bat like vitolas, cutters and lighters at the ready.

Now who was right?
This is funny, but we will see more and more of it as time goes on. I recall that the right is all over Gore for using a private jet and keeping all the lights on in his mansion.

The truth is this. YOU don't have a "right" to own that big gas guzzling car", and SHE does not have a "right" to "breath clean air".

This dualing rights thing has to end and courtesy has to begin.

Some of you know I am a cigar smoker. I frequented a Mexican cantina that had a balcony, expressly for smokers. I went there with my family for a nice $25 dollar Padron. As I watched, I saw a large table being asembled next to us. A group of fine young ladies were seated by their military dates. IN a very few moments one of the upstanding, polite men came to me and said "I am a Marine, my name is ............" Would you be kind enough to put out that cigar, it is bothering our dates.

I said that I was grateful for all their services to our country but I respectfully declined to douse my cigar. I pointed to the sign that said "smoking permitted".

He went away. A few minutes later their commanding officer approached me and with more force in his voice (as he was accustomed to command), he said that I would put that cigar out, or leave, or he would summon the manager. I replied. I am not under your command, I respectfully decline your conditions. I said that my cigar will not servive being put out and my cigar was worth at least as much as his meal. He huffed and told me that he had earned his right to clean air and I said there is no more right to clean air as there is for me to fill it with perhaps the most expensive smoke he would ever get the chance to smell.

Then the manager came out. He bent to me and said "THank you for your patrionage, I insist that you do not put your cigar out and I will send you a round of drinks, I put this place where I did because I am a cigar smoker and wished to find peace in my own restraunt.

The marines refused to move but all, in unison it seemed, gave that sour face and waved their hands across their faces. Had the first man not pulled the "I am a marine" card, and the second not pulled the "I am a leader" card, I might have considered having someone go below and catch my cigar for me.

Had they been there first and requested I not LIGHT the cigar, I would have complied or removed myself to another spot. None of that was done because they thought they had a "right" to clean air. And it was only by grant of the Owner himself that I aquired the "right" to smoke my cigar where I did.

my daughter was livid that I stood my ground and would not speak to me for the duration of the day.

AS I finished, I got applause from the group - but what they didn't see - and I did, was a pair of elderly gentlemen waiting for our table, each with small baseball bat like vitolas, cutters and lighters at the ready.

Now who was right?

You were correct, in that the establishment was cigar friendly and second hand stogie smoke is no worse than that emanating from a grill cooking delectable pork BBQ.
Good show, fellow stogie smoker!!
I salute YOU, sir!
What has right and wrong have to do with anything? That is so self serving, to look at life that way, I think.

You could have been shot through the brains. Does that make you, right? Do you like being, dead right?

The truth is this. YOU don't have a "right" to own that big gas guzzling car", and SHE does not have a "right" to "breath clean air".

That is AntiCon, and it is somewhat offensive to someone who could be so. The difference is the Law, not the "rights." There are no natural Rights

Would you please re-read the pertinent Bills, especially the 9th Amendment.

You seem to have no idea what "rights" actually are. BTW, you have the risk to receive great bodily harm over absolutely nothing. Had that guy cut and opened you in your little confrontation, it is you left to hold the bag.

I thought you knew more about the real rules.It reminds me of my friends' story about taking his motorcycle over a high mountain pass, in the hail and snow in just a tee shit.

I think..."you brag about that?" Seems stupid.
This is funny, but we will see more and more of it as time goes on. I recall that the right is all over Gore for using a private jet and keeping all the lights on in his mansion.

The truth is this. YOU don't have a "right" to own that big gas guzzling car", and SHE does not have a "right" to "breath clean air".

This dualing rights thing has to end and courtesy has to begin.

Some of you know I am a cigar smoker. I frequented a Mexican cantina that had a balcony, expressly for smokers. I went there with my family for a nice $25 dollar Padron. As I watched, I saw a large table being asembled next to us. A group of fine young ladies were seated by their military dates. IN a very few moments one of the upstanding, polite men came to me and said "I am a Marine, my name is ............" Would you be kind enough to put out that cigar, it is bothering our dates.

