Most lucrative drug's to produce from home (upkeep vs product value)

as soon as you start making a substancial amount of money from dealing anything, your cards are marked and you will end up in jail
I get the mentality. I find a grand here and there, is overlooked though. A sum of 10k/20k + a year, Maybe not. I think as long as you are not making more, illegally than you are legally, and you sock most of that shit away, you "SHOULD" be ok. The government does not like money moving without taxation hence, the drug war. It was never to "save" people from "dangerous drugs, and gangs"... They just dont like people stomping on there market without making bank from it. No different than any other cartel, because the government of all countries, Is not only a drug cartel, but overall general cartel. They tax you for living, tax you for dying, tax you for taking a shit.
IDK what prisons you went to, but to get gang raped you need to be quite a piece of shit, or fuck someone over badly inside, or be a total pussy. Even if push comes to shove, in the most violent prisons in the united states, there are homosexual inmates giving it up for free, and if its that big of a problem? Join a gang... If your that bad into it, that's your life anyways... I think many of you guys are being misinformed. Were not talking San Quentin or Folsom here.

I don't do Jail, learned a long time ago to take care of my Atty.I have done a 22 day run for a little charge in Louisiana.When you go to jail there you will never want to go to jail again.I turned myself in on the 4th of july weekend like a dumbass and endured some 130 degree Day's.I just reread your post and remembered why I responded, It takes a warped individual to prefer jail over work.You did say having a boss was worse than the joint right?I rest My Case and if you take that as offensive ...I think ya might check into the free psychiatric care they give ya inside.Nuff Said.
i heard someone say you could make a boot leg type of meth by spraying wasp killer onto a car battery terminal. im not sure if its true or not and im not going to try it but there is alot of money to make with meth, you just have to deal with fucked up people. he said use the yellow cap wasp killer, you dont want to use the red or black cap.
This is a myth for the most part. I have heard it too. But supposedly you use a metal window screen with jumper cables hooked up to it. Sounds like a great way to blow yourself up... also heard of bromine tablets in brake fluid.... fucking meth heads
you arent the first one to think of this, havent you ever been on shroomery? the penalties for getting caught doing this are very harsh to you honestly have 1 shot or you are done forever, might as well just traffic meth instead youd make 50 times more