Most J's Smoked in a Day?


Well-Known Member
I've smoked that in 1 sitting between friends. If all 5 or 6 of us roll one at the same time. I can't even tell ya for sure, probably 20.:eyesmoke:

Bob Marley Chiefs

New Member
well, i went through a pack of zig zags in one day, a couple times not counting all in between blunts...mostly for concerts and vacations and such


Well-Known Member
Probably about 15 2 gram joints. I used to do nothing but wake up in the morning, roll a joint, get in my car, pick up my sidekick, and we'd cruise through town all day till it was time to go to work.
We both worked at the same job, I delivered the pizzas, and he made them. When he went on break he would sneak out to my car and we'd smoke a joint or two before we got back.

Ah..... That was when I first moved out, had crazy play money, and just didn't give a fuck.


Active Member
I dont believe in excessive smoking so I would say 3 or 4 in a day... I usually smoke 1 joint once in a blue moon since I like using bongs and glass pipes.