Green Giant factory bonehead
Now, now...don't get your niblets all bunched up.Why would I lie about just meaningless bullshit with people like yourselves
You suuurrreeeee were.
See I told you you don't know shit about me. I worked at a Green Giant factory for corn. There were about 80% of us were not Mexicans. And I'm sure we made the company some money. Since it is still there.
"Sucked ass", eh? Couldn't you just have said it wasn't for you or something?I worked there for about one month. It sucked ass so I came home.
I worked there for about one month. It sucked ass so I came home.
No I said it sucked ass. It was lousy pitiful jobin other words, you couldn't cut it, unlike our immigrant workers.
you preferred your welfare check and free health care instead.
"Cock muncher"? Fascinating.You think I'm going to please you bullshit, fuck off cock muncher
No I said it sucked ass. It was lousy pitiful job
Who the fuck do you think you are, Freud"Cock muncher"? Fascinating.
Who the fuck do you think you are, Freud
You don't have to be Freud to see what's going on here.Who the fuck do you think you are, Freud
Actually I found a better job for two times the pay. But of course you wouldn't know about a real jobyou couldn't hack it.
you decided sitting at home and collecting a free government check every month was easier, so you did that.
What that all the cronies are ganging upon me and I hold them at bay with my wit and intellectYou don't have to be Freud to see what's going on here.
"Gaining upon me"? WTF?What that all the cronies are gaining upon me and I hold them at bay with my wit and intellect