Hi mr "observe and report" LOL,
Well I don't know where to begin, Great build with nice and precise indications. Don't say you are not handy because this is one of the cleanest setup I saw.

I will do pretty much the same wardrobe than you, and while I was planing everything and wondering some stuff about watercooling I decided to post
Abiqua send me on your thread. When I discovered it I became mad ^^. This is the perfect guide
Please let me ask some questions and criticism:
Bravo! Can't wait for the report
Velcro, Genius. Hopefully they stay cool enough so that the Velcro adhesive doesn't fail. Some staples might help it stay put though.
Velcro is the shit, I didn't think of it but now, it makes sense... Does the glue melt or does it work perfectly ? That was just a GENIUS IDEA!
I wouldn't have choose the parallel venting, because the air from flowering is perfect for vegetative phase: hot and humid air...
Why don't you put the watercooling-heatsink in the very front of your the exhaust directly ? a PC fan just add noise and is less powerful than your exhaust.
I am sure you are already aware but there are cations and anions exchange when the water passes through the system. You choose Aluminum joints but copper waterblocks and your heatsink might be copper protected another metal (in general it is the case). I think with time the water will "eat" your metallic part so you should put a bit of additives or car's cooling liquid.
I have an eheim pump too, the best according to me (also loving aquarium

), but I think your one is better, as it's ceramic one. You said it is 4' high but how much L/hour ?
I think you could improve the efficiency by firstly making the loop passing through the reservoir before cooling done the veg area (when the reservoir is still cool at least) and secondly puting your veg area above the flowering room. So that the height between them is only 2' instead of 5'. Then your pump could be pushing on less height so more water should flow and the led would be cooler. Btw what is the temperature of the water ? and the one of the cob junction ?
Last question: You have no reflector nor lenses on your cob and they are more than 3' above the young plant, does it stretch a lot ? do you think you have enough light from this height ?
I apologize for all this questions and remarks, but I think you are the closest to my set up and maybe what I said will help you improving the cab

I am sure it will grow some big bud anyway