I said that I was grateful for all their services to our country but I respectfully declined to douse my cigar. I pointed to the sign that said "smoking permitted".

He went away. A few minutes later their commanding officer approached me and with more force in his voice (as he was accustomed to command), he said that I would put that cigar out, or leave, or he would summon the manager. I replied. I am not under your command, I respectfully decline your conditions. I said that my cigar will not servive being put out and my cigar was worth at least as much as his meal. He huffed and told me that he had earned his right to clean air and I said there is no more right to clean air as there is for me to fill it with perhaps the most expensive smoke he would ever get the chance to smell.

Then the manager came out. He bent to me and said "THank you for your patrionage, I insist that you do not put your cigar out and I will send you a round of drinks, I put this place where I did because I am a cigar smoker and wished to find peace in my own restraunt.

The marines refused to move but all, in unison it seemed, gave that sour face and waved their hands across their faces. Had the first man not pulled the "I am a marine" card, and the second not pulled the "I am a leader" card, I might have considered having someone go below and catch my cigar for me.

Had they been there first and requested I not LIGHT the cigar, I would have complied or removed myself to another spot. None of that was done because they thought they had a "right" to clean air. And it was only by grant of the Owner himself that I aquired the "right" to smoke my cigar where I did.

my daughter was livid that I stood my ground and would not speak to me for the duration of the day.

AS I finished, I got applause from the group - but what they didn't see - and I did, was a pair of elderly gentlemen waiting for our table, each with small baseball bat like vitolas, cutters and lighters at the ready.

Now who was right?

Cool, I also smoke cigars....2-7 a day, depending on whether I have to work and the temps...cause I smoke outdoors at the behest of the other people in my life.

As far as your question...YOU were right.
I have no love for people that throw their weight around, especially military people...that shit aint right.
They have no more right than you.
You were in an establishment that permitted it, the laws supported it, you were absolutely n the right.

As far as the woman in the video....she was throwing her weight around just like the military folks did to you.
That guy does have a right to own and drive any vehicle he wants within the law just like she has the right to drive a prius.
She has a right to speak her mind but she did it obnoxiously that could probably get her ass beat or worse.

You are right that courtesy needs to prevail however it will never happen because people are too self centered and short sighted.

This video is an example of exactly that...
This is funny, but we will see more and more of it as time goes on. I recall that the right is all over Gore for using a private jet and keeping all the lights on in his mansion.

The truth is this. YOU don't have a "right" to own that big gas guzzling car", and SHE does not have a "right" to "breath clean air".

This dualing rights thing has to end and courtesy has to begin.

Some of you know I am a cigar smoker. I frequented a Mexican cantina that had a balcony, expressly for smokers. I went there with my family for a nice $25 dollar Padron. As I watched, I saw a large table being asembled next to us. A group of fine young ladies were seated by their military dates. IN a very few moments one of the upstanding, polite men came to me and said "I am a Marine, my name is ............" Would you be kind enough to put out that cigar, it is bothering our dates.

I said that I was grateful for all their services to our country but I respectfully declined to douse my cigar. I pointed to the sign that said "smoking permitted".

He went away. A few minutes later their commanding officer approached me and with more force in his voice (as he was accustomed to command), he said that I would put that cigar out, or leave, or he would summon the manager. I replied. I am not under your command, I respectfully decline your conditions. I said that my cigar will not servive being put out and my cigar was worth at least as much as his meal. He huffed and told me that he had earned his right to clean air and I said there is no more right to clean air as there is for me to fill it with perhaps the most expensive smoke he would ever get the chance to smell.

Then the manager came out. He bent to me and said "THank you for your patrionage, I insist that you do not put your cigar out and I will send you a round of drinks, I put this place where I did because I am a cigar smoker and wished to find peace in my own restraunt.

The marines refused to move but all, in unison it seemed, gave that sour face and waved their hands across their faces. Had the first man not pulled the "I am a marine" card, and the second not pulled the "I am a leader" card, I might have considered having someone go below and catch my cigar for me.

