More tax cuts?

Show me how Presidents control gas prices ?

It may take a little bit of extrapolation, which some people may have difficulty with, but here's a quick list...

1) U.S. dollar / Federal reserve scam

2) alliance between military industrial complex and US foreign policy in the middle east IE "U.S. empire"

3) Use / uphold / enforce regulation to ensure other modes of transportation (which aren't so dependent on gasoline) remain in place

4) Start wars with anyone trying to get away from the petro dollar



This is what happens to people who question the status quo....any questions?
It may take a little bit of extrapolation, which some people may have difficulty with, but here's a quick list...

1) U.S. dollar / Federal reserve scam

2) alliance between military industrial complex and US foreign policy in the middle east IE "U.S. empire"

3) Use / uphold / enforce regulation to ensure other modes of transportation (which aren't so dependent on gasoline) remain in place

4) Start wars with anyone trying to get away from the petro dollar



This is what happens to people who question the status quo....any questions?

That's ironic, because HAHAHAHA is what Killary did when she found out the hit she put on Ghaddafi was accomplished.

Ever wonder why the "bad countries" are always the ones that don't want to be stuck trading in U.S. dollars?

No, you probably haven't.

So, for a bonus, bonus ….here's some more intense irony....

Oh sure man. You came here lying and have lied nonstop.

liars lie

Nobody should listen to a liar.

Explain please with evidence how "single household, multi-generational wealth, or motivation" account for the fact black and Hispanic people on average earn 30% less than white people who are working at the same job. I want to see how you lie yourself into this conclusion.

What's that about lying?

"“When black consumers see how much power they have, it will change the way African Americans look at themselves, and see how much [of a] power they have become economically. They have the power to drive the products and services that come into their lives and come into their communities,” says McCaskill."

So whites are only racist to American blacks?



Like I said before your 30% claim was full of shit. It's not for the same job.

"His claim runs into problems on several levels. First, he garbled the statistic, comparing all black workers to only white men. He also referred to unadjusted earnings data, which does not account for differences between workers’ experience and backgrounds that explain some of the wage gap."

"or racial differences in skills or worker characteristics that are unobserved or unmeasured in the data."
You do realize she is gone, right?
It seems your side has trouble accepting it ?

Hillary is a lesser part of the real problem. She was a well paid useful idiot for the real power. They can always find another megalomaniac to do their bidding.

Also, I'm not on "either side". I don't drink Miller Lite politics. (less filling!! vs tastes great!! )
Hillary is a lesser part of the real problem. She was a well paid useful idiot for the real power. They can always find another megalomaniac to do their bidding.

Also, I'm not on "either side". I don't drink Miller Lite politics. (less filling!! vs tastes great!! )
Maybe not but you sure seem to lean one way , from my observations
Dilly Dilly? LOL
Hillary is a lesser part of the real problem. She was a well paid useful idiot for the real power. They can always find another megalomaniac to do their bidding.

Also, I'm not on "either side". I don't drink Miller Lite politics. (less filling!! vs tastes great!! )
You’re clearly a trump cocksucker
What's that about lying?

"“When black consumers see how much power they have, it will change the way African Americans look at themselves, and see how much [of a] power they have become economically. They have the power to drive the products and services that come into their lives and come into their communities,” says McCaskill."

So whites are only racist to American blacks?



Like I said before your 30% claim was full of shit. It's not for the same job.

"His claim runs into problems on several levels. First, he garbled the statistic, comparing all black workers to only white men. He also referred to unadjusted earnings data, which does not account for differences between workers’ experience and backgrounds that explain some of the wage gap."

"or racial differences in skills or worker characteristics that are unobserved or unmeasured in the data."
Exactly right.

Education is underfunded in black communities. Your study about immigrants fits the narrative of institutional racism that grossly underfunds education setting up black children to fail perfectly.

Regarding the rest, what about these numbers don't you understand?

Among college graduates, black workers earned 78 percent of what their white counterparts earned.

· Among those with less than a high school diploma, black workers earned 89 percent of what their white counterparts earned.

· Black workers in management, professional and related occupations earned 80 percent of what white workers did.

· Black workers in natural resources, construction and maintenance occupations earned 93 percent of what white workers did.

· Black men earned 76 percent of what white men did overall.

· Black women earned 84 percent of what white women did overall.

Without digging any deeper than the links you provided, the case is proven that white privilege exists. Your problem is that you are denying the truth and your attempts at cherry picking data to prove a falsehood is easily shown to be just that.
Why haven’t you condemned his internment camps?

If you think about it, "national borders" are kind of like an internment camp, since you need permission to go from one to another.

Hey! WAIT a minute...

This isn't gonna turn into one of those things where you flounder around for awhile calling me a racist etc. and then I mention FDR's shameful internments camps and then you go cry, is it?
If you think about it, "national borders" are kind of like an internment camp, since you need permission to go from one to another.

Hey! WAIT a minute...

This isn't gonna turn into one of those things where you flounder around for awhile calling me a racist etc. and then I mention FDR's shameful internments camps and then you go cry, is it?
See, you love trump and internment camps

Your only complaint is about fdr


You’re a fucking neo nazi
Poppycock, Poopy Pants!

Nope, it’s evidentiary

Neo nazis hate fdr and Lincoln

They don’t actually hate internment camps though

Every time you cried crocodile tears about fdr’s internment camps was a load of shit since you refuse to condemn trumps internment camps

You are an obvious fucking neo nazi