Most Memorable Place You've Toked


the most memorable place i have smoked is on a roof with my cousin we climbed up there and didnt think about gettin down till we were stoned no one got hurt tho it was one of those you had to be there moments


Went on a cruise to the Bahamas recently, on the ride back I got to talking with a bunch of people on the rear deck of the ship. Eventually once we figured out that we were all cool with it, we all started passing around bowls, joints, an apple pipe (lol) and drinking beer till the early morning. Was lots of fun :)


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Staff member
Went on a cruise to the Bahamas recently, on the ride back I got to talking with a bunch of people on the rear deck of the ship. Eventually once we figured out that we were all cool with it, we all started passing around bowls, joints, an apple pipe (lol) and drinking beer till the early morning. Was lots of fun :)
Cool story, sounds like a hoot - and hey, welcome aboard RIU.


Well-Known Member
Went on a cruise to the Bahamas recently, on the ride back I got to talking with a bunch of people on the rear deck of the ship. Eventually once we figured out that we were all cool with it, we all started passing around bowls, joints, an apple pipe (lol) and drinking beer till the early morning. Was lots of fun :)
ive been wanting to do this for over a year now. a sick ass cruise through the east bahamas witha balcony room and lots of prerolled blunts. ahh, can't wait til i get to fulfill this fantasy.


Well-Known Member
On the top or Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Never been in the mountains and the view way astonishing! The medical bud i got there was outta this world

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
before terror I burned a hit in the lav on commercial aircraft---when a lighter was no biggee or a i hitter glass tube in the smoke pack. Just hit it and hold forever till no smoke and flush and exhale! Vawoosh 35000 feet exhale.
bah... too stoned to remember.:lol:

on the roof of my friend's house just shortly after I smoked for the first time... my friend starts telling us how he can touch the sky if he climbed the tree next to the roof, and if he could get to it then he would be able eat the clouds. A short while later he is on the ground in the front yard with a twisted ankle. I laughed for 30 minutes straight.


Active Member
Japan - I went there with a group of friends and one day we were like fuck - where's the weed at? - so we went to shinjuku for some clubbing and figured, where there's clubs, there's drugs! We went everywhere lol using our crap japanese asking for weed - weedo, weedo? One of us actually managed to track some down n it was some goooood shit! epic


My uncle owns a farm up in the Barington tops ( Australia) me n my cousin hiked a mountain for a couple hours and sat on the near edge of a cliff, best view of the valley down below. The best part was that their was no wind to interfere with the lighting of the bong. gota love high memories! :weed:


In a tree in my neighbors yard. We were sh!t faced and stoned. We climbed the tree and smoked up there, they were awake I think, I just remember we got it on cell phone video.


Active Member
I do roofing for a living. Ive smoked on top of 1000+ buildings residental/commercial in my surrounding area. I think the best was one of the local universities sorority houses.:blsmoke:


My memorable place I have toked at was on my mom's boat in Fox Lake in Illinois, hitting a two foot roor :)

Or in my friends car hitting a joint one car behind a state trooper on the highway


by far my best was with some of the best family a guy could have in Iraq with a few BlackHawks flying over head or driving any of our Vehicles on base. i think my goal will to be smoke on every continent for sure! bucket list number 1!


live in fl. was doing some work in st augustine on this catherdral that was 150 yrs old was working in the bell tower i had to climb sum ladders that were like 150 yrs old haha...scared the piss out of me climbing up them..but my co worker left to go get sum lunch so it was me and this older guy up there i had a jay of some dank asked him if he burned he said yeah we sparked it up and watched tourist video taping laughing while we were tokin out....he also told me alot about the place so good learning experience too