Had they been there first and requested I not LIGHT the cigar, I would have complied or removed myself to another spot. None of that was done because they thought they had a "right" to clean air. And it was only by grant of the Owner himself that I aquired the "right" to smoke my cigar where I did.

my daughter was livid that I stood my ground and would not speak to me for the duration of the day.

AS I finished, I got applause from the group - but what they didn't see - and I did, was a pair of elderly gentlemen waiting for our table, each with small baseball bat like vitolas, cutters and lighters at the ready.

Now who was right?

see thats a tough one.

here in the US smokers have no right to smoke if anyone objects, or even if somebody feels like objecting, or if sombody thinks somebody 3 blocks away might object.

i make it a point to NOT smoke my pipe in a place where others can object, cuz i dont wanna have to answer questions from the cops (there may be some residue issue...), and in calif, the cops DO get called on people smoking tobacco by those who fallaciously claim to be "Allergic" or "Chemically Sensitive" or have some other Special Snowflake self-diagnosed bullshit victim status.

if that was my cantina, i would make it clear that the balcony is for evil smokers and sinister smoker sympathizers, and the Quislings should keep their asses indoors.

conversely, the Sacred Bro Code clearly dictates that if you are cockblocking, it is your duty to cease your activity and support a Bro in his Game.

you failed to uphold the Bro Code, and as a result one or more of those Bro's might not have gotten laid that night.

can you live with that kind of guilt?
conversely, the Sacred Bro Code clearly dictates that if you are cockblocking, it is your duty to cease your activity and support a Bro in his Game.

you failed to uphold the Bro Code, and as a result one or more of those Bro's might not have gotten laid that night.

can you live with that kind of guilt?

Good point. could have actually helped the lads.
See, the ladies might have been so impressed with the display of concern for the comfort and health that the guys prolly got some dickslobber on the drive home.

Just another angle.
see thats a tough one.

here in the US smokers have no right to smoke if anyone objects, or even if somebody feels like objecting, or if sombody thinks somebody 3 blocks away might object.

i make it a point to NOT smoke my pipe in a place where others can object, cuz i dont wanna have to answer questions from the cops (there may be some residue issue...), and in calif, the cops DO get called on people smoking tobacco by those who fallaciously claim to be "Allergic" or "Chemically Sensitive" or have some other Special Snowflake self-diagnosed bullshit victim status.

if that was my cantina, i would make it clear that the balcony is for evil smokers and sinister smoker sympathizers, and the Quislings should keep their asses indoors.

conversely, the Sacred Bro Code clearly dictates that if you are cockblocking, it is your duty to cease your activity and support a Bro in his Game.

you failed to uphold the Bro Code, and as a result one or more of those Bro's might not have gotten laid that night.

can you live with that kind of guilt?

i bet the pipe goes well with the fedora.
Shoveled a couple more metric tons of global warming today. Twenty minutes later, another 2" of global warming had already accumulated, with no end in sight. Later today, the global warming is coming down as an ice/sleet storm that should be snapping power lines all over the state. If all this global warming persists, I may have to invest in a global warming blower.
Shoveled a couple more metric tons of global warming today. Twenty minutes later, another 2" of global warming had already accumulated, with no end in sight. Later today, the global warming is coming down as an ice/sleet storm that should be snapping power lines all over the state. If all this global warming persists, I may have to invest in a global warming blower.

Gee, that's funny. We got NO snow this year, the trees started blooming the second week in January, and and its about 79 degrees today when it should not be more than 50.

Of course that's just a fluke, like last year when the winter was about a month long, and the year before that when they had to cancel the iris festival (or one of those flowers) because they had come and gone before the festival started. Oh, they have been moving it backward each year since.

But - it must all be about your snow right NuyLoco? If it snows there, why there can't REALLY be any global warming.
I hear temps have risen almost one degree Fahrenheit in the last 100 years. Scary, I can see why that would cause all sorts of crazy weather this year.