Well-Known Member
I didn't see your question.
I don't have any kids, I took the responsible choice, instead of raising them poorly.
I didnt accuse you of molesting your daughter, though the level of defensiveness you are exhibiting might make one wonder, not me, but other people observing.
I still apologize for you thinking I said you were a bad parent overall. That was not my intent.
so you don't have any children yet you tell me that I may have been a bad parent by not having my child exposed to death, especially the death of a human being. I responded by explaining that my daughter was not only exposed to the deaths of both of her grandparents but is able on a gun range. Now, for someone with out children to make any references to child rearing in the specific is rather repugnant to any parent. All parents have regrets as to how they raised their children but much planning, patience, and care went into my raising of a biracial child who was doomed from day one to have problems because of that alone. She needed to be steeled against racism in a way few others require.
I was not defensive but angry, i seldom get angry on these threads as you may see on my posts, I seldom even say "fuck you" to anyone ever. now imagine. Someone you raised, you love, you care for and you were charged with for 18 years calls you up and says that there are people shooting each other 30 or 40 feet away and you, acustomed to "fixing" things are powerless to do anything but tell her to keep her head down, and hope. I could not even call back for fear that it was possible that the sound of my call might arouse the notice of the shooter. This was not the case here, but it very well could have been.
there are two responsible choices with regards to children, one may be yours, the other is to HAVE them and raise them to the best of your ability, contributing to society a well adjusted and productive adult, at least in part because of your own thoughtfullness.
What you did was to find a way to justify a shooting by claiming that I must not have raised my child right and she should not have been affected by the trauma, even though adults are taumatized often by the death, the violent deaths of others.
It was an off the cuff statement on your part and I understand that but it was one of the few that I am loath to excuse out of hand. Even now, "bad parent overall" tends to lessen your appology. My question remains, how would you have mentaly armed your child to endure the experience of extrerme violence in close proximity?