More jobs thanks POTUS

More Jobs MY ASS, More Pollution,Higher Gas Prices, a head of Lettuce will cost $10.00,
I would ask wtf was wrong with what was happening, everyone forgets what 2008 brought? Businesses laying people off, over $4.00 a gallon of gas, no jobs, and now we will be headed back in that direction. with a War more than likely to start under Trump so he can Really Become the Dictator he wants to be.
Furthermore, with Obama, More people back to work in Construction, Our Highways where getting repaved, Bridges all Replaced, (around here) Low fuel cost. Been around long enough to see the change, it was mostly good.(not all)
Where do you people that like Trump come up with this bullshit, with all these alternate facts, that just are not true. Obama might not have done the most he could of, but he did a bunch compared to what our economy was prior to Obama. To have the Republican saying they will Oppose everything the Obama administration tried to do just like holy shit, imagine how good we would be doing if they didn't boycott everything he tried to do.
Drain the Swamp, Trump heard that on Oak Island, and thought wow that sounds good, lets say that at the next campaign, lol Jk but I don't doubt it.
The average minimum wage for all private and public sector collective bargaining agreements is approximately DKK 110 ($20) per hour, exclusive of pension benefits. The Danish "minimum wage" of $20 or $21 is actually an average of all minimum wages across a variety of sectors.

First thing that popped up from google.

View attachment 3901504

That was easy!

If we didn't have to pay for illegal immigrants who come over and still our jobs, and our money for healthcare maybe we could raise the minimum wage higher.
If we didn't have to pay for illegal immigrants who come over and still our jobs, and our money for healthcare maybe we could raise the minimum wage higher.

there is so much wrong with this.

first of all, you are unfit to harvest crops or clean hotel rooms or do construction, or any of the other most common jobs that immigrants do. so they can't be stealing your job.

second, the $12 billion dollars that illegal immigrants pay into social security every year is what you rely on to exist, you racist, pussified welfare mooch.

third, you are the stroked out leech getting free healthcare, not illegal immigrants.

the fact that you had the gall to even have this thought, much less type it out for other people to read, would be almost unfathomable if not for the fact that trumptards are so openly and mind-numbingly retarded hypocrites.

thank those immigrants for your free government money and free government healthcare you fucking sponge.
More Jobs MY ASS, More Pollution,Higher Gas Prices, a head of Lettuce will cost $10.00,
I would ask wtf was wrong with what was happening, everyone forgets what 2008 brought? Businesses laying people off, over $4.00 a gallon of gas, no jobs, and now we will be headed back in that direction. with a War more than likely to start under Trump so he can Really Become the Dictator he wants to be.
Furthermore, with Obama, More people back to work in Construction, Our Highways where getting repaved, Bridges all Replaced, (around here) Low fuel cost. Been around long enough to see the change, it was mostly good.(not all)
Where do you people that like Trump come up with this bullshit, with all these alternate facts, that just are not true. Obama might not have done the most he could of, but he did a bunch compared to what our economy was prior to Obama. To have the Republican saying they will Oppose everything the Obama administration tried to do just like holy shit, imagine how good we would be doing if they didn't boycott everything he tried to do.
Drain the Swamp, Trump heard that on Oak Island, and thought wow that sounds good, lets say that at the next campaign, lol Jk but I don't doubt it.
Obama this and Obama that sorry dude hes gone
Hey you boneheaded cock smoking, racist dipshit, ass licker. Maybe if we got rid of the illegals and raise the minimum wage, younger people do those jobs. Those are starter jobs you know like McDonald's, as such. Around here there are people who shovel snow in the winter and mow lawns in the summer. There's usually one or two people who supervise them but the main workers are on summer vacation or right out of school. You don't have worry about workers because every year people grow up and hopefully find better jobs then it starts again. Say Americans will not do these jobs I think that's bullshit. If you have the right pay people would do the work.
Who am I racist against?