Most stoned you've ever been?

was about 4 years ago. Keep in mind I'd already been smoking for almost a decade. I go out to cali and this girl had some shit already rolled up from her friend. I really don't think there was anything bad inside it but to this day I wish I knew why I reacted the way I did. I'm a daily toker and have been around the block, but I took like 4 hits off this blunt and next thing I know I am curled up on this girls bed concentrating on not dying. I was shaking like I was cold too. But I wasn't cold at all. I was having quick flashes of extreme panic attack waves and this shit lasted hours! Holy hell that was a crazy night.
I never felt as good as how I do right now
Except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day
When I felt the way that I do right now.
After moving to a new state for a job and knowing no one put me in a 3 mo. detox on a visit back home a friend tells me he scored a pricey $300/oz connect and would I be interested?
After 3 mo. I was.
Went to the introductory meeting and of course sampled 2 hits of what was to be had and bought an oz.

I was tasked w/ driving for the evening and have never really had any issue w/ driving stoned except being slow and overly careful but this time I'd be tootling down the road and all the sudden I'd freak a little bit to the tune of, "Where am I? Why am I driving? Where are we driving to? What road is this?" on roads I've literally driven 1000's of times over the last deacde.
I'd have to think real hard for about 15 sec. and it would all come back to me and I'd relax and start listening to tunes in the car while driving.
Then 3 minutes later lather, rinse, repeat the exact same scenario.

A few days later I told my friend who was w/ me about these episodes and how the only thing remotely close to that had been getting stoned after 4 mo. detox following a motorcycle accident recovery and how that had just made everything look like a postcard instead of the "train of thought derail" this stuff brought on and he said, "Glad you didn't act like that. I couldn't tell and neither could the cop that stopped us!".

Cop? What cop?

Yes, that stoned, although the stuff never got me as high again and after 8 mo. and only having that 1 strain available it started giving me sinus headaches so that's when I took a vacation w/ the intent that the next time I smoked it would be DIY w/ a bit more variety.

I do still have the _1_ bean found in all those pricey bags bought. Hmmmmmmmmmm...........
Back in 1998, new years eve, I wasn't a smoker but I had smoked before a few times and I had to work this NYE. A buddy offered to smoke his northern lights with me and another dude, in his car while the clock strikes midnight. It's pouring rain and we run to his car, he packs a bowl and we pass it around. Well, after a few puffs I say that i'm good and he laughs and says if your in the car you have to hit it so I kept going. Now were off work and we go to Dennys for food (me and my buddy who supplied the NL). We are waiting for a table and my buddy says he has to go get buddy number 2 from work cuz hes off and doesnt want to walk in the rain ( dennys is directly across the street). WHen he left to get him I freaked out and thought he was gone for like an hour and that they played a trick on me so I call a cab, i'm so pissed off right now. I go outside been waiting on the cab for a few minutes I hate that everyone is glaring at me, they totally know that I am STONED. Well before the cab gets there my buddys pull up like nothings going on. They swear they were less than 5 minutes, he just went across the street and got him and came back. LOLThe ride home I remember the skies were deep red, my buddy didn't see it of course, but I did and I will always remember that.
Hahha, well. I do have to say, you guys do have some quite interesting stories. I wish I had something a bit more exciting to share but to be honest I don't remember most of the times I was stoned which I suppose to some would be quite nice.
i miss feeling like my legs were 10 ft long and the floor was like a trampoline, my first few years smoking was cartel shit weed but we would smoke a 1/4 or 1/2 between 3-4 people over a few hours
I had given up the weed for a time, second wife was against it and it wasn't worth the hassle dealing with her. Obviously we divorced! I moved to Co. and had ne sources:cry:. Then one of the guys I worked with brought the subject. Hell yeah I smoke, just don't know where to score I told him. He told me to come over to his house, his nephew was a grower and was selling some. So I went. There were 6 of us there sitting in a circle sampling this growers wares. This grower was incredible, his product was over the top! After multiple bowls of White Widow(my favorite by the way) and some Mike Tyson, Blueberry, and who knows what else, we did our business. Did I mention each bowl was topped with kief? Anyway after the business went down everybody left except me. I was sitting in a chair next to my friend whose house it was when I realized he was talking to me. I could hear what he was asking me but I couldn't get my mouth to work so I could answer him. Talk about messed up.
Awesome! that sounds like my first time ever high, thanks for the flashback.
I haven't greened out yet. But, I was that unco from this killer baggie. I just about drank my bong water instead of the bottle of lemon liquer next to it...
old fart story, first time I smoked spicy bright gold Columbian way back when and just lost my way on a road I had driven hundred's of times. remember like it was yesterday not 40 years ago
Colombian Gold....ah remember it well. I had 300 seeds back in 1977 and planted them in an old barn yard. The got about one foot tall and the hired hand came and I stood watching while he bush hogged them all. He was smiling. I swore to God that I would never grow again....:blsmoke:
Many years ago, while attending Univ of Fla, I was privileged to sit in a circle of people. They lite up some dope from a Tie stick flown in from Viet Nam. After the first hit we were all talking. After the second hit we all were talking separate conversations. After the third hit I crawled off to my bed and slept till the next morning.
was about 4 years ago. Keep in mind I'd already been smoking for almost a decade. I go out to cali and this girl had some shit already rolled up from her friend. I really don't think there was anything bad inside it but to this day I wish I knew why I reacted the way I did. I'm a daily toker and have been around the block, but I took like 4 hits off this blunt and next thing I know I am curled up on this girls bed concentrating on not dying. I was shaking like I was cold too. But I wasn't cold at all. I was having quick flashes of extreme panic attack waves and this shit lasted hours! Holy hell that was a crazy night.
Always gotta ask if the laces are tied on that before smoking any pre rolls.
Passed out from the spins in my car at taco bell after smoking a fat blunt of supersilver haze from santa cruz in 07.
Im 46 this year, I have been smoking since I was 16ish, full time lets say since I was 18. I dont really have any stories because it really was my life. Smoked in the morning before work (im a roofer) smoked at work.. you get the picture. Well 30 years of this and I decided I needed a change and I stopped for a couple years. Then Colorado passed their medical. My dad had a bright idea, Ill flip the bill if you want to start growing for me, and it was on.

Now while Im researching and buying gear dad has another bright idea and that's to eat "each" a 300 Mill a gram brownie. My wife and I were going to go to the movies and watch the new wizard of oz and eat the freakin brownie (thank God we got into a fight and didn't go!) the next day I ate half and she ate a corner. and that my friends is the most Freaked up Ive been on weed, 11 hrs of up and down up and down, no more edibles for me.

My wife looked like a pink floyd video, here eyes .. one was looking left the other right, she couldn't talk and that made me more tripped out, So I called my daughter and asked her to come by as see if we needed to call the ambulance, I will not eat that stuff again.
eat "each" a 300 Mill a gram brownie.
Edibles are no joke. Those are things that make people jump out windows... Not burned in 2 years. Corner of the brownie at best, wait a while see if you can hang or end up face down in a plate of eggs at ihop. :wink: Had a friend wake up 2 days later in a cow pasture 50 miles outside the city on those fruity pebble squares.