New Member
lying about a blow job vs. lying to start a war....gee which is going to actually affect this country? Apples and oranges. They both lied and yes Clintopn lied under oath he deserved to get punished for lying. If you don't think Bush should be impeached give a reason....
So what's to stop another president from starting a personal war if nothing happens as a consequence? Why should we let politicians walk all over us are we that pathetic? Dude I don't know how you feel but basically some terrorists f*cked with us in our own neighborhood, and we were pissed as hell and I felt we were actually all united in that moment, we were all brothers and sisters that day, we all hurt, we all where sad and angry...a united front, a family. Our leader turned around and took advantage of the situation by starting a war to profit the oil industry (his friends). What have we done to pay back those cowards that actually committed this atrocity in our own backyard. NOTHING!!! I don't know about you guys but I want my children to grow up in a safer world....
Bush made us look pathetic to the rest of the world...he took advantage of each and every citizen of this country. He is responsible for every life lost in this so called "war". He told congress to back off yesterday, he basically told this country that what we want doesn't matter. He's OC....outta control...a bull in a china shop
1. This isn't Bush's "personal war." How many members of Congress voted in favor of the war .... do you know?
2. Thousands upon thousands of Islamofascists have been killed in Iraq, including many of their leaders. Saddam supported terrorists and maintained terrorist training camps. Saddam was pulled out of a Gopher hole, tried and hung. His two murderous sons have been killed by our military. Osama is hiding in a hole in Pakistan somewhere. And in case you need reminding ... there has not been a single major terrorist attack on our country since 9-11. Do you just suppose that's because the terrorists don't want to attack us anymore?
3. Damn right Bush told Congress to back off. He's the Commander in Chief, not Nancy Pelosi. Read the Constitution for reference. The last time I read the document, it said something about "seperation of powers." I don't believe that's changed any, has it?