Mormons....the religious punchline of faiths.

The only thing that gets me is how do ppl really believe the Joseph Smith story? Like why not just be a regular christian?

Lol how do people really believe the virgin birth son of God story? All Religious texts are fictional, and hilarious :dunce:
any religion that isn't paleolithic is nothing more than a cheap knock down imitation of another flavor... the western world is a big joke, so stupid, not a single original idea, even "jesus" everyones seen mel gibsons snuff film about it right? i didnt, im not into gay porn. his story ripped off from KRSNA's story and watered down. satanists? lmao lmao, the Aghoris in Varanasi would eat them for dinner and make kapalas from their skulls. everyone is a varying degree of Hindu, all is one, and anything else (other than indigenous belief systems) is a fucking joke, remnants of a time when religion was a part of government, because there weren't terrorists or drug wars to scare everyone into obeying and sitting complacently ignoring whats going on and doing like they're told. this entire thread is just a HUGE example of the tediousness of the west. go watch your jersey shore and eat your saturated fat you disgusting gelatinous masses.
I don't know, I've been trying to get weed here in Utah for 3 years (I only visit during the summers) and have NEVER had any luck. A bunch of possibles but nothing has ever materialized. They are good people...TOO GOOD:)

To contrast it, I was able to walk into a clinic in Venice CA, get my MMJ Rec and 10 minutes later was blazing....I really hate Utah at times:)
Nobody ever said Mormons werent good people.. its more of the fact that adult people can be so gullible and absolutely clueless.
i made the decision a while back to be baptised an anglican and as i was learning about the faith leading up to the baptism the more i learned the more i new i couldnt be a part of this farce. religion is a joke. honestly what a load of shit. maybe the jews are the only ones doing it right i dont know?

pull your head out of your arses people. you can be a nice person and treat other people with respect without some false idol in the sky telling you to do so.