Most Memorable Place You've Toked


Active Member
I would have to say my most memoriable time o toked up was in my first car, well it actually was a truck.
Me and a friend rolled up a fatty blunt to the fullest, it must of been at least two grams, and hotboxed. It was great!


Well-Known Member
i would have to say it was in the penthouse suite of this badass condo on the beach...

it was like the world was my ashtray... ;-)



On the roof of a local middle school.

I ended up getting arrested for it though so it lost some cool points.


in an igloo we found in a snowy field....near the end of the joint someone lost their balance and stood up, causing the igloo to collapse. we were all covered in snow yelling 'where's the joint??' :)


Active Member
dude the scenery from seattle to boise is very nice.
man i miss boise. and seattle. one bad thing though is that boise weed was mostly from california,
which is good but seatle weed is more pro i think, as well as more exotic strains.


mine would have to be this secluded ass beach in the city where only a few people knew of and anything went.
but then some bastards made it a public beach.


Well-Known Member
id have to say the most memorable place ive smoked was this cool ass mountain, me and all my friends were fishing and we found this cool ass cave that we had to jump this little gap to get to, we went in and there was this cool ass quart and shit in it, so we smoked in there that was pretty cool, but i mean i use to go everywhere and smoke, me and my friends were like the fucking adventure smokers lol


Active Member
out near this old ghost town past tombstone front of this old 1890's style building where all was left was the door frame/front and the rest collapsed in on was so desolate, the most I'd ever seen. Noone for miles out in t he middle of mountains and hills and shit...felt so much closer to god out there...then we got in the car and drove right up to a drug checkpoint(10 minutes after smoking) about fear...but thank god I'm hear to talk about it and that dog must've had a bad ass cold :)


Well-Known Member
back home this river/waterfall is called Gozalandia

there's a cave behind this waterfall only about 6-7people fit inside.... you have to take the weed in a ziplock bag for it not to get soaked, you have to go underwater..... it's insane... :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
nice waterfall^^.. i smoked some OG KUSH with my father in law and my wife and just talked for hours outside, that was kool...


in a walk-in fridge inside a domino's pizza!!! lmao it was so BA because they have 3 huge fans in a line on the top of the walk-in ceiling, that sucks the air up and out of the walk-in. so i used a pipe to smoke and when i exhaled it would suck the smoke right out of my mouth! lol it was pretty sweet especially cause the air from the exhale would also produce some steam from the cold air hitting it so the clouds looked huge. Right before they got sucked right into the fan! ha


Summer 06 in the woods, pitch dark tokin can't see shit!!!! Deer comes up right beside me and the gal I was with SCARY SHIT!!! But will never forget it.
The night of High School graduation before we go on stage, in the teachers lounge, drinking a beer and puffing on a joint. That was right after they warned us not to come in drunk or stoned.


Well-Known Member
Best place I've smoked was the top view look-out at Algonquin Park. It was the highest look-out in the park in the middle of a 6h hike. There were 7 of looking out at valleys of rivers and endless forest just smoking a phat spilf of some of the best skunk I have ever smoked. Felt like I was ontop of the world. Plus, during the walk down, we were so baked that we didn't notice we almost walked into a moose. We stopped about 10ft infront, the big bastard almost charged us until my buddy's huskey started barking and chased him away... What a trip, HAHAHA back in the days.


Well-Known Member
Most memorable. Sitting on the carribean side of costa rica in Puerto Viejo Limon. Watching monkeys throw coconuts at tourists. Smoking some weed that looked like some bush. I got a half oz for 7 dollars american. Thought it was total bunk. I regreted smoking that whole blunt to my face. It was amazing.