More tax cuts?


Well-Known Member

The article says that this will add another 1.5 trillion to our deficit in 10 short years!

This is not how the bills get paid! We're never going to get out of debt, never.

Another gem in the article,
"Also, workers would be able to tap their retirement savings accounts without tax penalty to cover expenses from the birth of a child or an adoption"

Look, if you have to borrow money to have a kid, that means you can't afford a kid and shouldn't have one. Not fair to a child to be born and raised on borrowed money

One thing I'm very conservative about is money, sorry guys I'm a tightwad, but I'm not in debt because I don't live beyond my means. I make sacrifice and pay my bills
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China forecloses, while Russia strips the plumbing for scrap and law enforcement creates another Baltimore or Detroit all over the country

Oh but wait, that's good for "The" Real Estate Developers.
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Don't worry Buddha will pray away the problem like Pat Robertson and hurricanes. Did budha miss high school civics?

Taxes should be calculated by taking the basic expenses for living are subtracted. Then those who make more than that and can actually save are taxed at a progressive logarithmic scale. Those who make money by means of hedging should have that income taxed at a even higher rate progressive logarithmic scale. Those who actually contribute to humanity(like arts, public health research, etc) their income get taxed on a regressive logarithmic scale.

Churches and all forms of religion get zero tax breaks and can't file as non-profit.

You can't donate to charities just to get tax breaks.

Those are just some things which should be done rather than a blanket tax rise which the elite, both as individuals and corporations, can do accounting tricks not to pay the tax anyway.

The article says that this will add another 1.5 trillion to our deficit in 10 short years!

This is not how the bills get paid! We're never going to get out of debt, never.

Another gem in the article,
"Also, workers would be able to tap their retirement savings accounts without tax penalty to cover expenses from the birth of a child or an adoption"

Look, if you have to borrow money to have a kid, that means you can't afford a kid and shouldn't have one. Not fair to a child to be born and raised on borrowed money

One thing I'm very conservative about is money, sorry guys I'm a tightwad, but I'm not in debt because I don't live beyond my means. I make sacrifice and pay my bills

When other people (people that aren't in congress) borrow money and say that you are now in debt, most people would probably question that ridiculous circumstance.

Yet when congress "borrows" money and says you are part of a "national debt", what makes that any different ?

In both cases other people make the choices and then claim you are now obligated to pay a debt you never agreed to.
Taxes should be calculated by taking the basic expenses for living are subtracted. Then those who make more than that and can actually save are taxed at a progressive logarithmic scale. Those who make money by means of hedging should have that income taxed at a even higher rate progressive logarithmic scale. Those who actually contribute to humanity(like arts, public health research, etc) their income get taxed on a regressive logarithmic scale.

Churches and all forms of religion get zero tax breaks and can't file as non-profit.

You can't donate to charities just to get tax breaks.

Those are just some things which should be done rather than a blanket tax rise which the elite, both as individuals and corporations, can do accounting tricks not to pay the tax anyway.

Except...taxation is just a euphemism for theft.
How is the idea of fiat currency in and of itself that a worthless piece of paper is actually worth anything not theft? How did becoming a confederate millionaire turn out?

That's an interesting question, but it doesn't refute the idea that taxation is theft. Taxation would be theft regardless of the currency used, since it is an involuntary transfer of wealth / property from the rightful owners to a set of coercive parasites.

Fiat currency (especially the "U.S. dollar" ) is theft in the sense that it gives the creator a kind of value from nothing and when introduced as "money" it lessens the value of the already released dollars via inflation.

I am a trillionaire in now defunct Zimbabwe currency. Some day that may be the status of the US dollar too.

Funny what you guys mean is wanting to be like Robin Hood. You're all just thieves who don't like the word theft and call it "tax."


What Socialists (uurmph Progressives) don't know/understand is:

Taxes on ordinary income are not legislated, they are VOLUNTARY! Why neither party has made this a primary issue should tell anyone a lot about who both parties are loyal to, and it ain't us.

You want socialism, expect to pay ever higher taxes. If you expect large corporations to fund it, expect higher prices as they pass the tax through to the consumer, cause they sure as hell ain't paying it
Funny what you guys mean is wanting to be like Robin Hood. You're all just thieves who don't like the word theft and call it "tax."

I believe you are confused. You are the thieves, the criminals, the scum who suck rich dick to keep masses poor and hopeless. Your party is spending the future just to stay in power. Look at all the repub reps jumping ship to into private enterprise now that they get the tax cut they've been dreaming about. Oh, BTW, buy stocks now, while they're profitable. The crash will be here just in time. Fucking idiots